General Discussion

General DiscussionWhats the point of this game?

Whats the point of this game? in General Discussion

    I dont get it. After 4 years i can't win game anymore. 9 loss streak? This is how dota2 matchmaking works? I was on same rank for 6 months and now i drop by 200 in a day? I play 50+ minute games just to lose? So that means that i play worse than i was? This is the game where Valve makes $40M profit in 2 months? Fucking brilliant. I'm just wondering how hard is this game gonna suck when they release Techies.


      T O O M U C H A U T I S M.


        4 years of dota and you think a 9 loss streak matters when you've probably played thousands of games.

        simply stop caring about a number on a screen. if you lose a few games in a row you don't magically lose your ability to play dota properly.

        mmr within 200 points doesn't really matter, the rating isn't going to be precise to a single digit considering how much your mmr can change in 1 day from playing a few games.


          the peruvians are a powerful unseen force, always there. Always ready to make you question why you even fucking play the game


            You need to lose 2 more to reach your longest lose streak:


              The point of the game is to destroy the other teams ancient.
              From what I're not that great at it.


                How do you think pages 1-3 made me feel

                It doesn't matter how many you lose you just need to work out how you will pick yourself back up again.

                I constantly use my plus subscription to look around my games and go into each one and try and feel out who I could have picked or who I maybe shouldn't have played. On top of that I also look at my games a lot, even if someone is being a dickwad in your games there is always something you could have done, perhaps not to win, but to still increase your chances of winning despite your team mates or plays.

                Lets start off...


                > Playing SK carry vs and AM and mirana (ofc she will go diffusal)
                > No blink despite their team having escape catch up (leap, blink, TP, Timberchain)
                > Midas basher Mjolnir (zero durability)
                > Try to be out of lane helping the team by about 15 mins as you don't want AM too farmed.

                Try this?


                > Went sheepstick which is super expensive, maximize your strengths and go for veil, scepter (same cost almost but more dmg)
                > Picked up passive level 4 and never maxed it till 14? (5-11%)
                > Boots of travel? (genuinely curious, did you last minute get these for a push?)

                Something like (solo queue offlane)


                > You look like you did good but again, going big items first, remember that small items help you scale a lot better

                My build suggestion (force is core I think)


                > Looks like you were mid and didn't do much
                > Helm doesn't really do much for sniper early game unless you have some AS to back it up
                > Sniper mid puts a lot of pressure on your team and forces early ganks and 5 man dota

                What I would have done is not pick sniper and maybe let the pick mid. (if that's what happened)

                Gonna stop here as I think you can get the picture, just wander through and look at what you could have done which should potentially help you in future games that are similar, or when playing the hero again.

                NOTE: I did not do this to prove you're a bad player I just want you to self improve yourself, I personally think you're not bad.


                  @ [F5] Haz, lol. Nice one :)


                    solo mm's 50% about luck, example game:

                    nothing i could do there, tinker was really bad had BoT only until 30 min, started skilling march at level 10. invoker was better but still terrible

                    the best thing you can do to increase your chances are pick an OP high impact hero like terrorblade or phoenix

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                      Not terrorblade, he has a really high skill cap and you have to be a decently versitle player in general to play him (e.g. you have to rotate lanes and jungle constantly, idleness on TB = gg)

                      Phoenix is a good suggestion, not a lot of killing power if you're solo offlane vs a duo but you can get lucky and even in a bad lane you can get six and TP somewhere or just wait a gank out.


                        so you mean, 4 years of dota and x months of being at the same mmr means you cannot by default lose mmr even when you decide to play bad or throw games?


                          For fun


                            i haven't played TB since he had pugna's ulti as his first skill but i see a lot of terrorblade players who are trash and still manage to carry because that hero is fucking broken

                            King of Low Prio

                              Once you hit 4 years of dota you can no longer lose matches -_-

                              Flat is Justice!

                                because playing for almost 10 years and i still suck everytime i stop playing for a couple of months

                                Quick maffs

                                  The point of the game ? to have fun, if you dont have fun anymore my tip for you is to stop playing


                                    Cry me a river


                                      @Havoc Badger <3 Hald Traas

                                      You can't really know what's the reason for those picks/build if you don't watch replay.
                                      About sniper game your mentioned: I went safe lane, but "support" silencer was trying to farm and get last hits, so i rotated mid. At that point i knew game was lost so i didn't care about item choice. Now you know.


                                        "What I would have done is not pick sniper and maybe let the puck mid. (if that's what happened)"

                                        Well it looks like you did it awfully early seeing as puck looks pretty shattered and you have an excessive level advantage over your team mates and you weren't all that involved. I am simply saying just try and go through you games and have a look at whats up and where you can improve personally.


                                          That's not what happened. But it doesn't really matter. Thanks for your effort though.


                                            is havoc badger secretly relentless?


                                              10 years and i still lose too often and have huge loss streaks :D

                                              Quick maffs

                                                ^^Oh man that would make sense

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                                                  how old are you guys if youve been playing dota for 10 years, jeez

                                                  Quick maffs

                                                    Most of dota players are beetween 16-30 years old, long time ago i saw people speaking about dota ( dota 1 ) and never had the pacience to try it, oh well :/


                                                      25 ofc


                                                        most of us learnt to micro as a toddler, so to answer your question, we are 10


                                                          im 20, played dota for the first time in 2007-8 i think, wc3 way before that. used to hate dota because 90% of custom games were dota and i only played angel arena, vampirism and stuff like that

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                                                            just mute everyone and play .. a lot of people start crying when the laning phase didnt go as planned or they miss a LH just ignore these tards and try ur best

                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                              24 turning 25. I really only liked the hero aspect of wc3 (starcraft was better for actual unit battles) so when I found dota it was the only thing I used wc3 for

                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                I've only been playing ~2 years. I'm 30. Dota was a good replacement for world of warcraft pvp for me. Matches are about the same length but if you didn't devote 30 hours a week to grinding gear in wow you'd get stomped by people who did, it was retarded. I made gladiator a couple times in burning crusade but could never do it after, just didn't play enough.