General Discussion

General DiscussionPracticing mid

Practicing mid in General Discussion

    Hey, i don't know if its allowed or not, but I guess it is because the site im going to link here is in no way a potential rival for DotaBuff.

    Basically you'll sarch a match just like in Dota. The site will take your MMR and region and will try to find nearby players who also want to practice mid. Then, a bot will send the lobby password to you both, and you play. You both make the rules: whoever kill 2 first wins, 10 min with better CS wins, no bottlecrow, no runes, etc.

    It's very useful for practicing mechanics. I'm just posting it here cause i think it's not very known yet.

    Yesterday I played two matches with players that have almost 2k over my MMR, and I still managed to win, so I think the matching is quite solid.


      is it same hero?


        No, but you can do it if you want to. It's all up to you and your partner. Yesterday I played QoP x QoP and TA (me) vs Ember. There are no rules, you make them


          or you just type 1v1 in chat-channel and play like everyone else :>


            available in SEA?


              available everywhere.

              @i'm a monkey
              yea but this is better imo cuz it pairs you with ppl with your average mmr, or atleast tries to