General Discussion

General Discussionattitude difference at 3800 and 3400

attitude difference at 3800 and 3400 in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    I used to be one of the naysayers saying there's toxic players everywhere and all the posts about how 4k players are so awful were being dramatic but I'm starting to believe the hype.

    My solo rating is 3400. Game are what you'd expect, some dumb players quite often, but it's pretty rare to get the mid or feed players, the absolute assholes and people are often friendly and excited to play support. I have no problems going carrys or mids in my solo queues, people are usually agreeable and will make other correct picks for the team.

    My party rating is 3600, it peaked around ~3800 but I've been losing tons of party matches lately. I queue with my brother who ranges from 4k-4200 so we end up in very high, average is high 3s. The players in those games lately have been complete dicks. Literally the only thing anyone wants to play is carry, we get two people fighting over mid every single game and no one works together (it doesn't help my brother likes to pick void every single game but I'm working on that). Take this last game for example.

    We get a jugger mid so the guy who wanted to mid had to pick shadow shaman support and he sucked at it, then with a natures pick tide is thinking offlane, but natures demands offlane over jungle and they end up duo'ing the lane. NP started cussing everyone out from 10 seconds in, then he went dagon with brown boots and proceeded to teleport solo to enemy towers for pickoffs and fed the shit out of slark. Whole game spamming well played every time he died like we're supposed to suicide with him. Shadow shaman gets pissed that I miss mek on him a few times and starts flaming, jug builds orchid and shadowblade and we just can't do shit. Tide builds crimson guard and whole team erupts into flames. I don't know if I agree with guard on tide or not but the amount of flaming was retarded.

    Anyway, the synopsis is just a measly 400 rating higher than my solo queue people are complete assholes, only pick carrys and feed when they don't get their way even though their builds are stupid. They might be better players mechanically, able to last hit and react a little better but their attitudes suck and there's no teamwork.

    Does anyone else notice this? It makes me want to stay around 3k.


      Didnt even read what you typed but 400 points is 16 games won in a row which you can do in one day.


        High 3k is when people start to think they're good and always right. Unfortunately the higher you go, the more prevalent this is.


          Actually I started at high 3k so I'm not sure if it's not the case, so take my blanket statement for what it is.


            3k is same shit as 4k,but in 4k actually people are willing to support more often and the trilanes and offlane exist, 3k=5 carry ez katka, dual lanes, sometimes afk woods.

            Dire Wolf

              Really sir? +16 wins in one day is like 20 hours of dota. I actually have a real life outside of video games. Besides this is not about how to rank up 400 pts, it's about my huge difference in experiences between the attitudes of players in the low 3ks vs the high 3ks. It doesn't seem like a big mmr gap but so many more assholes near the top in my experience and I don't get why.


                high 3ks are basically one eyed monkeys while the lower 3ks are blind monkeys

                high 3ks think they're hot shit cos they're nearing 4k but they're only better than low 3ks, that is all

                kanye went to uni

                  my friend who went from 3.7k to 4.2k said there was actually less flaming as he climbed; the worst for me was when our party average was at ~3.6k i think

                  kanye went to uni

                    it depends if they're solo or party though, 2/3 parties can be real jerks at any mmr i think


                      lol no it isnt, the higher you go, the better people are at the game - and people who are better at the game actually know what they're doing

                      so they always think they're right, and then you end up with everyone fucking captaining each other, telling each other what to do while ignoring what's going on with their own hero.

                      kanye went to uni

                        well, that's what happened with my friend as he climbed. he said people still get angry but over legitimate reasons, and still try to win the game. lower down i think theres just more dumb shit being flogged and people persist in keeping grudges more.

                        Dread Pirate Cat

                          I think if you ranked arrogance as a graph you would notice two large plateus -- the first is when your MMR/experience is just past the point where you know nothing. You know something but think you know everything. Then it falls when you realize how little you know -- but then it plateus again when you see yourself queue in 'Very High Skilled' matchmaking, you're obviously Dendi now and if everyone would just listen to your wisdom we could all escape from the trench! #RoadToTI5

                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!