General Discussion

General DiscussionTo you awful support players

To you awful support players in General Discussion
King of Low Prio

    your welcome, you might not be completely useless now


      That's probably for if they have Flying on Quick buy.

      So yeah they might be still useless if someone doesn't remind them

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      King of Low Prio

        I know but when valve adds these idiot proof features it helps minimize idiots in my games

        King of Low Prio

          I praise lord gabe to please add more features like

          'you have placed your ward 6x in the river, you can no longer place it here'

          'why the fuck are you soaking exp in the lane'

          and other great commands


            play support


              I like this new feature, previously when I put observer wards on quickbuy there was no timer.


                Alt + item also so nice. Gj volvo


                  Now if you could only get them to put that on there for you lol. A good support wouldn't need that reminder though.

                  caesar joestar

                    But I always buy chick :(


                      real supports start spamming their quickbuy at the 2:57 mark


                        Gotta agree :)


                          ^^ and real retards start flaming if they don't.

                          King of Low Prio

                            ^ I feel bad if retarded people need to tell you how to do your job since u cant


                              They should make one single command "We need wards! Upgrade courier! Deward bot rune! Gank mid!". This would make things easier for some people at ~4min.

                              Btw hate people who spam "we need wards" and give you no clue where they would need them. They want to gank enemy jungle? Farm your jungle safely? See roshan area? Push safely? With one set of wards you can't ward the whole map.

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                                "Btw hate people who spam "we need wards" and give you no clue where they would need them."
                                I have to agree on this too, usually i always ask 3 to 4 times before I get a reply of where they would like them, especially if we have 2 already up and there are 2 additional to be placed

                                Or in case they've noticed before me where the opponents support placed theirs and need some sentires

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                                  Useless feature,
                                  ppl always spamming anyway, usually around 2:50 - 3:01

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                                  Mac_Lilypad [NL]

                                    we normally get flying courier around 30 min mark instead of 3 min mark


                                      ^ you didn't played with me.

                                      'you have placed your ward 6x in the river, you can no longer place it here' < i would pay for that


                                        I don't even really condone the mandatory purchasing of a 3 min crow. It should happen before 5 but I don't think it should be on the dot unless your mid thinks hes some hotshot that has to bottle crow with the new meta. But sampson this is the age old human flaw, you can't point out what supports do wrong because you seem to hardly play support at all. none of your top played is a support, so you are picking on something that is pretty trivial. Also, I want to also point out that I know you are not severely high up in mmr and people never take a liking to playing 5 role support. If you are or think you are good, even with bounty hunter. Getting a track kill and then purchasing the flying courier at 6 mins or so will not fucking kill you.


                                          Why not a 3 min crow? A tankier faster courier is definitely a better courier against those pesky NP courier snipers and there's always a teammate who can farm a fast small item to make their laning a lot easier by the 3 min mark. It's always a good thing.


                                            Yes in those situations fine. If you are going against a bounty hunter or a natures or your mid is under heavy harass cause of a slightly unfair laning stage I dont mind getting it right away. But just like everything else in dota, there is always "It depends".


                                              hmm. i dont know man. I do not ever see a situation where u do not up the courier as soon as possible. I understand if the first 3 min was so bad your supports died and have no gold. But other than that, please always up courier as a support at min 3.


                                                Maybe you lane against a jugger and need to rush boots?

                                                King of Low Prio

                                                  Hael some 2k MM trash account buyer like you might not understand it but Dota is a team game and completely gimping the teams item progression and hindering their lane impact because 'I am incompetent at my job' is not a excuse.

                                                  PS. Please leave alrdy nobody wants account buying scum like you around anyway

                                                  PPS. Please stop trying to add me on steam to carry ur scrub ass


                                                    Another lame Ad hominem attempt from sampson. I don't think you have ever played enough where sometimes another item can be a better choice.


                                                      ^ why are u talking u 48% winrate peaseant?

                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                        ^ his account he bought has 50% winrate


                                                          Regardless what winrate I have on any account they are all higher than your rating.(Since last Ive seen it) I think i'm less attached to a number and my e-reputation than you are. Kind of makes sense though with your high number of bounty hunter games and bounty hunter guide and bounty hunter avatar. You are like a little 12 year old girl who walks around with Justin Timberlake in her binder claiming that hes her husband. Hyper Emotionally invested in Dota repertoire.


                                                            What is wrong with Justin Timberlake?

                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                              I love how the guy who was caught buying accounts is telling someone who plays casually that he is 'Hyper Emotionally invested in Dota repertoire'. Im sorry I earned my 4k MM and didnt cheat or manipulate the system to 'pretend to be a 5k MM player' only to be laughed at by thousands on RTZ's stream. You legit hid in your bedroom crying for a week until you mustered up the courage to post here again. Hopefully your bought account gets caught on stream a couple more times and you might just leave for good


                                                                Once again for good clarification since you are slightly retarded and cynical in a derpy way.

                                                                a) Account never had 5k solo mmr. *also since someone has stated this many times* The account never had 78% winrate, never even had 60%.

                                                                B) In the arteezy stream I was 4400 mmr which I actually worked for

                                                                C) I don't pretend to be a 5k player because I have stated that I don't think I am. I truly just think that i'm more rational with my reasoning than your 4-chan type insults.

                                                                D)no one seemed to also catch the time I yelled at arteezy when he had lag problems and went 0/9 invoker. People are people sampson. We all fuck up and some of us arent good at certain things but better in others.

                                                                E)If you play casually then why do you post guides and watch pro games trying to learn from them? I think I play more casually by your definition cause I'm not cutting my dick off about certain reputations and number crunching like an autistic child.

                                                                and F) FOR the last FUCKING time, I didn't buy the account, nor were my motivations to play it and pretend I'm someone I'm not. But just like everyone else here, I have a shitty opinion. The only difference is I don't think my opinion is as diluted as yours is.

                                                                So in a nutshell, excluding the shitting, sleeping, working, school part. You play dota, try to be a retarded ass on a dotabuff forums with a bunch of weeaboos that you made friends with and you drool at your keyboard while you type,(robot voice) "Must type same thing over and over cause im mad that this guy "bought" his account, he is noob, why must he do me". It unhealthy to be obsessed with things you don't like ya know.

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                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                  YES you worked to get that MMR down from its base bought point........

                                                                  You talk about me like that yet you keep trying to add me on steam, step off you fucking clown.

                                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                                    School, gf, dota and sleeping I like the life


                                                                      I wouldn't worry too much about the obsessed. Not much you're going to do to help them, only a doctor can do that.

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                                                                        >We need wards.
                                                                        Where do you want wards?
                                                                        >We need wards.
                                                                        So, the rune spots, our jungle, and the enemy jungle?
                                                                        >We need wards.
                                                                        OK, OK.

                                                                        5 minutes later
                                                                        spammer guy dies
                                                                        (furious pinging of enemy ancient camp)
                                                                        "i told you to ward here"


                                                                          Your life is nothing I really care about or judge. However your logic and moral justification really worries me. I didn't work that mmr down from its original point, I've actually been keeping it cause i enjoy trying in matches as long as my teammates aren't completely passive non responsive junkies. I only added you cause you said my mmr was lower than yours so I added you to see and you thought it was me trying to be your friend. I think you really need to reevaluate how you look at things man, you are stuck too far in a certain demographic.

                                                                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!