General Discussion

General DiscussionCarry Tips

Carry Tips in General Discussion
playinginursockdrawer mm soc

    I don't always play carries, but when I do, I'm terrible at it.

    This match I felt like I needed a lot more last hits and hero damage, but the problem is that I only have so much in-game time to use. If I devote my time to farming, the enemy team will win team fights and push our base, but if I spend time trying to farm heroes, then I might become under farmed.


      Well you had blink so that should be easy early kills especially with that lineup


        wraith king is not a carry...
        If naga couldn't push all lane that greatly, she wouldn't be a carry either

        You can add a lot of heroes (venge, alche etc...) with similar aspect, a lot of skill that make us think they are carry but actually they are not...
        When you want to play one of those kind of heroes as a carry, you should ask yourself, do i totally counter something of opponent team and am i not countered at all? countrary to regular carry, to have an impact with those (as a carry role), you need to respond by yes in both case.

        Here you have an unmobile carry against a gang team, aa counter your leech, and lich slow you with frost armor (like if wraith king wasn't slow enough) -so it's totally normal to feel useless with your hero here if you really wanted to act a carry-

        Anyway, supposing you really wanted to pick wraith king, what could you have done better here:
        Considering what you team consisted of, you should have gone dagger + cuirasse (bkb was a good choice) and tank everysingle shit for them, cause with a slardar and a aa, huskar will never tank anything, but he can actually do some damage.

        Edit: from the pick I don't get how your team crushed them so hard ^^ I guess lane failed hard for them, and they didn't achieve to come back.

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        playinginursockdrawer mm soc


          I don't know how we won, because the legion commander had 110 duel damage and was hitting for over 250 a hit.


            I do that normally for a naga or a TB.

            Anyway, most carries have their ups and downs. Core is vital though, so you should have a carry centered around your whole team that compliments each other, and also takes out the enemy team.


              tips on how to farm effectively and moving around at the same time:

              auto attacks when your lane is not pressed, try to get creep kills as fast as possible before go elsewhere so make sure you don't lose xp and gold; e.g SF always raze to eat the creep lane before farm the medium stacks, storm/ta try to flash farm with remnant/psi before go to check rune
              don't moving randomly, you have to decide to go fighting/farming/jungle and do only 1. roaming around = lose xp and gold.always look at minimap, farm the far creep wave fast and tp to farm the creep wave near the tower
              keep in mind 1tp = 135 gold = 3 creeps




                in your game with wk your hero dmg is kind of low. you cant get any tips on carrying. you only learn by practicing. best tip is play with your team. dont try to carry all alone. you can balance farming creeps with farming heroes. for example, youre jungling and the others pushed to your tower. just gang.

                about mid playing, if you play sf, as soon as your enemy on mid is gone, raze the creeps and push the tower. thats the most important thing to do with sf on mid. with 56 bonus dmg you need 3 waves if you also last hit your creeps(12 more hits). but care for runes lol. while youre pushing there is a big chance he will gang you, but i assume you got some vision. after you got tower just gang using W/E raze (youre still easy to kill, dont dive first) and push side towers too. use all razes if you got a haste rune, but make sure they dont have heavy stunners/dmg. if you got dd, just raze the creeps and go for towers. this is the most basic thing to do on sf. this and lifesteal build. it requires 0 skill and its very effective.

                ta on mid: positioning. look at dragonfist's replays. i saw a vid here on forum with that dude getting a kill just by attacking creeps. that is pure genius. this again, requires practice.

                invoker: just farm a fast midas/agha. pay attention to map fights for sunstrike (if you go eq build which is effective 99% of the times). at lvl 9(i assume you got lvl 4 q and e) any1 is kill 1v1. just let your mid push, and gang him from his back. eeq, qqq, and eee if needed.

                storm: runes. dont play this if you cant rune control. this hero is rune dependent, ofc unless you play against bots on easy

                pay attention to map, dont push your lane, dont die, dont miss any creeps, care for runes.

                other carry tips
                void: most of the games lost with void, are the ones where they go farm for 20 mins and dont do shit. when youre playing void, spam chrono at cd. try to get the enemies in chrono's walls, so allies can also hit them. dont just farm, this is what most of the junglers do wrong.
                legion: win duels as soon as you can. and do it at cd. again, you need team. you cant win 1v1. 3v1 would be better
                meepo/tb/naga: watch replays of them farming. as soon as you learn to farm 8cs+/min you will start winning.
                bs: fast bm. this is the best item on him. i always get it as first item. at lvl 6 any alone hero is free kill.
                viper: dont make meka please. ive never seen meka/agha builds until i started dota 2. its still a mystery why would you ever make those 2 items on viper.
                slark: make use of your high ms at high lvls and push all 3 lanes at once.
                spec: dont play this dude. its the weakest carry when naked. this requires serious team support. but if you still want to play, avoid radi build. go fight build, diffusal/basher/manta/tarasq
                pa: farm all the creeps. get lifesteal and bkb and thats pretty much everything he needs.


