General Discussion

General DiscussionTinker

Tinker in General Discussion
Quick maffs

    What is the normal cs per minute with tinker ?

    I can get 8 or 9 but i dont think i ever got 10 or higher with this hero

    Welt aus Eis

      Well if you get 10 cs per min with tinker you're probably fucking your carry's farm, so you shouldn't really be worried about it

      Quick maffs

        What if i fuck my carry farm and still i cant get 10 cs per minute ?

        but seriously how much do you think its normal ? i just want to know x number to try to improve my farm with this hero.

        Welt aus Eis

          It doesnt really matter as much as with carry heroes, because you can get fat from fighting, while AM has no way to get big except farming
          For example: rekt the game and barely 5 cpm.

          Quick maffs

            mm ok i guess

            Welt aus Eis

              To make a better answer, this has lots to do with individual playstyle. For example, rtz will keep farming exhaustively no matter what.
              On the other side, I tend to farm less immediately after getting a fighting item. For example: farm BoTs -> farm blink -> search for a fight -> kill people -> farm dagon -> search for a fight -> kill people -> farm.

              So I kinda have these 'cycles' of farming and 'cycles' of aggression.

              Welt aus Eis

                judging by item choices this is probably 3k mmr (no offense though i'm just stating it)

                Quick maffs

                  Yeah that makes sense sano, thanks for the answer

                  Rusty Ken Prime

                    Farming and rekting at the same time


                      15 cs/min, if you are under that quit doto

                      fuck your team if you picked tinker is because you want to 1v5 so farm everything you can, if an enemy is about to die you blink in and laser the fool to death

                      if a right clicking hero is about to kill an opponent, you eblade him so he cant attack anymore and you can steal the kill safely
                      also farm all 3 lanes at the same time, turtle the game for like 80 mins come out of lanes with dagon 5, eblade, bloodstone, sheep and hmm lets see, a sange and yasha would be good

                      but cs/minute shouldnt concern you, what matters the most is KS/minute, how many ppl you can steal kill per minute, literally
                      you should be killing atleast 5 guys per minute which of these 5, 3 should be ksing, everytime you kill someone you type "lel" or "XD" in the chat, thats good

                      aim for 850 cs at a 30 min game mute your team as soon as your screen loads
                      and thats it see you at 7ks baby


                        7-8 cs a minute is pretty fine if u can even get 15 cs/min it means ur team has no carry or the enemy's just retarded

                        the realm's delight

                          ^ im pretty sure you will never get 15 cs/min in a real game with tinker unless supports constantly stack ancients and jungle creeps while u farm lanes.

                          also, you farm heroes with tinker not creeps:D


                            why does cs/min even matter. u farm everything under the sun, from easy camps to ancients. if your team have a ancient farming hero, you transition to farming the jungle,, probably get more cs, does that even mean anything? reverse applies
                            all i know is 25 min hex + sr bottle trav blink

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