General Discussion

General Discussionhey guys

hey guys in General Discussion

    So im playing am and im building q w w e w r w then max stats and upg ulti whenever possible ofc i didnt invent this build i saw pros doing it and after trying it its amazing helps u farm and tank more with higher dps armour as u farm way faster + the mana boost make u able to keep blinking (for farming) and im outfarming every1 (its am i know)
    but still every1 is flaming me o.o should i stay on this build or should i go for what normally ppl skill?


      I think maxing mana break is the way to go, you can haras enemy and deal a lot of dmg also vs bounty or clincz, you can drain all his mana putting him in bad position. But in dota a lot of stupid sounding builds can be one of the best once, who knows. just like int prophet with bladmail is working even though he has no hp. dota is a tricky game.


        You take advantage of stats (even midas, CTY was doing it at some point, it's probably not viable in this patch anyhow especially in pubs) it if you have the space and if you're sure your team won't lose it in like 25 mins :)

        I'd rather have a fighting carry like PA/Slark in my team than an AM any day

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          Ynit imo id rather having faster farm more survivabilty then a bit more harras and with manta 1 point is enough to drain the whole mana counting as and 3 hits and btw i used to play nature with nulls and blade mail long time ago and i used to get flamed lmao i think i can find the games on my main

          @ mokuj i tried it 4 times won 3 and lost 1 cuz my team fed and terrorblade played wudafuq build of armlet dagger dagon he made himself 1 hp and blink ulti dagon 1 hit me :))))) but still its working pretty fine after i get my treads yasha bf i can split push and ik in the current meta early fighting carries r better but imo hard carries can do way better if given a bit of space and farm heroes like void specter r way better then anti atm since they can fight earlier but im just trying to fit am since i love the hero


            you go 1-1-1 and then upgrade stats and max blink before lvl 2 ultimate


              Dont listen to YNIT he is clueless and still normal bracket after 3k games perhaps the worst noob i have ever seen. I feel bad for him really.