General Discussion

General DiscussionPlease help me understand my MMR calibration

Please help me understand my MMR calibration in General Discussion

    Hello everyone. A couple of days ago I reached lvl 13 and I was excited to get into ranked matches. The calibration matches didn't go well for me at first, but eventually I managed to get 5 wins and 5 losses. It felt like I had done well, but then Dota slapped me in the face really hard, as I received a solo rating of 1209. Don't get me wrong, I'm not frustrated about it, I just simply do not understand the reason why I've received such a low rating after going 50/50 in the calibration matches. I've read other people's posts on calibration ranking, and most of them received a higher rating. Some of them even had less wins than me over those 10 matches.

    Again, I don't want to complain or vent my frustrations. Just please help me understand how this happened and what I can do, besides winning, to get better ratings. Of course I've given this some thought myself first, but the only things I can come up with is that I may need to score higher GPM and EPM numbers. Another thing I want to mention is that I have selected 2 servers to play on, Europe West and US East, could this have something to do with it?

    I think my Dota profile is visible to everyone, if you need more info just let me know.


      u have a hidden rating which determines your mmr coming into ranked
      that was apparently too high, hence u performed shitty in your first 7 games and never were a huge impact despite playing a huge impact hero most of the time (puck)
      this drops your rating
      therefore, you get "better stats" games after that


        Now that you mention it, those last couple of games did feel like a complete joke compared to the opposition I received in the first matches. It went from extremely challenging matches (1 of them even lasted 74 minutes) to easy wins where the opponent couldn't really put up a fight. I guess I shouldn't have too much trouble getting my rating up then, thanks for the quick reply.

        Ples Mercy

          its quite simple.

          At first you get an anti smurf system, which checks if your a new player or a smurf, after that it will give you a MMR (first couple of games), once you started calibrating your matches it will just modify that starting MMR.

          basicly what will happen is, that you can gain +500MMR from ur starting MMR or -500MMR since a hard win gives you +50 points and a had loss -50, i don't know anything about the creteria to get +50 (you can even get points when you lose a match or lose points while win a match)

          So basicly what happened is this:
          you had a starting mmr around 1400 then you lost like 5 matches hard, which made the thing go down like 1150 and then when you won the last matches you gained like those 50+ points or so. That should be around right.


            Alright that sounds fair enough. I guess the system just put me where I need to be and I was setting the bar too high for myself. Thanks for clarifying the calibration, I understand what happened now.

            Quick maffs

              Btw an offtopic tip: Dont get aghanims on puck, get blink dagger

              Good luck in your games !


                Yup, I knew someone was going to notice that lol. The reason why I didn't use it yet is because every day i'm still learning and trying to improve with Puck and Dota itself, and it just felt safer to master the skills, the map and how to use the hero efficiently in different phases of the game first before getting into the blink dagger. I'm sure that I'll be using it soon though because I'm starting to feel alot more confident in playing Puck. Thanks for the tip.

                Quick maffs

                  Yeah i understand, i guess it makes sense, anyway the sooner you get used to blink the better.

                  Anyway i started playing dota with a couple of friends, i dont know how someone can have the patience to learn alone so good luck man ! btw if you want help in anything just add me, i like to help people who is learning, i am not a high level player but i know something :P


                    the calibration doesnt work for the games you won. for example i lost like 6/7 games of my calibration and im in 3,4k

                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!