General Discussion

General DiscussionCan people just stop please!

Can people just stop please! in General Discussion

    Stop watching pro players and then go trying what they do in pub games. Yes, we know Arteezy can play PA mid, I know Excalibur wrecked people with Tinker but that doesn't mean you can.

    I can watch a video of Arnold lifting his weight in dumbbells' but should I try that as well? These are professional players able to get away with amazing stuff because they're amazing, professional players. You're not, unless you're like a top tier player stop picking top tier heroes and trying to replicate what you see on television.

    Its for your own good, and the good of the players that have to put up with your shit all game long while you talk about how you're pro and can do it "trust me". They should put a disclaimer on every pro match saying "Do not try this at home", seriously don't.

    If your not above 5k do not fucking pick and play heroes that you're incapable of playing to a proficient level, stick to the basics.

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      Quick maffs

        Oh god it already started ? People trying to be rtz


          pls PA mid is EE-sama style, rtz just copino pasterino

          Quick maffs

            I can believe that, we all know EE is the master mind beyond all the theory craft in dota

            King of Low Prio

              I dont like giving EE credit cuz hes a annoying otaku but PA mid was his thing -_-


                Doesn't matter who did it, pub players shouldn't. Seriously the amount of failed attempts at stuff pro's do far outweighs the good instances.


                  During the game I asked myself "would Dendi do this thing", and if not, I did not do that thing.


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                  waku waku

                    im just trying to be special ;~;


                      Why not ? It's fun


                        Here's how it goes.

                        > Picks unconventional mid
                        > Feeds unconventional mid
                        > Takes up resources playing catch up for the rest of the game
                        > Blames team for lack of wards or ganks
                        > Sometimes after all the afk farm will do well and carry
                        > Will then claim we were all trash and lucky to have him
                        > Dota2 is truly blessed by his presence.


                          JUNGLE SAND KING

                          Quick maffs

                            OH MAN my friend tried to do that in 2 games in a row

                            Sad games man, sad games

                            casual gamer

                              IDC about pa mid, fucking lv 1 jungle sand king gives me CANCER

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                                tfw mid PA dies 6 times solo to magnus

                                casual gamer

                                  Had a sf get solo killed by qop 3 times in first five mins mid. How does that shit even happen


                                    When Dendi was really famous for his Pudge, all players wanted to play Pudge "mid or feed". A bit back it was the same with RTZ naga and now it's the same with RTZ PA. You cant do a lot about it really, just join them and pick something thats popular atm :)


                                      QoP destroys SF mid doesn't she JDF? High base damage, easy kills on SF with Shadowstrike + Haste or DD, SF can't kill her because of Blink, and can't rune control because of Blink.

                                      If QoP gets one kill on SF he basically can't come back to lane unless he stays way back and just CSes with long Raze.

                                      Quick maffs

                                        Who cares about a sf man at least he is a sf

                                        but when pa gets fucked mid, oh well useless creep for the rest of the game

                                        King of Low Prio

                                          on radiant it is not too hard to come back. Just have your team secure the runes so QoP cant take em all and it isnt that hard of a matchup


                                            "Had a sf get solo killed by qop 3 times in first five mins mid. How does that shit even happen"
                                            People have always underestimated her Q's damage. The range increase on it and the low cooldown now just make it ridiculous. Sad it took both these things to happen before people stopped going for some kind of level 7 teamfight build >.>


                                              But the point is that while feeding 3 kills in 5 minutes as SF to QoP isn't good, it's not like that's a matchup that's in SF's favor. If QoP gets a Haste or DD early there's a high chance SF will die unless he hugs his tower.


                                                There's a high chance he'll die even if he does, shadow strike can be thrown at him from beyond tower range and if he's been harassed wouldn't take much to drop him even there.

                                                King of Low Prio

                                                  U have to make trades, alot of the time SF players will trade one right click for a SS but u need to hit at least 1 raze to even it out.

                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                    personally I would not draft SF into a QoP but in pubs it is manageable


                                                      because pubs are serious right?

                                                      please, same shit if he feeds with pa mid or any other crap he played 1000 times over.


