General Discussion

General DiscussionPetition to ban the autistic meme-kings , Melody and the autistic gang.

Petition to ban the autistic meme-kings , Melody and the autistic gang. in General Discussion

    This is going 100000 replies per day

    Quick maffs

      This forum is fucking awful


        I'm fucking awful too.

        Primordial Soup

          I love this guy!


            >Still haven't give yourself over to melody
            >I bet you don't even worship Shrek
            >Tfw no kawaii 23 year old scene kid to cuddle you.
            >Mfw this rand

            casual gamer

              I've seen multiple threads about something dota-related that get completely derailed by anime pics, it's not that big a deal but it does get irritating



                  Autistic gang? Sounds fun! Can I join? Nyaaaaaa~ kawaii desu 私はたわごとを食べるのが大好き <3

                  waku waku

                    ^ you're cute~


                      @ Dotaroot.come @ave

                      Alright that was funny.... never watched that video before too much fun.......


                        Yaaaaaay I'm cute ^_^ <3<3 nya :3


                          LAD LAD LAD


                            can we have threads like this everyday?

                            Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                              ^ I KNOW RIGHT?

                              Give your life over to melody. Let me be your savior.


                                I read the whole of this thread and I don't know whether to laugh, cry, or enjoy myself

                                Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                  You are a child of Melody my son, your sins are forgiven.


                                    I have some thoughts on this however....

                                    While Melody has contributed a lot to the forums (and we all thank him for it) not all of it has been dota2 related and I honestly think that it being a Dota2 related forum we should try, where possible, to keep threads on topic even with the occasional picture of some anime child. I think that a lot of topics here have gone off the overall theme of the forum and now I just avoid most posts where they have just become a dumping ground for who is the most kawaii or is able to fast post the most memes.

                                    I honestly don't like seeing the forums overun with pictures in general as a forum should be kept to text mostly exchanges on the topic of either the post or forum as a whole.

                                    ....that being said the OP could also just avoid such post and should perhaps offer some helpful insight such as Melody has done in the past.

                                    But @melody I do know (and don't mind) that you like anime stuff and that is fine but perhaps replying to every post with picture or making constant post about who so-and-sos favorite waifu is, is not topics meant for a dota2 related forum I am agreeing that perhaps keeping the forums cleaner of this stuff and perhaps having a single dumping ground for off-topic posts would perhaps keep everyone happy (sit* dotaroot keeps things on topic but does have a "12yo's in cat costumes" section)

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                                      "Also, i dont think a smurf named little girl player should be looking at people abandoning 4k mmr games and then laughing"

                                      Since when was 3,8k mmr 4k mmr?

                                      Finally someone says it, gj Havoc. QP.

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                                        Look what happens to everything when Sampson stops posting


                                          I think that moving the forum away from its original purpose and intent is what is killing and turning people away for more actively using the forum. I (and probably most people) wouldn't mind the occasional fun post here and there and even I have done one or two of those and it's nice to see but when dota2 posts become rare that is when I think things have to be put into check.

                                          Again, nothing against Melody as I think him posting and being around on the forums in a good thing but thinking back to when it was Relentless and a few others including myself being main posters, posts were a lot more on topic and insightful and the odd post here and there was overlooked or ignored and I think we could do with bringing that back.


                                            Whatever happened to Relentless?


                                              He went offline for personal reasons and nothing to do with peoples theory of his MMR was too low for him so he quit. Obviously a lot of people were unhappy with their scores but I think his reason were a lot more to do with his life, as given how he replied to things and the way he thought things over much like myself I would assume he worked with data, finances, or numbers in some way as an analyst and would have probably signed off to finish studies or dedicate more to a new or existing role.

                                              Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ


                                                Your opinion is respected, considered and noted. I'll try and post less cat-girl related material, and pictures in general. Text it shall be. Thanks for coming and just talking to me, rather than flaming.


                                                  I fully agree with Havoc. I don't post often, but I do a lot of browsing on this forum for fun. When I see a thread of interest (opinion on heroes, guides, etc) get jam-packed full of anime pictures it's just straight up annoying. The topic seems to go off rail at that moment and the conversation is over (and anime pictures begin). No way will I flame anyone for that, it's what people do. But, a little bit less of it would be great, thanks.

                                                  Miku Plays

                                                    LETS END THIS THREAD WITH A WEABOO SHIT ON IT



                                                      @Melody I think overall people (including myself) are happy to see frequent, on-topic posts so please keep them coming.

                                                      @everyone else
                                                      The odd picture and meme is fine people, just don't over do it and maybe give it a rest for now till people calm their tits about the whole thing.

                                                      Requesting that a mod closes and locks this topic for discussion as anything further will just breed contempt towards others and if not leaving it up to peoples maturity to leave well enough alone.

