General Discussion

General DiscussionMaster of counterpick

Master of counterpick in General Discussion

    I am the pub picks master!!
    Everyone that thinks otherwise, give me a lineup (enemy/allied picks or any circumstances) and I will make it work with my decisive pick.


      I lost a match today where enemies had Faceless Void, Pugna, Sniper, Drow and Witch Doctor. Please tell me counter pick lineup.


        Pick nyx and take hardlane solo or mid and go gangs with tp when you hit 6 get dagger and finish sniper fast at fights. Come on this is too easy, give me your allies' picks for a challenge.

        Basically pick anything other than PL -which is what you picked- against their 3 squishy cores greedy lineup and gang them to oblivion.

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          How do I counter that retard in my team who keeps insulting everyone and creating unnecesary tension even though we are actually WINNING?


            Really? My team had Phantom Lancer, Nature's Prophet, Viper, Puck, Skywrath Mage. While we were having great game till 30 min mark, somehow Void turned out to be better in 5v5 fights and not Lancer.

            Edit: Ok, read your edited reply. Yes, my PL was the reason we lost. Bad decision by us assuming that PL would counter Void in teamfights. What would you suggest in place of PL?

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              mute button?



                Do not reply, there is 0 chance he will keep talking if he is getting no replies unless he is drunk.
                If his spam is distracting you, thus making you play worse, use the ignore button.


                  what a trash thread...


                    @Benao.Lifedancer.Pringles, hey Mr Pro Dendi, some of us trash players like such threads, ok?


                      Trash for you =/= trash for everyone.

                      If nothing said here interest you then don't read and -obviously- don't participate.


                        Bristle, Lina, PL, Aba, Naix , how to ez win ?


                          how are you going to counter a whole team with 1 hero? either say the whole draft or fuck off


                            Ez win you say? Timbersaw. Unless the enemy sends something ridiculous mid such as bristle or naix they have to run: A) Naix woods BB hardlane Lina mid thus leaving their safelane ridiculously weak to be crushed by timber. B) Naix hardlane which is quite weak and a relatively weak trilane which timber can survive easily. And timber later on crushes 3/5 of their heroes.

                            @Just the tip
                            I said give me the circumstances and I give you that one decisive pick which will make the biggest difference.


                              Faceless Void, Pugna, Sniper, Drow and Witch Doctor
                              pick omni and use ulti with aghanim? those mostly are physical wtf


                                thing is... if you listen to him you'll lose more ====> trash thread

                                Flat is Justice!

                                  one pick that counters 5 heroes?

                                  this tread gave me cancer
                                  lucky, i am batman


                                    This isn't suppossed to be a guide, more of a game.

                                    I say best possible pick, it may or may not counter all their heroes.


                                      Best counterpick against Medusa in low-level pubs?

                                      Lina mid against Drow mid?

                                      Timbersaw counters?


                                        hes either just spewing shit anyone over 4k could tell you, or hes using


                                          Against Medusa is either fast push like Lycan or even better, don't let her farm in early, do aggro trilane or dual lane. If he is stupid enough to go anceints just put sentry or observer in trees to block the camp.

                                          Anything that can get close to drow with ease is good. Lina is usually fightning from a distance so these conditions favour drow. And in order to burst Drow down lina needs to get within silence range which will most probably get her killed.

                                          And you counter Timbersaw with silences or, if he is hardlaning, by zoning him out effectively with a hero that is good at zone out such as Silencer or WD.

                                          Just checked your site, besides the fact that I can't seem to find how to operate it, there would be no point in cheating, since I wouldn't be testing my picking skills as I intended to. I see no reason for you to be hating here, please go away.

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                                            How do we counter bloodseeker picker? I wana hear opinions from you pro

                                            Hex Sigma

                                              ^too ez tp scrolls eul hex and halberd oooor silencer(disarm+dmg+silence=gg)

                                              Ples Mercy

                                                Enemyteam: Puck mid, (Terrorblade | sk(roaming) | Lion(raoming)) trilane, Mirana solo offlane.

                                                gaem was over in 25min, not even a stack, but for some reason they decided to go full tryhard.

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                                                  Jesus Christ just don't be around with low hp for long and don't push alone, especially without vision. And if you do, get a tp scroll. If you are a caster that worries about the silence (timbersaw, invoker, skywrath etc) get a euls. You can use ghost staff. Also, at lane, get him to low hp early so that he is afraid to go near creeps for the rest of the laning phase out of fear of dying (to do that you either need a lane partner or him to be solo), that way he won't get regenerate hp and won't get farm until he goes back or ferries a salve. Bloodseeker is barely ever a problem unless you let him become one. If you are looking for specific heroes, Wraith King and Abaddon are great counters. Besides, I am not here looking to tell you how to counter specific heroes, I am looking for situations.

                                                  @Daymn Son
                                                  Now that's more like it, lets suppose you have last pick, tell me the picks of your team and I will tell you the most suited pick.

