General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you get exp offlane?

How do you get exp offlane? in General Discussion
GG | dudutsai

    I'll block camp, and have it dewarded after support eats a tree, then get zoned out while carry maintains equilibrium. How do I even get exp? I just keep dying :(

    Sugar Show

      Buy boots and "STAY ON TREES"

      King of Low Prio

        u can leech exp from the supports pulling camps, you can rotate to jungle or you can attempt to gank mid. Vs any non retarded trilane you should rarely be getting exp from the lane creeps.


          Depends on which hero.

          You're probably picking a hero that is rather weak in the offlane, or requires more microskills and mapawareness.
          To be succesful with NP offlane you have to scout with treants, harass with treants and lasthit with treants if you cannot with you hero.

          If the support comes to zone you out, why don't you just attack in return? Trees + Rightclick outdamages most of the supports I'm familar with.

          It gets trickier if its a trilane however, but just stay in @ your tower, use trees to pull creeps over to your tower. Pretty simple, free exp.

          Also, don't think your tower means you're safe. If they're pushing, step back so you don't get caught, then use trees to pull creeps off tower, this way you're in a safe position most likely and won't be caught.

          If lane is totally frozen and you cannot get anything out from it, check runes, look out for possible ganks, go jungle.

          Just tp back if the lane pushes, and you'll zap the exp. Nature isn't a very strong hero in this meta however, so you'll probably be better of picking a hero that let you have more impact on the game, such as:



            I usually just go jungle if they keep sucking exp.
            There are nothing good from "keep dying" part as an offlane
            If i died once i could sacrifice the tower if i wanted to.


              Pick a hero with a good escape or some kind of stun (mirana, slark, cent, clock, etc) and play with them even if there's trilane. Go suck exp from pull camps, mess with the supports, etc. Only play safe when you really need to and if you see they know what they're doing. Sometimes you can get kills even vs a trilane, if you find an underleveled support out of position or on low hp.


                you're suppose to be annoying and getting exp while you do that. take aggro from creeps, hide show yourself, make it seem like the carry is getting ganked by going full retard and then backing away xD etc just think of things you would fall for and play like that!if its a constat trilane then just go somewhere else or just dont get exp but make sure the 3 of them stay there the whole time without dying yourself! eventually they will leave (after tower) and you will get tons of xp


                  aaaaaaaaaand did someone just delete a thread?? the one with the shadow demon :p

                  Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                    If you are blocking pull camp and it is getting dewarded commonly, try a new spot. Unless you are radiant offlane. Then you might have issues.


                      ideally i'd get given a sentry and an obs when i'm going offlane, so i can block the camp with the sentry and use the obs for vision closer to my tower to see hero movement better. you can get an almost guaranteed level 2-3 from the start if you let the range creep through when you creep block in the beginning.

                      you don't even need to block with wards if you're playing furion, you can block the pull camps with treants yourself. if supports are trying to kill them that gives you way more room.

                      if there's no way you can safely zip in and out for xp, go stack camps, secure runes, jungle, etc. just do useful stuff instead of standing at the tower.

                      also try bristleback when you're dire offlane, that hero is great in pubs and most players won't bother to ward your ancients. you can catch up very quickly with a 5-6 stack of ancients and quill spray

                      GG | dudutsai

                        Ok thanks for the tips. I was trying to off with earth spirit. Now I've got plenty of things to try out

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