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General DiscussionOff topic: Video game and internet addiction movie documentary

Off topic: Video game and internet addiction movie documentary in General Discussion

    It's coming out soon and read some about this. Basic premace is that a part of the movie is documenting the husband and wife in South Korea that played video games so much, they neglected their child until their baby died due to malnutrition because the parents were on for extended periods of times playing video games.

    The movie isn't about calling the parents out on being bad parents, and the real point behind the documentary is this: "Is the internet and video games a clinical issue such as addiction"?

    So two thoughts to the community, and one follow up question to the latter...:

    A. Know anyone that has neglected their family/friends over their "fake" life on the internet?

    B. Do you think video games and the internet is an addiction?

    C. How many hours in a week on the internet or a video game would you think constitutes as an addiction if you answered yes to B.


      a) most people here did

      b) just look at bogi and take your conclusions

      c) there isnt a magic number


        a ) Yea, i had big problem about year ago , where i would literally play 15 hours/day, then sleep, then repeat. I made a few things big mistakes ( the biggest , i lost the girl i really loved, ( how cliche ) and to this day, i can't forgive my self )

        b ) ofc it is, maybe even bigger ( at some part ) than tobacco or drugs ( or at least really close up )

        3 ) at that time i played about 85-90 hours per week .

        Trust me, it was hard thing to go out of that addiction, but now i managed. I now play up to 20-30 hours per week ( which is still pretty high number, but nothing to that 90 hours )

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          A. why not both
          B. yes
          C. 84


            A) I have a rl friend who is a complete addict. He basically lives on the internet and his family is not really doing anything about it. He is currently having huge problems with high school and will probably fail this year.

            I consider myself an addict. Spending almost 60 hours a week on the computer, but only 20 in video games. It is not affecting my social life though. I go out with friends all the time and regularly do sport activities. And I never ditch my friends or leave early so that I can go online again.

            B) Definitely not the same as drug addiction but it IS some type of addiction.
            C) 50?


              50 hours? 84 hours? What the fuck u bullshiting bout?


                If we were ants, we could see that picture.. .


                  that picture is very tiny i think it says 74 hrs but i cant read the name lol.


                    DD-Sama why must you always upload small images :(


                      that image says 336 hours okated in the last 2 weeks, which is as many hours as there are in 2 weeks

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                        I don't get what I am... I spend ~12 hours a day on the internet, but I go out with friends whenever I am invited (which is around 3 times a week), so I don't neglect my social life. Addicted or not, what do you guys think?


                          so you spend 12 hours a day on the internet and go out with friends

                          your academic career must be bright

                          Quick maffs

                            Well my case was a bit like Wink but i am trying to change it so i have more time to study ( nowadays i spend like 7 hours a day ) because i fucked up big time in my first year in college, at that rate i would finish my degree in 7 years or something lol

                            The truth is, if you think about it 7 hours is still a lot, but oh well ....

                            Quick maffs

                              btw i failed 6 out of 10 in my first year ..... yeah i was never good at studying.

                              Dire Wolf

                                Any behavior becomes an addiction when two things happen, the first is you can't control how you use it (substances)/how much time spent or money spent on it, and the second is when it starts to affect other areas of your life.

                                You might video game binge one weekend when you have nothing to do and there's no problem. It's when you can't stop binging and you miss work or ignore important relationships in your life it becomes an issue.


                                  I don't understand why you talk about my images being so small, when it looks normal at my screen?


                                  are you giants or something?



                                    Still looks small sama lol. I even ctrl+mouse wheeled up and couldn't see it. :(


                                      dd do you have a 1x1 pixel monitor or something




                                        whats wrong i dno why u dnt see it like me

                                        prob too high tech



                                          ICE SKULL

                                            *ESP* Wink
                                            3 hours ago
                                            I don't get what I am... I spend ~12 hours a day on the internet, but I go out with friends whenever I am invited (which is around 3 times a week), so I don't neglect my social life. Addicted or not, what do you guys think?


                                              This is why you don't play windowed, boys
                                              My dota is always minimised when im doing something else lol

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                                                  12 hours a day in the interwebs...let's say you sleep 8 hours. Sooo, you have 4 left to eat, poop and move around so you don't resemble a vegetable. Yeah, probably addicted :P

                                                  ICE SKULL

                                                    i know everyone in my neighborhood and its either me or them who enters each other houses + i live with 2 friends i've known since i was 5 years old for about 1-2 years now

                                                    if you get addicted/obsessed with hobbies or others you should seek help or kill yourself. no argument to this :)


                                                      I'm looking forward to seeing this documentary... Video games and internet can be as addicting and self destructing as drugs too boys, so you'd better watch your back. :)

                                                      Just checked my recent activity and i have 54.6 hours past 2 weeks so i think i am healthy. DD sama 336 hours are way too much.

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                                                        ^so casual

                                                        on vacation times ive hit 100 hours per 2 weeks (and i dont just leave the game open) T_T

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                                                          300+ hrs what the fuck dude
                                                          i have 120 hrs with afk (60/week) and thats a lot

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                                                          Quick maffs

                                                            65.3 hours per 2 weeks ( right now i am on vacation )


                                                              addicted as fuck x)

                                                              #what i am doing with my life

                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                I suck dick for dota 2 playtime, its a sad life


                                                                  ^i dunno man, sounds fun :P


                                                                    that bildr site is fucked up it shows full image to some people but small image to some like this

                                                                    i was addicted in high school, skipped like 50% of my last year cuz i was too tired to go in the morning, but now i dont even play that much. i think life would probably be better if i never discovered computers, but then i'd be working in fast food or some shit. i think the pc/internet definitely changes your brain somehow, fucks with your motivation


                                                                      Of course it fucks with your motivation. Unless we're talking about "skill" or something like that, it still demotivates you because you have pretty much all the information you could ever need literally at your fingertips. "Why learn it when I can find it on the internet?" Sums it up pretty nicely I would think.

                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!