                  Invoker: Rushing an aghs is the worst thing you can do with Invoker, specially if you're playing QE who lacks a shit ton of mobility. There are much more useful builds (and safer ones).
                  -Euls build solves your mobility problems and you can kill anyone 1v1.
                  -Forcestaff build solves your mobility problems and is much safer than euls since the escape is more reliable.
                  -Necro3 is a safer choice if you're not confident in your teamfight spells with the hero. Get bots as well and you split push incredibly fast.
                  QW Invoker, IMO, is a much better choice in this patch. However, he lacks damage so you rely heavily on your teammates (which means if they're unfarmed you have no way to deal damage).

                  Bloodseeker: Blademail is not always the best first item for him. Maelstrom, SnY, drums are good choices as well because they boost your killing potential as well as your farming speed, which blademail doesn't. At lvl 6 anyone is a free kill if you go 2v1 or 1v1 against someone without a tp, blademail or not.

                  Viper: The whole point of viper is to tank and kite, he doesn't need damage items because his damage comes from his passives. Mek gives you armor, regen per sec and burst heal, all he needs. Aghs makes your ult's cd incredibly short, meaning that you can use it more than once in teamfights. This is incredibly effective against low mobility carries like Lifestealer, WK and Sniper (if you get in range). On top of that the stats are really good for him.

                  PA: Yeah, go lifesteal first item and deal 0 damage ROFL. She's pretty flexible in term of itemization, but you never go for lifesteal first (except a few situations/heroes).
                  -If you're ahead and have to go toe to toe against another right click carry, battlefury is a good choice. Don't get dominator into battlefury nor viceversa, early game all the regen you need comes from roh/battlefury. Just skip the dominator until you need the satanic.
                  -PA is incredibly strong mid game compared to other carries, you can abuse this to destroy the enemy carry's mid game. PT, drums into maelstrom (and bkb if needed) is an amazing build for pick offs and skirmishes.
                  -Other builds are Basher-BKB, SnY, Manta, deso, etc.
                  tl ; dr: Some of your tips are horrible.

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                    Well ironically for usually agreeing with matrice I have to disagree on that one, wraith king can carry against the right team and usually does well with accompanying team fight material that could potentially turn big fights after his ult is dropped. I do agree in a serious 1 to 1 with another super hard carry he isn't ideal so while he can early/mid/late carry he cannot do so without the help of the team. Other hard carries can do a lot more late than wraith king can so I would shelve him as a situational pick.


                      Bassicaly, you wrote what i wrote, but a different way :p


                        was too long and I didn't read, my mistake :/

                        @OP btw try my build and see how it works for you, i don't like hard right click wraith king


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                          you get hand of midas, maelstorm, boots of travel given your team is doing well, your gpm will be at least 600+.


                            Go safelane with a friend or two in skype. Harass the enemies out of lane; if it's a solo you just need 1 support to guarantee freefarm most of the time. Farm your level or item or whatever. Kill the offlaners. Take the tower. Go win game.

                            (Lvl 6 on void, blink on Slardar, stuff like that is your ITS GO TIME) moment.


                              well, im used to solo carry my games. what i recommended is for carry.
                              qe is dmg build as you said. i dont need mobility when i can make easy kills.
                              im using bm build for years. and you really gotta be stupid not to check for tps on your enemies before attacking. i always check enemy's items, no matter what i play
                              viper: you might be right. what i know is from d1. ive had many surprises here (such as being asked to buy courier and wards on venge and so on)
                              pa: got enough dmg. there were lots of games where i made bkb 1st item. i just like to pick pa against supports or something like this. wont pick against tanks and shit.


                                well one thing you need to do as a carry is farm while your team is defending towers 4v5, and only tp once your allies actually need you if they need you. A good time to tp if they need you is after the enemies spells have been used. You shouldn't be standing behind a tower doing nothing just to "be there in defense". If you know the enemy is about to push high ground mid, then you can run down the side lane and push it as far as you can while your allies spam down the creep waves defending mid.

                                obv exceptions to this rule, like if you got a good team fight carry like void then you can go defend pre emptively

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                                  Oleksandr plz

                                  Lifesteal midgame on PA is core.


                                    Carry tps*

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