General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestion about Calibration

Question about Calibration in General Discussion

    So a few patches ago Valve capped calibration MMR at ~5.5k (meaning even if ur a 6k player you won't get over 5.5k after calibration).

    Does anyone know what calibration actually places emphasis on now? Before, they used to base it primarily off K/D/A and Hero damage. I don't know if this has changed or not.

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      It most certainly was not based off kda and hero damage. when the mmr was visible during calibration, supports with shitty kdas and hd still got increased mmrs from simply winning.


        it was, there was an extensive reddit post about it

        people who picked support suffered (comparatively speaking), and many 5500+ players got over 6k simply by spamming tinker/zeus since they naturally do the highest hero dmg in the game, which is how all those 6k accounts with 10 games popped up and got sold

        yes u would still get mmr from winning, but not nearly as much as the ember spirit who spammed w all game to get higher hero dmg

        valve patched this so now u can't get over 5500 after calibration, so i was curious what method they use to assign ur MMR. did they just assign a cap but keep the same methodology? or change the methodology altogether?

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        Flat is Justice!

          reason y there are more ppl going to mid heroes is because it gives more consistent results
          especially since u know u did not buy your acct

          every game still needs good supports for their carries, just that if u play mostly support, you will come to realise, especially your first few games....u cant trust your carry

          so go carry/mid to make an impact is the way to go for best calibration (IF you know u are good)

          calibration is still based on win/loss, they dont account kda or hero dmg(wtf?)

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            if they didn't account for k/d/a or hero damage how do u think all those 5500+ accounts with 10 games (excluding the tmm games where they afk'ed for 90 minutes with 500% boosters) on them got sold

            anyways there's already plenty of evidence to support my claim but i don't care about that, i just want to know if anyone somehow deduced the changes Valve made. the reason i'm asking is that some people are actually calibrated much lower than what they managed to achieve after playing 50+ ranked games, which suggests that there might be some flaws Valve overlooked (yet again0

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              it was an probably still is based on kda cs and exp gpm...