General Discussion

General DiscussionStuck in Normal

Stuck in Normal in General Discussion

    Is it possible to ever move out of normal if I calibrated in at normal skill? Or am I better off starting a new account once I feel I'm ready?


      Finish your calibration games to see how far you are from "High".

      I'm on "Normal/High" in non-ranked and "Very High" in ranked, so you can easily move from one bracket to another.


        just play ur top 3 heroes and try your best every game and you get there soon

        Dire Wolf

          Sure it is, how low in normal are you? I dipped under 3k a couple months ago, fought my way back to 3350 currently. It's very possible, just win 6/10 games and you'll rank up eventually.


            I would say play on your account get ready and once you feel ready start up a new account. I experimented on various accounts i always got very high skill games, well high skill games when i play with my friends but solo very high. Get better, find some heros that you are confident with and start fresh :)

            kanye went to uni

              ofc it's possible, last year i was 100% normal skill and i still remember my very first game in high, where i, as naix when he was still op, got crushed by an invoker -_- eventually i got (slightly) better watching higher skill players on my friendlist play.

              ive never felt i was better than my skill tier though, so if you really think you're playing with retards ... *shrugs* why not make an alt. unpopular fact: many people do improve significantly from making alt accounts and getting into higher skill games.

              THICC BABY SHUM

                3250 solo
                3370 party
                when solo que get high skill.

                THICC BABY SHUM

                  Ohh shit, sry though you were asking me.

                  Kamado Kun

                    i know that feeling i am at 3150 mmr more or less everytime i get to 3175 my next ranked match feel like impossible for my team, even when i try my best heroes , maybe im just unlucky , or maybe i dont belong at 3200 and the matchmaking system is perfect to detect a small skill gap such as 25mmr o_o



                      look at my starting games, i was in normal for a long time, i havent played any game similar to dota and now im in VH

                      THICC BABY SHUM

                        thats because it goes 3200 high and 3800 very high only 600 mmr away

                        MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

                          playing above your bracket makes you learn positioning really quickly, or at least it helps me a lot to stack with 5k irl friends

                          Bad Intentions

                            Just win with high KDAs


                              I started playing this game 10 months ago and now I'm actually taking it seriously. I think it was around 4-5 months when I got my high skill game. Yup 4 months... I got wrecked.

                              me, government hooker

                                im pro now from normal

                                me, government hooker

                                  STARTED FROM THE BOTTOM NOW WE HERE


                                    Of course you can. Just focus on your game and what you can do to better carry your team instead of the typical guy who thinks trench is real and blames team for losing.


                                      just make a new account, at low mmr your rate improvement > rate of hidden/ranked mmr change.
                                      a 2k player makes so many mistakes you can easily become 3k in a week or something.

                                      Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

                                        Don't play OD if you want to increase in rank. It's extremely difficult.




                                            No no, you are not stuck in normal but normal is stuck in you.


                                              Well i am trying to do from lowskill (started at 1900 mmr) to Normal and high - looks like i'm slightly near it (29** in solo and 3150 in party ones) so yes, it is not unreal to make it for higher bracket. Only thing that it is harder to reach it on old account (so do i have) and easier to make on new calibration\account.

                                              THICC BABY SHUM

                                                stuck at 3300 mmr, going up and down for 6 months, helpppp

                                                Kamado Kun

                                                  Im at 3198 mmr now , i never wanted to win a match so badly


                                                    Calibrated at 800 but now im 1k wtf...


                                                      ^At least you'll have a nice winrate!

                                                      THICC BABY SHUM

                                                        if he goes up, he tries to throw games for some reason, played 2 games with him,

                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!