General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to train support?

How to train support? in General Discussion

    I'm quite speechless, too many fucktards to actually support in 5k bracket, I could play cores and win but I wanna practice support for an upcoming lan.
    How do I do that without scrimming? Scrims start in december


      "too many fucktards to actually support in 5k bracket"
      ELO heaven problems ahuehuexaxa


        For every 2 sets of wards u may die once

        Linda | DotaExchange

          Venge, es, sky, alche, try with them.

          Learn ward position, pulls, ganking, knowing when to move from lane, and mostly learn position.


            i know all that shit since i played competitive already but its hard to play with braindead cores :/
            i usually get ~ 3 kills in first 8 minutes aswell leaving my safelane alone which proceeds to die alot

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              supporting bad players = better practice :D

              THICC BABY SHUM

                gett better at supporting man


                  ok maybe i should abandon normal skill bracket games, pls teach me

                  THICC BABY SHUM

                    ... had to go stacked with friends no reason to be rude


                      ok sorry

                      THICC BABY SHUM

                        spam ranked games and play support is prob ur best shot


                          Pretty much what WiT.HiN_T said, if you can support bad players that's pretty impressive.

                          Miku Plays

                            Try Ogre

                            > buy courier, tango, soulring recipe, 2x branch, 1x clarity
                            > go safelane with carry
                            > make sure you go Q>W>W>Q>W>R build. this ensures that you can easily zone out offlaners
                            > your main core items are : Tranqs, ForceStaff and SoulRing. rest of your gold goes to wards everytime
                            > Situational items : Pipe and Ghost sceptre
                            > luxury items : Aghs, Scythe and Ethereal.


                              ^ Everything you just wrote is common sense


                                I really have to play more Ogre, you make it sound so easy!


                                  Pick supports that you would see picked in a competitive game. The thing with supports in the high 4k's to 5k's is that they either force people to do to much too early, and then get mad when they die or people want to play along, or they do too little and just wind up always looking for experience or farm around the map and will go to ward alone etc. Here are some practical tips on how you can support in your bracket.

                                  1. You don't need to ward the world, place enough wards during the laning stage to secure runes, and be able to see incoming ganks, very often 6 minutes in I see 4 wards on the map. You don't need that many that early on as no one will utilize them and if you wait on placing them you get the most out of the wards you placed at the start and it helps you stockpile wards so you can have more available mid game when you want to be ganking junglers, or lanes.

                                  2. Do everything with your team, beyond about 10 minutes do not attempt to ward alone. Don't go anywhere alone where you risk feeding or not being near the players that need you. Always be around the more active heroes making sure you have things at the ready should you or they feel the need to do so e.g. sentries, dust, smoke etc.

                                  3. Position well in fights, don't walk forward or chase, stay with the group in fights. Wandering off will either get you or someone else killed, if a kill gets away then tough titties. Remember how fragile you are, and how much your carry will need your disables, and stuns. If you charge into a fight and die first this weakens your teamfight tremendously, and will usually result in upset amongst your team where you feel they left you to die, and the team is exasperated cause you dove in without waiting or positioning well.

                                  4. Have a teleport always ready, 8/10 games they WILL gank your mid and having that early teleport will ensure you can keep your mid alive and even turn early fights into kills. Keep in mind when your mid see's you're actively protecting them, guarding runes etc. they will be more inclined if you ask them to gank, or help in a fight or roam.

                                  5. Secure your carries farm while making sure the offlane gets none. Make no mistake there is no reason under the sun that the offlane should get any farm, there is no excuse for an offlane getting equal farm to a lane with a support or 2 in it. Here's how it works....

                                  Dual lane - Secure farm, zone out the offlaner, potentially kill depending on heroes.
                                  Tri lane - Secure farm, zone out, killing the offlane is a must regardless of heroes, no kill = failed trilane.

                                  6. Communicate what you're doing at all times, and make sure your team is on board with it. If they're not then you do whatever it is you're doing at your own risk and your team is not to blame. If you end up dead or something bad happens it's on you, and you maybe all indignant like a little shit and be like "we should have totally gone rosh" but if the team is not prepared or someone feels that then isn't the time then don't do it.

                                  7. Pick the right supports for the right scenario, know what is a defensive support, what is offensive, what wins lanes, what harasses best, what farms actively, what counters what etc. The support is massively important in the early stages of the game so picking the right one is imperative to winning the early game, and securing late.

                                  I could go on for a long time about this and there is still a lot that supports should do or practices that people can take on, but a lot of these come in time and you need to learn these as you go along but if you would like me to watch a game with you over skype or twitch I can do that for you.

                                  This patch is all about supports, they run this game and the majority of players who are supports primarily are having a lot of solo queue success if they do it right.


                                    With supporting watch a few pro games and pay attention to the game times: When they rotate to cover runes, when they attempt ganks, when they start carrying tps, with supporting efficiency is the name of the game. You have so little to work with so you need to make sure every rotation/tp/ward/item is optimal or you will fall behind. Paying attention to when they move around or how active they choose to be was a big help. Also how they prioritize objectives. knowing when not to help... tping to try to save someone who is dead already etc when you could be getting closer to that lvl 6 or boots etc..

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