General Discussion


Flat is Justice!

    What perked your interest into dota/moba?
    There are a ton of other games out there, how did dota win your attention?

    Could it be:
    Friends? Advertisement? Money? Personal challenge? Grills?

    Question is for those with 1 year dota experience or less


      Friends got me into dota 2 it's my first moba game and I used to be a fps gamer


        what do you mean by girls?
        you play dota because girls play it or because you want to get girls by playing dota lol

        Miku Plays

          I was bored and remembered that my friends used to play DoTa1, i was searching the internet for it and then i stumbled upon dota2 and played it. overall, i was just looking for a game to play.

          Mac_Lilypad [NL]

            a first played minecraft. one of the guys i played minecraft with was always playing dota when i checked his steam. went to check if it was such a good game, it was.


              my friends were playing dota and talking about it, shit i couldn't understand. so i tried it.
              and btw, i think in china if u play dota grills are all over you or some shit like that. lmao



                you'd get plenty of girls in china, or so i've heard, i ain't getting no girls >.>


                  i guess our girls have bigger standards)

                  Unity Chan

                    i was still playing dota 1 where a lot ppl still play in the garena i found dota 2 by accident tbh i cant remember how i get to know dota 2 but im pretty sure i found it by accident but as time grows things change the gameplay of players etc changed by heaps and i still like the old times

                    Flat is Justice!

                      well, dota in china is real money. Like starcraft in korea

                      an average popular streamer earns more than a medical degree holder, according to chinese friends


                        pros stream sometimes and they get 300k viewers ;_;

                        EE streams almost everyday and gets ~3k viewers


                          i do it for the grills


                            got really bored of tf2 and friend insisted i try out the game, I did, now im hooked


                              Well, i used to play lineage 2 , and my CP friends used to be played dota 2 sometimes, so i migrated from Lineage 2 to Dota 2 :P


                                I used to only play fps games and hated games like this but I got very very bored. My friends were playing Dota 2 all the time so I gave it another try.


                                  y it could be,

                                  I have no friends, money, personal challenges or grill so I started playing Dota

                                  playinginursockdrawer mm soc

                                    I got scammed into buying an old beta key.


                                      I downloaded steam (i had just got a new computer), looked at most popular games, saw dota 2. I thought 'looks cool, it's free so why not' and go hooked.

                                      Krazy Kat

                                        PC Gamer article that said it's the smartest Moba.


                                          About a year ago I decided to give Dota 2 a try despite all the warnings about how I will suck and how Dota has a learning cliff. So I started by playing some bot matches and reading some guides and afterwards I've discovered the in game build and item guides.
                                          It was a friend at work that told me about Dota and that it was free to play. At that point I thought that it will be another pay to win game, but then I understood that this was not the case with Dota.
                                          Before Dota I have had given LoL a try but I never came to like it that much.
                                          Now after 1 year of Dota I still kinda suck, but I'm trying to learn and get better. Thing is with a full time job and a <1 year old kid is hard to be very devoted to Dota but I can still play casually.

                                          Kamado Kun

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