General Discussion

General DiscussionRequesting match analysis

Requesting match analysis in General Discussion

    i feel as though we could have won this game had a few thigns gone differently, so i'm requesting an analysis of it

    [u]Things i've self identified[/u]

    last hitting: its pretty meh but i thought i did alright considering how much we had to share, tips on where i could have been more efficient would be greatly appreciated

    dodgy push timings: a lot of the time our team was like "push mid go mid void" but i didnt want to because at least 3 of the enemy team were alive, should i have made an effort to push earlier? additionally towards the lategame i felt as though i made some overextensions, although it felt pretty do-or-die by this point


      their team had a stronger late, i mean 4 vs 2 in late for them. people tend to pick 5 carries in lower brackets and if the don't get punished early, they will actually win. i didn't watch the replay but they had naga, pl and weaver = very strong push, also doom, i guess he always tried to doom you - void. so there it goes.


        i'll watch it later but 200 LH in 1 hour isn't good on core heroes doesnt matter what
        you by 30 min should be carrying this game alone cause you become a monster in fights way earlier than PL and naga, you did something wrong im pretty sure.

        but i will watch it later and give you my detailed vision of what mistakes you've done and what could you have done instead


          another thing i forgot to add was early chronos: i used chrono fairly liberally early on because i thought my teammates were closer to me and i ended up not getting one or two early kills, which i might have gotten had i been more patient


            I think you could have split pushed a lot more, the only thing that they had to stop you from time walking into the trees and TPing out was doom, so any time you had sight on him you would be safe to push. Its been said but you should have ended the game earlier you had a lead for most of the early/mid game. the other teams team fight was really weak all you needed to do was convince your team to group up as 5 and push towers, they would not have been able to stop you. most likely you just looked for ganks and farmed until it was too late, you should have focued on getting towers/racks.

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              PMS which would allow you to tank the creeps before they reach your tower. Instead, you atract them to your tower and miss 3 easy last hits. You have backtrack, you have PMS, you can easily tank the creeps (which you ended up doing btw even under the tower)

              - You got almost two minutes of complete free farm (Naga left to gank mid lane) and got only 2 LHs out of it. You have 10 LH in 4:30 min, with atleast 1 one of these minutes being completely free farm. You should be able to get more than that even in a contested lane because you had Quelling blade and the inate high attack dmg Void has would do the trick.

              - Seriously dude, practice your last hits. You are left free farm for another minute and in one creep wave you miss 3!!!!! LAST HITS, completely uncontested.

              - Ok my last comment about last hitting. At 5:20 +- you start attacking a creep while your creeps are attacking other. You end up killing you creep and missing the last hit of the creep that was being attacked by yours. You could have easily gotten the 2 last hits. At 5:30 you have 3 creeps that could tank the tower dmg, instead you stay back and miss another last hit. After 3 minutes of complete free farming you killed 7 creeps. You got atleast 25 killable units in that time, and you missed 18! Completely uncontested, not even under tower, you just missed 18 last hits as Void with QB.

              Ok now im going to move on from the last hitting stuff, but really focus on that. You should have atleast 35 LH if you weren't bad at it.

              - Min 6: You had Chronosphere and Lion with you, why didn't you Chrono and kill Naga? She was level 4 and no mana (she had just used her illusions, you could have checked her mana), so it would be an easy kill. Its min 7 now, she still doesnt have mana and you still didnt kill her. OMG IM GONNA KILL MYSELF RIGHT NOW, 7:12!!! Your lion steals her mana, she walks away with NO CREEPS NEAR HER, AND YOU DIDN'T ULTI. WHAT ARE YOU EXPECTING FOR DUDE, SERIOUSLY? Why didnt you kill her? Seriously, you should be atleast 3-0 by now cause this Naga is simply terrible, she overextends way too much, she doesnt have mana. You have treads, you could have ulti'd there and even if she stayed alive after you ulti, you could have jumped (because you had the mana and wouldnt need to jump to ulti her because she was retardedly walking around) after and finished her. But instead, you back off and miss another last hit.

              - 7:45 Now you decide to ult, when Lion is not around, when she is already running to her tower, when you could have ulti'd like 5 secs ago when she was trapped in your creeps, but then again, i dont know what the fuck were you thinking but you didnt realize it was a clear kill opportunity.

              Seriously I don't think I even need to keep watching because I know the mistakes you will do are the same you have done so far: not capitalizing on an enemy who has no mana, is 60% hp, missing loads of last hits. Perhaps i'll watch it later but seriously, just focus on that first 8 minutes, that was plain bad. You could have killed Naga EASILY atleast 3 times. You were overleveled, overfarmed, had ulti, and you did nothing about it. Seriously it did drive me mad lol

              Focus on that dood, Void can be very aggressive due to his high atk and when you get lv6 you can solo kill pretty much anyone in the game, it would be even easier in the conditions I have mentioned.

              Please, learn how to LH. Please, learn how to capitalize when enemies are out of position. She dived you like 2 times and you stood there passively, missing last hits instead. Fight back dude, you have more dmg output than she does and you had fucking Lion in your lane.


                after watching my replay back looking for the above points i noticed i spend too much time running around the creepwave waiting for the creep to get low enough to lasthit, then walking up to it to get it, but it being too late and missing it, must not to not do that in the future

                watching the reply back i myself have no idea why i didnt ult her under the tower, i dont understand why that thought didnt pass through my head -.- anyway thanks for feedback, gonna work on all these little mistakes in my next games

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                  KoE I'm not a pro but void's my most played hero so if you want to look at first 10 mins of aggressive play have a look at my reps:


                    if you improve on these little things you can climb up to 3.3~3.5k easily as there is not much of a difference mechanically wise speaking, from what i've seen so far.

                    just focus on not missing last hits when uncontested and to seize the opportunity when it presents, as void you should be looking for fights/pick offs whenever your ulti is off cd