General Discussion

General DiscussionA Little bit about support

A Little bit about support in General Discussion

    Well, this is the most important role in game. Usually lot of 2,5k mmr - 3k mmr almost pick this role. Said want to mid, carry or feeder.
    I just want to give a useless advice in game which maybe u can use for playing support or care about being ganked and blaming your team

    Ward Spot:

    Red - Rune wards
    Yellow - Ubercliffs
    Pink - Lane/aggressive/defensive/ wards
    Green - Jungle wards
    Blue - Push wards
    White - Very situational
    Purple lines - Blocks the pointed neutral camp from spawning

    Stacking spot and timing


    Well, i'm sorry if i just spam this web with this useless thread, hope u can be better player. Also can play support better :)

    This topic was edited

      those pull times are out of date bro


        thx for "useless advice".. what ?

          its map doesnt provide ward place or creep stack support :/
          its hard to me to understand


            Don't know if you're serious or trolling... you posed a pic with those, why the hell would i post another one?!


              so out of date


                there is no tinker lane cliff wards, idk