General Discussion

General Discussion1v1 Mid matchmaking. Pudge vs. Shadowfiend

1v1 Mid matchmaking. Pudge vs. Shadowfiend in General Discussion
irrefutable evidence

    Hey everyone I just created my first tutorial video showing my guide to play the 1v1 playlist in DotA 2. I provide unique perspective and commentary while playing my favorite hero - Pudge.

    In this video I face Shadowfiend. Check it out and let me know what you think!


      I'm pretty sure even a 1k scrub can win as Pudge against Shadowfiend...

      I guess that explains this video

      Everything in your "tutorial" was wrong from the start

      1. Shadowfiend cannot snowball against Pudge because he lacks all mobility needed to escape rot walking and thus is always vulnerable
      2. You have no regen and you have too little gold at the start to fully rush a bottle (which wouldnt help much for your HP problems when he starts razing you)
      3. You dont need 2 gloves because you arent/shouldnt be building urn in 1v1 mid
      4. Your block is absolutely hideous, you should block from literally under the tower for maximum effectiveness
      6. You hook creeps at melee range for no reason
      7. You suck at last hitting
      8. You get an easy hook on a retarded SF and he disconnects BEST TUTORIAL EVER
      9. You miss so many kill oportunities because apparently, you don't know what rot walking is
      10. SF could have killed you and won the game at 5:51 (video time) but since he's equally retarded as you, he doesn't know how to use his W either

      This whole tutorial is a scrub Pudge beating a scrub Shadowfeed while presenting false information.

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        Wink so brutal :D poor kid


          well he may not be very good at dota 2 but boy has he invested alot of money into it >.<


            I am just presenting the facts :$

            LOL yeah big time... I only have 1 DC hook, wtf is the point of having more, the price is so unpredictable on that thing, thats a scary investment

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              *Less than 50% winrate

              *Giving lessons

              Seems legit.


                Nice try. It'd be better to show how to win as SF vs pudge instead, since it's the shadow fiend that is on disadvantage.


                  He could wined you ez if u dont had this luck with invi+haste rune

                  irrefutable evidence

                    Hey Kanade, thanks for your comment. To answer a few of your questions, I firmly believe shadowfiend can snowball against anyone, including Pudge. - The reason I got two gloves is so I could have a big health lead, and to focus completely on out last hitting my opponent, thus keeping his necromastery low. - Since it's 1v1 ranked, and I have full control of my courier, I read the situation and spend the reserve of my gold see fit for regen. I start the game by reading my opponent and my situation. - Getting hook at level 1 was a misclick, I definitely should have stated it in the video but I believe it got edited out. - I don't see any points where I hook creeps at melee range, the creep I do hook to farm is out of my reach, because of my low hp at the time. - The first blood I got against my opponent was me completely taking advantage of his over aggression, and I believe I played the suicide near perfectly. - If you still refuse to think this tutorial is instructional, or that I don't know what I'm talking about, here is link to some of my dota buff stats. Notice the continuous wins in 1v1 at Very High Skill Level.

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                      I play always on a laptop, it's no excuse for lose

                      irrefutable evidence

                        Yeah X6, I noticed you have a winrate of 44%, do you disconnect from matches due to overheating often as well?

                        irrefutable evidence

                          Hey Soul Eater 676, I noticed you don't have any -high skilled-, or -very high skilled- matches in your match history here on dotabuff. From your perspective at a lower bracket of play, what is your take on the Pudge vs. Shadowfiend matchup?

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                            pls leave this forum @battletrash

                            BamBam's Son

                              SF cannot snowball against pudge =_= Guess scrubs never had a chance to play against my SF, don't lose ur time with those tards. Also I never play with runes in 1vs1, they are game breakers and u can lose in a shitty way.


                                Depends on the controlers skill. Anyone who is good can be great against other people.

                                I won a many matches with phoenix cause I know where his strength's are and what are his weaknesses, then I buy according to the situation.

                                Other times, I play heroes that would be the counter pick (I.E. naga vs lycan, meepo vs PL) so on and so forth. Then I would get absolutely SHIT on because they knew how to beat my counter pick towards them.

                                My advice for the 1v1 mid, pudge vs SF. It could go either or depends on your skill. Your skill however is reflected on the way you play, and all of your faults are listed by Wink above. No need to comment on that.

                                As for my "Skill level" I know where I'm at, and I do my best to get better, that's what Dota is all about. I lose some games, and I win some games. Doesn't mean I'm a terrible player, and I don't go around being like "Hey guys! I am the best player around and everything I say is blessed by Jesus himself, and anyone who says otherwise can go shove their upright bellend into thier mouths you sick twisted fucks!" (I.E. Hael)

                                But yeah, neither of your accounts suggest that you're a good player. You might just be an "Average" player. Leave the tutorials to someone who knows what they're doing.

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                                  - pudge, bad hero
                                  - pudge pickers, bad people

                                  I'm sorry


                                    I thought this was guide on how to win against Pudge as Shadow Fiend. -.-

                                    How can Pudge ever lose to a Shadow Fiend? All Pudge needs is just one mistake from SF on positioning.


                                      MY EYES


                                        sf rapes pudge 1v1 lol

                                        Ples Mercy

                                          For everyone watching that video.

                                          Do the opposite what he did, win gaem.


                                            what a cunt this wink guy is


                                              any good sf will wreck pudge without using hands.


                                                bullshit, pudge will easily win the lane for the first few levels, and after that sf gets back control of the lane but dies the instant he is slightly out of position or if pudge gets a lucky rune.