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                                                  Ples Mercy

                                                    Well we sadly had a SF mid ( OD would have been sexy), furi solo offlane, Weaver and ss safe.

                                                    Low Expectations

                                                      ^Pick pugna win game


                                                        a little bit OT
                                                        today i played in a 5 man stack with my friend and face an other 5-stack.they pick SS,NP,WK,Invoker and PL.although we have great K-D score but the gold chart shows that our opponents are a little bit ahead. The most annoying thing is that they have many split pushers and we had to defend our base so hard.At last they get mega creeps but we win after a huge combat but i think i haven't actually how to properly deal with rat after the 35 minute mark.
                                                        any advice pls


                                                          @Daymn Son

                                                          Okay. First of all, your team has 2 weak spots in SF solo mid and NP hardlane against TB. You needed a supportive hero to help ss with warding and such. IMO the perfect pick would be Lich. You could either go top and help NP farm more effectively be holding the lane back with sacrifice and protecting the tower with a level frost armor from TB's early push. That would lead their supports to be starved for exp, especially if you ward their pull properly. With Lich, you can also go mid and help SF farm safely -a tactic that I employ very often in my games- by zoning out puck with nova, holding the lane back with sacrifice, thus delaying puck's dagger, and stacking camps for sf to clear later.
                                                          Now you can argue that Lich is among my favourites (honestly, because he fits in so many situations) and I can make use of him more effectively than average.
                                                          Lets try to give you an alternative; Something which can cover the rest of your lanes with TP support effectively such as Dazzle would be cool. He can slow down TB's push with healing wave, save SF with grave and his ulti makes a goob -armor combo with sf and weaver. Alchemist can also halt pushes with acid spray and help secure kills on Mirana since his stun isn't disjointed by leap so he can set for SS disables.
                                                          An important thing you should have payed attention at is wards. There needed to be one ward on your safelane so as to track down Mirana's movements and one that provides vision and blocks the hard camp which is closer to the enemy safelane.


                                                            vs aura strat?



                                                              Gang gang gang and end early.
                                                              You don't let the game go beyond 35 with PL. NP and SS can't split push early, Invoker is also weak early on, use smokes and take advantage of their weak early game.


                                                                @IM BAD U MAD SO SAD
                                                                Drow+Luna=2 hard carry punish them with early aggression and gangs.
                                                                Tell me your team's picks aswell.


                                                                  good topic, so upp

                                                                  My dawg

                                                                    I HAVE SCRIM PLZ ANSWER FAST MUST OUTDRAFT OPPONENT


                                                                      If you are so eager to upp my topic then how about you give me a challenge?

                                                                      I am here, lol.


                                                                        Hi, Del.
                                                                        How to counter 1# Gyro, 2# Zeus, 3# Magnus, 4# Ogre, 5# SK?


                                                                          in my team there's slark mid , mirana silencer zeus
                                                                          in the opponent team there's a pudge mid , clockwerk wr pugna and a Bs who counterpicked against slark and moonlight escape mechanism
                                                                          I have the last pick what should i pick

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                                                                            My enemy is my hand that I use to fap that results into worst Dota gameplay
                                                                            My ally is my hand also which I use for dota



                                                                              alright, how do u counter this lineup: tinker, np, abba, witch doctor, and timbersaw?
                                                                              we had this lineup: centaur, rubick, invoker, husk, and i had ember.


                                                                                Alright, I was busy but now I have some free time so I will solve the situations presented one by one.
                                                                                Needless to say that if you have an objection to one of my solutions you post it.

                                                                                Fiirstly I need to know your team's picks so I can tell you what exactly is the best pick, assuming you are picking last. Now all I can do is give you some generic advice.
                                                                                Just by looking at the enemy team composition, they have a potential trilane with strong killing potential. The best solution to this is either sending a hardlane that can survive that such as Nyx with carapace or, since they have little zone out potential, Phoenix or Mirana. Or an aggressive trilane with heroes that can sustain enemy disables and killing potential such as Abaddon, Dazzle, Undying, Shadow Demon, Lifestealer etc. The other two heroes, Zeus and Magnus are relatively weak hardlaners so unless they go at completely unorthodox lanes your mid and safelane won't have trouble doing decently, provided the heroes there are decent laners such as Invoker, Razor, LC, DK or whatever. If they decide to go aggro tri and catch you off guard you will have to adjust your lanes a little. And also, Gyro and SK won't get good farm if they do.

