General Discussion

General DiscussionAll Random Deathmatch General

All Random Deathmatch General in General Discussion

    So, let's talk about the super secret game mode: All Random Deathmatch. To enable ARDM, start the game up with the launch option -console so that you can actually access the console and then in the console type DOTA_MATCH_GAME_MODES 1048576 then click submit. Then close the console and on the Dota front page (the find a match page) click ranked match and click back to normal match and once you have done that your gamemode will be set to "All Random Deathmatch".

    ARDM gives everyone a random hero. The catch is, whenever someone dies, they respawn as a new random hero - at the same level, with the same items. You get to reskill when you die, so don't worry about respawning as a 4/0/4 Weaver. The other thing of note is the score at the top of the screen: each team starts with 40 lives, and one life is depleted every time someone respawns. When a team runs out of lives (or their ancient falls) the game ends. Once a player has spawned in as a hero, no other player will respawn as that hero.

    It's a funzy, weird little mode - you can't rely on standard item builds, because you might finish your Sacred Relic as Lone Druid only to get ganked and respawn as Crystal Maiden. (Speaking of which, I don't actually know what happens to items that were on the bear when you die). This forces people to buy smaller, early game items that are generally good on every hero. Common pickups include Hand of Midas, Drums, Blink Dagger, Force Staff, Dagon, and Aghanim's Scepter. (Though Agh's is a bit risky - saw a guy respawn as Agh's Drow Ranger. He died quickly.)

    Dotabuff also doesn't have great stat tracking for ARDM (even Truesight doesn't seem to work for it), likely due to the difficulty of tracking all the different heroes people play throughout the course of a game.

    I think it's a fun game mode, though a bit more luck dependent than Ability Draft. Sometimes you get the good heroes that you're great with...and other times you end up with Visage and no Michael skills.

    Does anyone have fun stories from ARDM?


      That lack of Michael skills got you an ultra kill...

      My only ARDM story is that I am bad at anything that isn't regular doto... And I'm not even good at regular doto


        to answer your question at the bottom, isn't all ARDM a fun story?

        but for real, after my friend went like 5/0 on his blood seeker, we decided that we keep him alive all game , no matter what
        it ended well.

        Also really fast on ARDM, each side with their 40 lives, also has a set hero pool that you get a hero from, for example doom can only be randomed on the dre side, and he will be randomed every game (so long as enough lifes get used to get to him).


          So far dagon was quite effective in my games. Skadi and midas were not that useful.