General Discussion

General Discussionanyone know if valve

anyone know if valve in General Discussion

    is gonna do anything about acc buyers?

    Game is hard!

      most likely not


        every single game


          sf 5600 trash

          fuckin linken invoker 5800
          afk entire game cant use a single spell

          storm also acc buyer in this game

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            so someone has a bad game and they are automatically an account buyer? I'd say its pretty funny if invoker didn't use a single spell and still did twice the hero damage that you did in the entire game

            Then what about you?


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              if u had just one fuckin neuron u'd understand that i fed on purpose since min 0for legit reasons.

              and again if u had just one fuckin neuron ud understand why the fuck this invo is an acc buyer, but how could i expect a trash like him to understand what is wrong rite

              nice smurf btw, did u buy this acc ?

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              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                What do you expect them to do? I know it is a problem but it is not a problem that can be fixed.


                  most likely not

                  Hex Sigma

                    nah gaben is too lazy...


                      its actually pretty fuckin simple isnt?
                      one pc => one dota dlc.

                      they already have that thing that gives you the possibility to connect to steam from 5 different pc.
                      just make it one when they connect to dota

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                        They probably would've fixed it if it was that easy.
                        "one pc => one dota dlc" I'm sure there are lots of people out there who play from internet cafe's.


                          i bought this acc for 10$ !!!


                            "one pc => one dota dlc. "

                            makes no sense

                            blame retarded buyers not Gabe

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                              dunno how to explain in english,
                              its like if u purchase dota with ur computer, the game is sealed to your ip?

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                                still makes no sense,

                                like I can't play my Dota anywhere ?
                                only at home on my PC ?

                                Hex Sigma

                                  ^pretty much this.
                                  I think that op is refering to something like a locked account for a specific pc(like they are doing/did with Xbox one).


                                    Lmao. You look more like a account buyer than invoker if anything.


                                      yep, u play dota at home.
                                      or u creat another acc at ur sister's home i dont give a shit.

                                      Mac_Lilypad [NL]

                                        So when i have a laptop and i pc i need 2 accounts caus i cant play with 1 account on the other pc ?


                                          Most obvious acc buyer ever.
                                          This game i laned vs this rhasta, he sucked ass died 5 times bfore 5 min.
                                          then just look his profile 100 games, only zues in ranked then he stops play for 10 days and after that only feed :DD

                                          MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord


                                            Please google "proxy server." Tying IP to dota will do nothing


                                              i had a 6.5k 1-15 wr on my team yesterday and i'm not sure if hes an acc buyer or if hes iwos friend feeding him

                                              Welt aus Eis

                                                "INVOKER TRASH ACC BUYER" -> invoker has 270 more GPM and twice your hero damage lmao cool story bro


                                                  and people still doesn't realise op is a trash or a bad troll.


                                                    mad kid


                                                      Jewish bastards in valve dont care about smurfs and/or account boosters. Normal matchmaking and even ranked are filled with this scum and there's nothing you can do about it other than accept it. A 2000+ wins 5300+ mmr player matched with a 20 wins person who was unhappy with his initial mmr - that's pretty normal in Dota 2.

                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                        If the community actually used the report functions properly and not report on first blood every single game Valve would actually be able to deal with these guys. Too bad whiny 7 year olds ruined it for everyone


                                                          if they gonna spend money on buying accounts then they will spend money on buying hats!

                                                          Sewer Nugget

                                                            One must be severely retarded if not fully retarded to actually expect a company to make investigations and limit/restrict users to play a free game from a single account on a single pc.


                                                              Waouw its the 3k rebelion over there, very scari.
                                                              next time i'll go afk entire game farming some creeps and then when the game is lost ill throw some meteor to have herodmg so i can come back here and justify to some random fucktards how good i was.

                                                              Sewer Nugget

                                                                ^ utterly irrelevant to main topic


                                                                  its my topic.

                                                                  THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                    I ate today some sushi))