General Discussion

General DiscussionSolo ranked with party ranked players.

Solo ranked with party ranked players. in General Discussion

    Stacked players should not be able to play with solo players, I found out that most of the time the outcome of a game when playing solo is decided by which team has the retards stacked players in.

    First pick for opponents team is ogre magi and stacked players pick drow and visage, take safe lane; visage who's supposed to have the highest mmr of the game didn't' bough any sentries or gem to protect drow jungle's who got fucked a billion times by nyx, Leshrac were dived repeatidely mid by spirit breaker and Visage didn't tp once to help him. (Visage was on the same lane than spirit breaker so he saw him charged every time).

    Looking Visage profile
    he has 38% winrate in stack this month.

    An other exemple in my previous game,
    IO and Sven are in party, the whole game they push into opponents t2 with no vision on map until they die, Io never relocated Sven to save him and the worst is that they die to every lich ultimate staying close. When we were five mid to push t2 Sven was full HP and void at 1/4 hp and IO still didn't linked him after I told her to heal void, then io cried because "Void never join fight".

    MKB was probably a bad pick up In the first linked game still I feel this is the kind of game lost since start when I have these kind of players in my team and win when they are in the opposite team.
    I don't claim to be a pro gyro, he's actually one of my lowest winrate hero so maybe someone link me a top 100gyro and tell me my mistake, stll I feel I did 'ok' job.


      Yes. This is the case at low mmr, however at higher mmr the case is that people with 6k solo and 5k party with crush when playing in stacks cause their solo mmrs are so much higher.

      Aka, They're actually much better than what their party rating says as they've played more solo/won more solo q.


        When are people gonna realize ranting after having a bad game/loss isn't benefitting anyone. Yes your teammates are in fact 4 stooges running around killing themselves, but Volvo doesn't give a damn.


          @ DD様 | DotaExchange
          I do agree with you and it's even worse as you can have two 6k solo stacking at 5k party against two 3.5k solo who did tryhard to 5k, (I have players in my friend list with 1.3k discrepancy between solo/ party mmr). Then how the fuck is it fair to others players in the game ?

          @we lost
          I'm not ranting after a bad game, It's just a natural occurrence I observed since they removed the "solo queue" option, I've seen the same shit so many times that I always recognize when these kind of players are in group without asking.