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General DiscussionNeed tips - How to exploit advantage ?

Need tips - How to exploit advantage ? in General Discussion
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    I'm struggling to use my early game advantage as farming carry/mid. I often have really good start (lots of farm & kills), but my other lanes are losing badly. In my MMR most people can't farm effectivly & I often get 50-60lh on mid/safe lane. My whole team is underfarmed & enemies have less farm than me, but most of them have some kind of farm. I'm currently 3.4k. How do I use gold advantage ? Should I farm even more or teamfight or gank ? What's the right equilibrium ? Some heroes I use to play a lot & lose with early game advantage - TA, Void, Tinker. I probably never or really rarely lose with TB when I have advantage, because I can solo kill towers. The problem is sometimes I have games where I'm beyond godlike & we still can't take even 1 single tower, because we were pushed early on, lost all outside towers & my team is just split pushing & we are getting nothing from it. The problem is the biggest when enemy has NP, because we constantly split push vs him & need to tp back to base to not lose rax...

    Welt aus Eis

      As TA just keep farming in mid lane, if people let you alone kill t1 and go for t2, if any stupid CM or lion comes to gank you just kill them
      If you think it's not safe just go do the same thing on another lane

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