General Discussion

General Discussionbest heroes for veil of discord

best heroes for veil of discord in General Discussion

    I am thinking melee tanky str magi heroes, like earthshaker, undying, tiny, maybe even kunkka
    to fully benefit from the +6 hp regen/ +6 armor / +6 str

    thoughts ?

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      For tiny i guess its too much of a waste. You need your aghs, blink and a hyper stone to sustain lvl 3 ult as fast as possible so i wouldnt go for a veil. For kunkka again its a waste because there are other good items that you can buy to him. A shadowblade, deadlus, battle fury on some occasions and such. If playing him as support maybe. For earthshaker its good though. I buy it to him when i play.

      Welt aus Eis

        Tiny? Probably one of the worst possible items on him


          @DogamonW and lol

          You have a point.

          Tiny as a carry is relatively new meta. for years tiny is more like a position 3 and 4. I too think if i play carry tiny i will rather go with aghs hyperstone, etc.

          Like i said . if you play them as " melee tanky str magi ", how is veil ?

          and what do you think is the best heroes for veil ? who is veil (v6.81) made for ?


            the ganking tiny have good use of dagon
            and extremly good use of eb, no real place of veil here

            Eb dagon 5 is like game over by long

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              hello everyone... the topic i want people to discuss here is not

              "Best items for tiny"

              but rather.

              "Best heroes for veil of discord"

              ok. now we know tiny is not one of them. thank you all.

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                maybe what really bothers me is why icefrog made veil like this in 6.80/6.81 and who is it for ?
                veil is maybe the least popular big item, maybe only second to atos. what is its purpose ?


                  i like it for skywrath mage, i know a lot of people like to stack int on him by going rod of atos, then into something like bloodstone if played as a core, but it gives him a lot of what he needs: a good stat boost in all his stats, armour (which he really needs), hp regen (also needed unless going for force staff), and it synergises well with his skillset. a combination of veil+seal with -36% magic resistance, and, if playing a core skywrath, it will probably be built before the opposing team has many, if any BKBs, meaning almost anyone is able to be nuked down instantly

                  Quick maffs

                    I am happy that matrice is posting more here, i just believe whatever he writes


                      I won't Sand for this!

                      Welt aus Eis

                        I like how matrice is open minded about builds and strats unlike other good players (for example, jungling Terrorblade with unusual build, EB + dagon Tiny etc)


                          its almost strictly better then aghs on sand king, I like it on ogre magi, lina, CM and lich if you are actually getting a bit of farm.


                            Phoenixi benefits a lot from this item. STR hero, low armor, hp regen is nice and all of his or her skills do magic damage.


                              on most supports with aoe ults. most of the time veil > aghs on these heroes because it's much cheaper.
                              sand king

                              probably more heroes but these are ones where i see people not building veil nearly as often as they should, going for more expensive items that essentially provide damage just like veil

                              Spinach Rag

                                What about Leshrac and Phoenix?

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                                  It's nice on Zeus


                                    Sand king and Earth shaker

                                    The Ice Truck Killer



                                        I think it is really good on necrophos, noone mentioned it yet.


                                          Zeus and Phoenix.


                                            For anyone interested,

                                            VEIL OF DISCORD

                                            +4.88 HP regen per second
                                            +2 Damage
                                            +5,43 Armor
                                            +14,0625/23,4375/37,5/51, 5625 damage for each death pulse on veiled targets
                                            +Amplifies magical damage made by allies, when aghanim’s only amplifies necrophos’ damage
                                            +1530 gold
                                            +Easier to build (I think)
                                            +Amplifies radiance damage, in case you would buy it (+12,5 damage/second)
                                            +Same goes for Shiva’s, 37,5 more damage.

                                            AGHANIM’S SCEPTER


                                            +276 max hp
                                            +202 max mana
                                            +0.16 mana regen per second
                                            +Doesn't cost 75 mana to use

                                            Reaper’s Scythe


                                            Aghanim’s scepter’s damage per missing hit point: 0,45/0,675/0,9

                                            Veil of discord’s damage per missing hit point: 0,375/0,5625/0,84375

                                            Which means, Aghanim’s deals 0,075/0,1125/0,05625 more damage per missing hit point.

                                            Moreover, mana cost for level 1 ult will be 25 less, the cooldown 30/15/0 less.

                                            Aghanim's also disables buyback for killed heroes.

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                                              It doesn't work :/

                                              Hatsune Miku

                                                ^ remove the . maybe ?


                                                  lol dots


                                                    For anyone interested,

                                                    VEIL OF DISCORD

                                                    +4.88 HP regen per second
                                                    +2 Damage
                                                    +5,43 Armor
                                                    +14,0625/23,4375/37,5/51, 5625 damage for each death pulse on veiled targets
                                                    +Amplifies magical damage made by allies, when aghanim’s only amplifies necrophos’ damage
                                                    +1530 gold
                                                    +Easier to build (I think)
                                                    +Amplifies radiance damage, in case you would buy it (+12,5 damage/second)
                                                    +Same goes for Shiva’s, 37,5 more damage.

                                                    AGHANIM’S SCEPTER


                                                    +276 max hp
                                                    +202 max mana
                                                    +0.16 mana regen per second

                                                    Reaper’s Scythe


                                                    Aghanim’s scepter’s damage per missing hit point: 0,45/0,675/0,9

                                                    Veil of discord’s damage per missing hit point: 0,375/0,5625/0,84375

                                                    Which means, Aghanim’s deals 0,075/0,1125/0,05625 more damage per missing hit point.

                                                    Moreover, mana cost for level 1 ult will be 25 less, the cooldown 30/15/0 less.

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                                                      Best are on heroes with DoT mgaic dmg spells like Venom, Sand King.


                                                        Ok thanks guys, the images still don't work though, do you know why?


                                                          Invoker .


                                                            veil on zeus is the shit.

                                                            cast it on a creep wave and chain it. boom done.


                                                              Veil-eul combo if you manage to hit it i guess is the best combo you can get. Thus i would say invoker. I dont think you can always hit the combo though. Not a big fan of invoker and never tried it so i might be a little ignorant now :p

                                                              "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

                                                                Void best with Veil




                                                                    earth spirit


                                                                      I actually found that veil on undying is amazingly good (well, at 3.7k mmr level). It gives the armour and tankness ud need. It also gives +6 hp regen, so that ud don't need to buy pipe unless there 's big magic user on the other team.

                                                                      I actually won 14 out of 15 undying game with veil (almost all of them, i have highest K+A)


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                                                                      "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

                                                                        Not sure if Necro post was for or against Aghs, but aghs also adds Respawn time and if u die to Necro ult you cant BB


                                                                          I get it on Lich mainly. It's fairly decent damage amplification and the armor stacks up nicely with Frost Armor and Tranquil boots giving you a total of around +22 bonus armor that makes you quite tanky for a support. The only case in which I would prioritize Agha is in wombo combo team such as void/enigma/etc to utilize unlimited bounces.

                                                                          Also I get it often on Phoenix after I have made meka. It, along with mek give armor and HP regen bonuses much needed for the hero. The mana it gives allows him to cast mek freely and the bonus magic damage isn't wasted on him. I think the two items make for a very nice combination for the hero and greatly improve his utility.

                                                                          Jakiro is another hero I would often get it if my team has enough lockdown to keep veiled enemies on Macropyre for heavy damage. Jakiro has high hp pool but low armor so the bonus complements his HP greatly.

                                                                          These are the main three heroes I buy it for.


                                                                            In fact the 30% more respawn time is a component of the ult itself, not added by aghs.

                                                                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!