General Discussion

General Discussioninterstellar

interstellar in General Discussion
Linda | DotaExchange

    Anyone watch it? Your thoughts?

    I think, Nolan outdid himself with this movie, simply awesome.

    Also, no spoilers for rest of mankind ( get it? Get it? No? )


      no i didn't watch it. is it worth it?
      probably gonna watch it just coz i like the main guy (no homo)

      Linda | DotaExchange

        Yea, i'll definately recomend you to watch. I watched last night premiere, and damn, was awesome.

        Altought , as every Nolan movie, it might be hard to get it at first sight, but you gonna love it.

        Mr. Crowley

          Yes, I did get a chance to watch it today.
          Absolutely amazing film, Though I am not much of a science geek, I kinda understood the concept behind the movie.
          I came home, did some plot research and got to know about the movie.

          Matthew's performance is stunning and I think it is what piloted the movie to it's greatness.
          For those who are willing to watch it, Definitely watch it, It's worth your money.


            Produced & written by Cristopher Nolan.
            Music by Hans Zimmer.
            Credited cast includes: Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway ... Matt Damon, Michael Caine

            It's bound to be epic and I wanna watch it ASAP TOO BAD IM IN A RUSSIAN SPEAKING CouNTRY AXAXA but I guess it doesn't matter so much in this movie; it's not like you have to dub Morgan Freeman kappa


              I don't like the trailer though, maybe I've just watched too many saving-humanity types of movies recently

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              Linda | DotaExchange

                Well trailer was kinda no-no, but as you said actors+ zimmer was such amazing performance. Altough movie is absolutely scfi, w/o even going to be able to travel like that, it is such amazing, for a complete mystery.

                Altought 3D would be smashing


                  yeah but are the actors 6k mmr?

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                      shes kinda hot xd. that or im being biased :D

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                      Linda | DotaExchange

                        Oh come on, she is fucking ugly.


                          You wanna start a fight? Because that's how you start a fight.
                          kappucino, give some names of girls who you think are hot. A. Hathaway obviously has a lot of make-up in those pictures but she isn't 'fucking ugly'.

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                            if u wanna see hot girls type nina dobrev on google

                            Linda | DotaExchange

                              ^ or you know, just type beautiful girls.

                              Also, how can she be beautiful? Potato shaped face, a hair that is no-no for that face shape, altought she has amazing eyes.


                                paula patton top 1 NA


                                  AW YEAH PAULA she's got great.... eyes

                                  kanye went to uni

                                    i thought it was the trailer for civ beyond earth LOL


                                      OMG BANANA BOOBS

                                      Mokujin pls send me the movie we talked about a couple of days ago.. i forgot the name..
                                      need to watch it son..


                                        @FYYQ -- FURY

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                                          Midfing Profile picture <3 rusky cyka :D

                                          Linda | DotaExchange

                                            Please boys

                                            Linda | DotaExchange

                                              And yes, she is my gf, atleast she was.


                                                it was a pretty cool movie couldn't hear the some of the dialogue because the music was way too loud though

                                                Linda | DotaExchange

                                                  ^ finaly someone who gives a fuck about movie. Well you couldnt expect less from Hans.


                                                    I watched it today, totally didn't expect the Matt Damon gank; I thought it showed the instinct of survival and just human nature of selfishness very well. It was such complex movie (multi-dimensional, both in terms of time and the themes) I can't say if I liked or not without thinking more about it.
                                                    Recommend it if you like sci-fi!

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                                                    THICC BABY SHUM

                                                      is this off topic or some homo dota?


                                                        this is movi, i make watch in ceimnema

                                                        THICC BABY SHUM

                                                          ok snoop dog tx


                                                            it's a very nice movie. what made it great is how Nolan blended sci-fi with reality.

                                                            most sci-fi movies makes you feel too much fiction. Nolan blended sci-fi with human nature, instincts and feelings.. it kind of acted as a cover to science concepts such as cryogenics, black hole, worm hole, relativity, 5th dimension, gravity, etc

                                                            SPOILER WARNING

                                                            side joke between me and my brothers on McConaughey surviving the Blackhole?
                                                            - activated BKB at the right time
                                                            - Dazzle grave
                                                            - Enigma solo gank, no one else hitting :)

                                                            watch it guys!

                                                            Linda | DotaExchange

                                                              ^ exactly , agreed with your first sentance.

                                                              THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                link to watch it?


                                                                  You can watch it at your local cinema!

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                                                                  THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                    tx snoop dog love yaa<3333333333333333

                                                                    Sup m8

                                                                      Awesome movie! Highly recommend it, Hans Zimmers' music was just amazing!


                                                                        worst movie ever, paranormal activity level.

                                                                        BDP ™

                                                                          People who are trolling on this comment section have no idea the capabilities of nolan's interstellar. The main reason that this movie is sooooo awesome is that it is almost as comparable (in fact) better than kudrick 's space oddssy. It does not involve aliens or supernatural existense. Although this movie is a sci fi, nolan tried to be as realistic as possible as what he did to the dark knight trilogy. One of the best nolan's masterpiece. You guys have to watch it!! In the cinema of course. And also in imax!!!!

                                                                          THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                            Too many movies exactly like this one.

                                                                            Bad Player

                                                                              Loved it.

                                                                              Linda | DotaExchange

                                                                                @ynit, true, but this one stands from the crowd

                                                                                tbh, i think it can be somewhere near kudrick's space odyssey, but maybe a bit better, due better visualization.


                                                                                  As nowadays industry is poor on good movies in terms of script and idea (visuals effects is now mostly main part) it is best film i watched in cinema for long-long time

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