General Discussion

General DiscussionPudge's place

Pudge's place in General Discussion

    The hero is currently running rampant at low level pubs and players prefer him thanks to his rewarding skillset. At high ranked games, however, he is a rare sight and he is unseen in the competitive scene. Pro players seem to just not consider him a viable pick. My guess would be that he is a very unreliable hero and with very limited laning options. Of course I have not been playing pudge at all, so any insight from a player more experienced with the hero would be nice.

    Is there any way to make him viable without destroying low level pubs? Maybe a buff that low level players will find hard to utilize? Or is pudge doomed to be a pub hero for eternity?

    True Survivor

      Not really. I've said it before: Assuming its an average pudge player, a Pudge is only as good as the enemy is bad. His role and skills exploit shitty players. There isn't anything that can change that short of drastically changing the hero.


        if im not wrong there are 5k+ players that have over 70% winrate with pudge playing vs other 5k+ players


          people dont pick pudge on higher mmr just because most of the people are supposed to know how to dodge rot walk on low lvl, or got better positioning. but its not true. players are the same. you can pick pudge if you know what youre doing.


            The lower the bracket the easiest the game because of no wards and people being dumber.

            How many times I have raped even if mid was meh or how many times my team fed pudge... He is kinda situational pick (dont want him vs illu heroes or str ones) and usually wears off late, late he is only usefull to dismember someone.

            At my mmr (3,5k) I find him kinda legit because even if he fails mid he can gank easily and turn it around, good if you have someone like shadow shaman to help you out set hooks (and firstblood with rot walk).

            If I see the enemies have squishy mid and 2-3 more low-mid hp heroes I might pick him


              Here is my opinion on the matter...

              3K pudge vs 3K team
              6K pudge vs 6K team

              Its the same thing. It's true that higher up pudge picks do get punished more if the mid is excessively good but this is not always the case, one slip up and that's it, it's all over and pudge will then snowball which, more importantly eases pressure of the lanes and allows for aggressive warding and space made for your carry.

              Ples Mercy

                Pudge has 0 armor, is very bad at laning due to extremely bad manapool and doesn't offer a lot of teamfight. Pudge can be useful if you have a team to back it up, since usually when a pudge hooks someone in a pub he gets rekt fast if the team is not nearby.


                  I miss this hero, it's nice to see a pudge goin hecktick. Even getting stomped by one kind of inspires awe sometimes. Haven't seen the hero in ages though


                    pudge cant defend against an all pushing strat or smth like that so he becomes rather useless! once you go full retard farming or shir t like that pudge excels and is why he's so good!

                    oh i should be safe farming here omfg a hook and deeeeeeead


                      @Havoc, can't really be 6k pudge vs 6k team, more like 6k pudge vs 4.5k team :DD


                        That hero should be removed from game,
                        want pudge ?
                        go play pudge wars that's his place

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                          lost 1 game because pudge was on my team
                          won 1 game because pudge was on their team :laugh:


                   i just had a game with him on my smurf

                            Pudge = low mmr pub stomper hes not competitive at all because anyone with half a brain can dodge/position themselves to make pudge useless

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                              So? Any ideas on how to make him viable for pro games without affecting pubs?


                                @Quack: Navi.dendi landed quite a few hooks during TI3 against the same players that won TI4 this year. It has nothing to do with having brain or not, it's just the fact that everyone makes mistakes even at pro level, which allows pudge to be effective at hooking.

                                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!