                                                        brb watching sampson so I can lower my 46% wr on bh


                                                          i did pa mid 7 years ago..

                                                          "EE SAMA invented it" ahahaha

                                                          Quick maffs


                                                            nice kda on him man

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                                                              Nobody play chen carry. It's freaking awensome guys with Phase + Desolator + Creeps buffs.

                                                              Idk why people report.


                                                                That's so discouraging.


                                                                  So guys what is better, a guaranteed safe lane-farmed void or a sucessful mortred on mid...? And what happens if we have these two in the same game? ;D And the only time someone said to me like Havoc is when i tried clinkz mid, said that EE sama did it on his stream and i got the idea from there. Btw, i've never seen eternal envy's stream (if that's the guy), i've only seen and liked arteezy, merlini and wagamama.

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                                                                    I don't know about having them in my team, but having them both in the enemy team would be so delicious...

                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                      Are you guys talking about PA mid, midas build? Armlet build? Cus someone just did it in my match. If not for other team picking 3 mids, all heroes countered by bkb and just generally sucking it would've been a blow out loss.



                                                                        in my opinion, just pick and practice eventually you'll be good tho if you start playing mid, you might want some more conventionnal picks.


                                                                          There's no need to feel restricted and follow the concept blindly.Dota is all about having fun , unless you are worthy enough to play in professional games , I don't see any point in being serious about it.

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                                                                            ^ Winning is fun though.


                                                                              before this, mid pa already exist

                                                                              trust me
                                                                              i am 1.7k mmr
                                                                              tats y


                                                                                but but but i saw mushi going ursa mid too


                                                                                  pa and ursa mid are very strong if you have decent mechanics

                                                                                  just tried carry wr mid, its as legit as carry potm except with better steroid, better BAT and slightly more reliable disable

                                                                                  pa mid is really strong too, I laned a sf and shat on him so bad he abandoned 10 minutes in probably after getting flamed by his entire team for losing mid to pa. Even viper can't really win PA in lane.


                                                                                    Well not all of us can be Z-God sheesh man.


                                                                                      Jungle sand king is legit and its ez gtfo jungle sand king haters


                                                                                        "Even viper can't really win PA in lane."
                                                                                        You're going to have to explain that one to me.


                                                                                          @Greatlubu: He's not that great at jungling from level 1. Once he hits level 3 he's a good jungler.

                                                                                          @Dipshit: I'm assuming he means that you can just cs safely and easily with daggers.


                                                                                            against people with superior range and harass PA has a 1.2k range free last hit every 6 seconds, which is usually at least 3 creeps per wave. combined with 20% evasion early and a PMS Viper will have to contend with trading farm.

                                                                                            if there is a manfight before 6 PA will come out on top too

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                                                                                              qe voker does fine against this, you cant get jumped with spirits+snap and you have enough damage to deny half of every wave (start denying early so that once pa throws a dagger, the next creep getting hit immediately starts being denied at half health)

                                                                                              but the hero is a strong mid


                                                                                                ursa mid is fucking badass :D i love to do it ;)

                                                                                                Lorne Malvo

                                                                                                  Everyone should just play within the perceived limits and positions of their roles all the time as defined by the DOTA 2 community.

                                                                                                  History has shown that aspiration, innovation and creativity have always led to failure and defeat.

                                                                                                  If you play hero X you must at all times do what hero X is supposed to do and conform to whatever the majority agree. Because trying something different can never work unless you are a demi-god.

                                                                                                  Only pros can try something different which should never be aspired to nor imitated.

                                                                                                  Dota 2 reduced to chequers.

                                                                                                  Way fun.


                                                                                                    Well havoc has a point, there's a difference between blindly imitating something situational/reliant on certain skills and doing it appropriately


                                                                                                      ARTEEZY MASTER RACE

                                                                                                      Lorne Malvo

                                                                                                        Zenoth, yes he does have a point but the majority of players in my experience are already just way too dogmatic. If i have a lose a few games because people want to try something else I would rather that.

                                                                                                        Though I recognize the irony of imitation becoming dogma.

                                                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!