General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is the main reason Sven isn't picked more often in competitive?

What is the main reason Sven isn't picked more often in competitive? in General Discussion

    I know my 1k mmr games arent a good example of his power, but he's a natural bkb carry, can absolutely faceroll teamfights in a few swipes, and farms fairly quickly going into the midgame. He also has good synergy with Io like Tiny does. So why don't teams pick him more often? Please my 5k mmr gods my trench mind must be enlightened

    Edit: He can also provide 16 armor to his entire team, and has really good base dmg and early kill potential and so on and so forth.

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      hes gonna be picked in ti4

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        That's good, Mushi at ti3 made sven pretty fun to watch.


          Well the thing with sven is that he is often outshined by other carries. He has DD and Cleave yes, but compared to people like weaver, AM, doom, and any natural escape heros, they can easily out kite Sven once his ult is down.

          Unless you go initation sven with a blink/SB is a whole different story.

          Jorges Sanz

            Will be picked to counter bm's wild boar. #dejavu

            Rk is just too dependent on the Bkb and crit stick to do anything useful, he isnt a great aegis holder as well and other obvious reasons such as force staff/ghost scepter gaming. Warcry is somewhat decent for high ground pushing but definitely not sufficient itself.

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              Well, how often do you actually see melee carries nowadays? Too easily kited, you don't get to use your items efficiently cause you need to switch target so often cause they just run.-

              Quick maffs

                I know how icefrog balance things, so if he wants to buff sven again he will give him a 100 base damage or some shit like that.

                and if he wants to buff AM he will give him more range on ulti again

                that its how dota works


                  its not DD. Its triple damage lol. He has great synergy, but there is not reason to pcik him right now, because of certain picks atm.

                  King of Low Prio

                    Dorkly, Icefrog never strives for every hero to be 100% viable in pro play. His goal is to make the game change to keep it from becoming stale. I personally enjoy the method of changing the game meta over and over again.(this coming from someone who has played dota for about 10 years off and on) I prob would not have continued to play this game if it stayed the same :P


                      Sven is a great counterpick carry whenever you need a lot of armor on your team. Warcry is practically a lite Omniknight ult.
                      The recent buffs to his damage and armor mean you can do a bit of bullying in your lane. Whether this matters or not in competitive remains to be seen.


                        boring hero with no mana

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                          there are a few reasons, but he has received some serious buffs and I think some teams are waiting to unleash him at TI4.

                          Thing is, Wraith King can be drafted as either a support or a carry, and Sven support is pretty shitty because of his mana pool issues.

                          Basically atm, WK and Sven are incredibly similar, but WK "comes online" faster and safer, where as Sven needs to rice.


                            I like to play support Sven with soulring, but my team often force me to play carry. If dedicated support like me plays carry, nothing good can happen...

                            Jorges Sanz

                              Doubt RK would take a prominent place in ti4. There are so many other shenanigans that could wreck a rk carry draft. Like Kunkka's allied X Mark and ghost ship, solo mid aghs disruptor, even Panda and Tide..


                                He can be countered by a force staff

                                Low Expectations

                                  Of the top of my head, 1) kited by force staff2)blink is the new meta on everyhero and you can dodge his stun with blink making him quite useless

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                                    because Fear won't join TI4 hence not a single sven pick given that day


                                      blink makes him useless? wat?
                                      any idea how ridiculous that sounds??

                                      Flat is Justice!

                                        because sd purge = useless sven

                                        Hafla Enjoyer

                                          Every thread about the viability of a carry is summed by "shit carry easily kited countered by force and ghost"

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            It's not even force or ghost, he's just easily kited in general, bkb wears off fast. You need to pick very specific heroes to go with him, ones with slows/disables or maybe omni for repel. Look at naix, is he picked much anymore? And he has a built in bkb and people still kite the crap out of him. Sven is also kind of squishy for a str based hero I've always felt. DK has ranged form and craploads of armor, WK has reincarnation and vamp aura by default. I always feel like I'm teetering on the edge of dying every time I pop ult and run into the middle of a team fight.