General Discussion

General Discussionremove doom from the game

remove doom from the game in General Discussion

    fucking braindead cancerous hero.


      everything about that hero is bullshit

      Ples Mercy

        dno, i pick tb and rat. Doom doesn't seem OP when i do that


          80 games of PA 50 games of doom and you make this thread



            Dire Wolf

              What's wrong with doom? He farms fast and has one anti carry skill, well it's also anti support, but you know what I mean. Other than that he can't hang with the big boys late. You just need to not let him snowball or init every fight on you with a huge doom on your void or enigma/lich/tide/whatever you use to win the team fight.


                ^The main problem with doom is that he can buy refresher and literally make two heroes useless unless you've built your lineup to counter doom. (Picking heroes that doesn't really care if getting doomed. (Razor, etc.)

                Even then, he can doom two of your supports which probably are the most useful heroes in a teamfight. Bang, teamfight 100% won.

                And Doom is a fucking beast lategame, you saying he can't hang with the big boys lategame is stupid as fuck.
                Cause those big boys may be completely useless if you press one key.

                Doom isn't look @ as a superior rightclicker, if that's what you're thinking.


                  dude late game doom wins games with agha and refresher, double bkb :(


                    Potential change -> Can't cast doom on magic immune targets

                    Problem solved? Or is there more to it than that?


                      im fine with doom going through magic immunity, i just find the fact that it disables abilities (passives etc) and mutes items fucking retarded.


                        ^Nah, that'd suck

                        The one big thing is to disallow doom from getting refresher

                        Doom certainly has some counters. Not only heroes that doesn't really care about doom, but heroes that can negate doom.
                        -Chen sendback (Buff Chen?)
                        -Other shit


                          If you can deny a doomed ally you are making a huge difference in the outcome of the game.


                            he needes to get nerf on scortched earth and devour

                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                              I remember the times when scorched earth was simply terrible. But yeah the thing is he gains gold too fast and you can't do much about it because it's his spell. Maybe they should bring back the level thingy of the creeps for devour.


                                remove the auras from the creeps :D

                                like he was in old versions

                                or items being usable while doomed and disabled only after aghanims


                                  ^What was that "level thingy"

                                  I can't remember

                                  Remove midas or refresher! lel

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                                    level thingy was when you couldnt devour some units because they were too high level?

                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                      Big neutrals (I mean the biggest ones) were considered level 6 and you could eat them only with level 4 devour I guess. Something like that. This didn't allow him to jungle.



                                        I suppose it also made his offlane/mid/whatever harder as he couldn't have useful auras from the getgo. Also fast levels

                                        I feel doom with refresher is the broken thing, not his ability to farm so fast.
                                        Probably decrease range of doom, or decrease duration to 10sec or something, idno.


                                          i dont think u ever could eat big creeps like tomato troll or satyr then he got reworked

                                          also before when u eat enemy lane creep u would have the vision of doom because creep was in his stomatch and gave vision by being there

                                          oh old good warcraft 3 times


                                          Quick maffs

                                            I am tired of seeing this hero in every competitive game

                                            so yes please nerf him a bit

                                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                              No you could eat them but only with level 4 devour I guess. And it used to don't even give you spells. Also I guess in WC3 if you died while still eating something, it could get out with whatever HP it has left and because of that you wouldn't get any money or exp from it.


                                                He's an anticarry, just pick more than 1 core lol...


                                                  hes an anti carry and anti support and anti whatever the fuck there is.


                                                    anti fun, anti balanced game play, anti hero

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                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                        Doom only beats real hard carries late if he dooms them. Doom void's support and void will still wipe your whole team in a chrono. Doom medusa's support and she'll still split shot you all to death. Doom terror blade's support and he just back doors your base. And if doom goes aghs/refresher that's a huge tradeoff in survivability cus his base armor sucks. He will be squishy, just kill him before he dooms you all. It comes down to initiation.

                                                        Also linkins. Yes doom can lvl death you to pop linkins and still doom you but it gives you an extra second or two if you are void to blink in and chrono before he can do it. Or to have your earth shaker blink init or tide hunter ult or whoever.

                                                        And doom is definitely not anti fun, try playing him, it's a blast!

                                                        Btw his win rate this month is only 49% so chances of him getting nerfed are slim to none. Kind of like when people bitch about tinker, he doesn't have the results to back up the complaints.

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                                                          idno if u know what u are talking about, but usre its fun to read!!! :D

                                                          "Doom only beats real hard carries late" xDddd

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                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                            I'm saying if doom doesn't init on say faceless void, void will kill him during a chrono late game. That's probably every carry except medusa, but ok if doom's doom is on cooldown he isn't going to 1v1 pretty much any other hard carry with equal farm. The reasons he seems so op is the mid game, he dominates it and snowballs to shitloads of farm with midas and devour nearly every game.

                                                            Last picking is 4 pussies



                                                                devour - takes gold away now confirmed
                                                                scorched - earth degens u confirmed
                                                                lvl death - cant be cast on heroes after lvl 6
                                                                doom - only usable on allies

                                                                there, balanced for pubplay


                                                                  Doom is summed up very simply as an anti carry....this is "broken" to most people who want to afk farm as Anti mage but are unable to actually utilize said farm cause they get doomed and focused.



                                                                      only a scrub doom has to rely on rng to farm


                                                                        Doom now costs 250 mana.

                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!