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                                                                                  Wow, talk about bad picks. Lets see if we can make this work out...
                                                                                  So... slark is mid... What are the intentions of your team? Does Mirana or Silencer want to farm?...
                                                                                  The best possible way I see you could lane this is 2-1-2.
                                                                                  I assume that enemy clock is hardlane, possibly with the help of a teammate. Zeus+Silencer should be able to zone them out using last word and lightning and secure some farm or maybe even kills. Mirana has to go hardlane because none of your heroes can. You need a supportive hero that goes with Mirana to protect her and maybe go for a kill or two. The best pick in this case would be Shadow Demon IMO. This not because of the ridiculous Disruption into Arrow combo (which you still can try provided that Mirana has good timing) it is because Disruption protects your team against pretty much everything the enemy has to throw. Mirana is Bloodraged? Disruption. Mirana is Shackled? Disruption. Mirana is Banished? Disruption. Mirana is being Dismembered? Disrupt pudge. This will let her leap away to safety. That way, she can farm relatively well. Then you just need to hope that Slark and your safelane won't feed and you pretty much own in the late-mid game as the enemy's late game potential is nonexistant.
                                                                                  It goes without saying that you need 1 ward on the hardlane that monitors the enemy movements -and if possible blocks the camp- so as to dodge gangs and hit arrows and, also, that you need to remind your team to carry tps so that BS won't snowball to oblivion.


                                                                                    The best pick at this case is Lube. Next please.

                                                                                    By not picking ember. Lets assume that everyone has picked these heroes and you have last pick. Something you immediately notice is that enemy lineup is WEAK. Very weak. They either have to send NP jungle or Tinker ancients (if you notice it's the latest block the camp immediatelly) meaning that their safelane is exposed. You have a strong hardlaner in Centaur. Pick a strong support for him such as Lich to hold the lane back and harass enemies or Dazzle, Jakiro, Bane, Lion, WR if you hit shackles properly. Any support with strong laning that can also setup for Cent's stun would work there. Abaddon is very mana starved early on so he won't be able to retaliate and WD won't be able to zone both of you therefore Cent will secure early dagger and just haunt down Tinker and NP if they try to be sneaky. Once you help Cent have some levels and items to help him do well on that lane, you can also rotate mid with any of the aforementioned supports and most likely kill the enemy, whether it's a Tinker, Timber or NP, with Cold Snap+your setup he will die. I assume that your safelane of Rubick+Huskar will have no problem shutting down either NP or Timber. and securing farm early on.


                                                                                      Wait... Phoenix and LC are available in captains mode now?


                                                                                        Were you talking about CM? You didn't say so. I said I am the PUB PICKS master...


                                                                                          our team: pudge, omni, luna, silencer, and axe (me)
                                                                                          enemy team: invo, lycan, lion, wr, and brewmaster
                                                                                          was axe the right choice here?


                                                                                            Against these enemies decent but I can't see how you would lane this. Axe woods, silencer/omni hardlane leaves both your hardlane and your safelane weak which is bad. Silencer omni luna is a meh trilane that can't exploit possible enemy bm or wr hardlane and axe solo hard aint the best. 2-1-2 with these heroes is not efficient and leaves your safelane weak.


                                                                                              Help me to counter pick this line up. Invoker, with BS, WL, WK +1 any


                                                                                                ^Illusion heroes with diffusal like PL and naga counter 3/4 these heroes provided their supports create space for them to farm. Or you can abuse their ridiculously greedy lineup and end early. Tell me your team's picks aswell and I tell you the most suited pick precisely.


                                                                                                  counter this

                                                                                                  mid = shadow shaman

                                                                                                  aggro trilane = viper jakiro enchantress(can be change by anthing, usually i change into undying/venge depends on enemy picks)

                                                                                                  carry : 1v1 safe lane doom/clinkz depend on enemies.

                                                                                                  2nd, my wombo combo draft

                                                                                                  et carry, roff, mirana support, mid sf, and offlane ds

                                                                                                  3rd, right click doto

                                                                                                  aggro slark sd and dazzle, mid troll, bottom invoker with exort.

                                                                                                  thats it :3


                                                                                                    I prefer if you gave me my team's picks too and have me tell you my last pick. Giving me the opportunity to counter your team (and telling me your team's lanes aswell) with whatever heroes I want is hardly fair, for you. Aaaanyways, if you insist...

                                                                                                    1st is countered by good defensive trilanes that include supports such as SD or Dazzle that can quickly teleport at other lanes and halt enchantress' gangs. Also a solid mid that can exploit the lack of mobility of both mid candidate, Viper and SS (280 ms, lol) like Drow or Sniper should do the trick. Centaur is the ideal hardlane solo in this situation.

                                                                                                    2nd Just get Silencer as safelane carry, jakiro as support and any strong mid. Basically Silencer effectively halts your wombo combo and crushes DS hardlane. Jakiro gets rid of the living armor in seconds and any strong mid should be able to deal with sf.

                                                                                                    3rd Anything that can go 5man and end at 20 minutes. Shadow shaman, Razor with meka rush, Chen, Lesh, Puck, Luna, Sk with fast dagger, special mention to Pugna.

                                                                                                    Again, I can only give you vague answers, the point here is to present the entire situation on a pub AP game (allied picks attitudes etc) so that I can find the perfect pick.

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                                                                                                      thanks for the answer dude !

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