General Discussion

General DiscussionVote mirana arcana so she gives you her cat

Vote mirana arcana so she gives you her cat in General Discussion

    Plz no fatshit

    i left her

      vote rubick cuz he borrows instead of stealing


        Vote mirana!


          vote sniper all the sniper cosmetics out there are too shitty


            invoker or sf


              vote whoever you like but you guys should realise that Pudge is probably gonna win

              Ples Mercy

                Engima or tiny arcana



                  pudge will win anyways so dont even bother


                    You guys are not getting the point


                      you wish you could get mirana's 'cat'


                        ^ now you are getting somewhere




                            kinda reminds me of katy perry from that california dream album cover..

                            Quick maffs

                              I was going to say poor pudge but fuck that hero

                              I hate pudge pickers if they are on my team or if they are on the enemy team


                                A Meepo Arcana would be so epic.

                                King of Low Prio

                                  Pudge is just annoying in general. Having to actually pay attention all the time because the pudge sits in the tree for 20mins for 1 hook then spam about how hes Dendi


                                    I love killing his fat ass, he's slow as shit and squishy too
                                    Vote for Viper arcana

                                    This comment was edited

                                      I have like 1 game with pudge and already 2 sets for him. No need another one, thank you!

                                      Btw vote for slardar for model rework!

                                      TOC | Amanda Dermichknutscht

                                        Am I the only one hoping for an Io arcana? I mean.. for real now?


                                          I was hoping for a sweet CM arcana. but since she is out of the running, Mirana, Enigma, or invoker plz

                                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!