                                                sf's first few levels are crap, there's a reason why s4's magnus has out-csed all the SFs he's laned until they farm the jungle to catch up

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                                                Quick maffs

                                                  Will be better if it was a how to beat pudge as sf, scrubs like me still has problems to win against pudge with heroes like tinker or sf

                                                  Anyway no need to be a fucking cunt only because you didnt like the video.

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                                                  Ples Mercy

                                                    spam march, win gaem

                                                    Hex Sigma

                                                      To the op: this forum despises pudge; you are a pudge player, you are also more or less a trench player, this forum has no tolerance for trench players bragging around, your guide brings nothing new, hence the forum dislikes you for
                                                      A. Pudge player
                                                      B. Trench
                                                      C. Giving advice
                                                      D. Guide about pudge
                                                      E. Guide brings nothing new
                                                      This justfies the hate :D

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                                                      irrefutable evidence

                                                        I bragged around? I thought I was providing a noob friendly guide to playing 1v1 as a commonly played hero.


                                                          Why do people beat on this guy seriously? Ok he's done a shit guide just explain to him - no need to flame each and every new poster that comes in with slight misconceptions.


                                                            As you can tell, this forum isn't noob friendly.
                                                            If you come from the very trench, none of your advices will be taken serious, and people will flame you for it. (Mainly because your advices are shit, let's face it.)

                                                            Don't take it tough, but it's kinda useless to make guides about something you don't know very well, don't you agree?

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                                                              Good job Wink

                                                              irrefutable evidence

                                                                I seem to know 1v1 at very high skill bracket, I keep winning my games, playing Pudge, the very way I did in the video :)


                                                                  Very High skill bracket doesn't mean you're good. It starts at 3800 or some shit and 3800 is pretty fucking bad.


                                                                    Pudge - 197 - 50.76%

                                                                    doesn't seem like you win very much.


                                                                      giff 1 hook yeah

                                                                      irrefutable evidence

                                                                        ^ I play pudge often with irl friends and play ranked, I also don't sweat my nuts over my MMR either!


                                                                          so pro very high skill gogo so pro good win% updge mid 50% omg lets make a guide so pro so pROOOOO

                                                                          etc GO DIE FUCKTARD


                                                                            not that i agree with you man but a good idea is to ignore the 3k elitist trashes like s a d q o p s and you'll be fine. i mean have you seen how this guy looks in real life lol, nobody would take him seriously

                                                                            Quick maffs

                                                                              Benao, you are the pure stereotype of the typical latino player lol

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                                                                                i just play to play better and win playing better nothing else! dont compare me with other people cause until today i still havent found someone that thinks and acts accordingly like me

                                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                                  No one cares about 1v1, those who brag only care about mmr. I don't care that much about my mmr but I care even less about 1v1. Absolutely pointless mode.

                                                                                  irrefutable evidence

                                                                                    It's all good their comments really aren't bothering me. I know my guide will give someone help and insight, somewhere, and that's all that matters. It is also fun to play 1v1s and I liked making my first video. More will come as I record more matches against other heroes. Thanks for the support to anyone who isn't completely trashing my honest effort to make a video about something I enjoy :D

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                                                                                      ^ Post it on other forums, more noobs there and more nice ppl. You came to the worst possible place with that video.

                                                                                      Quick maffs

                                                                                        Well in playdota would be even worst

                                                                                        just sayin

                                                                                        irrefutable evidence

                                                                                          s a d q o p s can we see a picture of what you look like irl? Oh shit don't get mad at me! Also you have like, 5000 or some games played. I don't know what to think of that, I hope you have made some money playing this game you dedicate that much time to. OK, ok, jokes aside, I really do appreciate each and every comment. It certainly helps me learn in some way or another, I'll keep you guys updated for when I come out with another video ^.^

                                                                                          Pos5 Player

                                                                                            The poor guy just made a video and uploaded it and got flamed to death. There's just no need for it, and this is why the dota community is terrible. On the bright this forum post is the best! I particularly like the introduction that lists 10 steps of hate. It's a shame the list is so small, but I'm glad you got the detail in about what exact time he should have died. This post made my day! :)


                                                                                              I actually laughed when I read your thread .
                                                                                              dude , you are embarrassing yourself (noob) :v


                                                                                                Nobody on this forum knows how I look irl. Also that irrelevant.

                                                                                                However, I'll let you imagination free:

                                                                                                1,80m tall
                                                                                                muscular (not much muscles)
                                                                                                White person with <3 tan

                                                                                                However, I'd compliment you with your voice. Your voice is nice, however you sound monotonic/monotone.

                                                                                                I've loved games since I was a kid, and I really love Dota, that's why I have so many games played.
                                                                                                However I'm glad I have high combustion so I don't need to worry about gaining fat as for now.

                                                                                                Any more questions? I answer them happily.


                                                                                                  "1.8m tall" , you are not american :v ,they use feets , so you are around 5'9″

                                                                                                  charged up

                                                                                                    ITT: delusional trench tier OP

                                                                                                    nice effort tho..

                                                                                                    charged up

                                                                                                      just watched the video, wow thats fucking hilarious.
                                                                                                      you get yourself harasssed to 10% hp, run back to the tower hook him, because hes retarded and didnt kill you, which he could have.
                                                                                                      and then you are like "yea i totally expected that, thats me being a good player, yea he ragequits now, well what can he do right guys"

                                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!