                                                      Primordial Soup

                                                        @Havoc Badger I don't think DotA forums is place to talk about stuff that are not related to DotA.

                                                        Sure, one or two unrelated posts is normal but it sometimes gets out of hand.

                                                        Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                          @ Eul, notice the "General discussion" not "Dota discussion"

                                                          .  .

                                                            ye, faggots like melody have to be shown where to sit

                                                            Primordial Soup

                                                              But it's 'Dotabuff', there are other sites that have forums especially made for other things.

                                                              Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                                @ Hx

                                                                Son please. I respect him because he has more intelligence than you clearly.

                                                                I will stand and post my weeaboo shit son.

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                                                                .  .

                                                                  faggot, sit

                                                                  Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                                    Still standing.

                                                                    Primordial Soup

                                                                      You two are just going in a loop.

                                                                      .  .

                                                                        faggot doesn't know how to sit. this is going to be a long and hard process, now sit!

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                                                                        Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                                          His mother will tell him to go to bed soon, I have pictures until then.

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                                                                          Primordial Soup

                                                                            The person who's less immature wins the argument. The other guy will deny it. No one wins.

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                                                                            Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                                              I'm going to play starcraft, had already opened broodwar after I posted that last image. Thanks for the input havoc, x3 was enough.

                                                                              .  .

                                                                                trashcan, learn to sit I said


                                                                                  Glad to see the autists are continuing to prove my point , how does it feel to be so socially retarded?


                                                                                    I still remember the day melody came to this forums and turned everything upside down. There were many changes, some good and some bad, but I daresay he contributes far more than a bunch of retards whose best arguments are limited to calling others diseased.


                                                                                      Listen , what he contributed , has nothing in value , yes he did spend alot of time making this guide for example : '' , but that doesn't make it a good guide , it's like putting so much effort into something which is so worthless , you can take a shit everyday and pile it up and make the great wall of china , did you put alot of time into it ? Yes , Is it useful? No , also , how is our best argument calling people diseased , yes I've been calling them autistic because people with the autism spectrum tend to be attracted to anime and whatanot , but I've proven my point regardless , whether you want to turn a blind-eye to that or not , that's your choice.


                                                                                        Havoc why you so goooood

                                                                                        Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                                                          If it wasnt a good guide, make a better one. It's also not a good guide because it's stuck to the top of the page.


                                                                                            Worthless to all not familiar with BB code? Naaaah. Oh wanna hear of another trait of autistic people? (Scientifically proven, unlike your claim on attraction to anime) Stubborn and love to argue to no end over people/things they don't like. But by your standards Japan kids are 99% autistic, so I suppose you must know what you're talking about.


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                                                                                              Did that tickle your brain Melody , looks like I aggravated you , and you can't use the argument 'hurr maek butter wun' , that's like saying an ugly guy can't have high standards , just because for example a guy is a ugly , doesn't mean he doesn't have the ability to see and judge beauty , you don't need to be a 10/10 to judge others , I for one am bad at writing in general , mostly because English is a second language for me and I structure things very badly , but at the same time that doesn't impair my ability to see through your bullshit , also , it's stuck to the top of the page because you asslicked the mods till they did so.

                                                                                              Miku Plays

                                                                                                OP you said you just lurk around this forums and now here you are posted something ... someting that is specifically targeted to people whom you call " autistic " since this people are attracted to anime and whatanot - " yes I've been calling them autistic because people with the autism spectrum tend to be attracted to anime and whatanot".

                                                                                                Hopefully you wake up that you are no better than this autistic people you are calling... arent you lower than socially retarted person since your picking on them quite extremely? "how does it feel to be so socially retarded?"

                                                                                                I may not know who you are, social status or whatever... but you cant judge people over their likes and call them autistic.


                                                                                                  Zenoth , I don't want to argue , if the autists refrain from posting till a mod decides what to do (whether to ban me or take action against our dear autistic friends) , I am simply replying to the comments you made , in other words if there were an argument in the first place then you'd be the one who started it simply put. And please drop the 'Touché.' thing , it's really cringey. I tip my fedora to you.


                                                                                                    'I may not know who you are, social status or whatever... but you cant judge people over their likes and call them autistic. ' , if for example you like child porn , I think that gives me complete rights to call you a fucking pedo , now liking anime is normal , I've seen a few myself , but taking it to this next level of spamming anime pics with epic maymay eksdee bullshit and writing in japanese , it just shows how autistic you are.

                                                                                                    Pls respond.

                                                                                                    Miku Plays

                                                                                                      Why child porn? did you like that child porn you just watched mate? thank you.

                                                                                                      If you cant stop arguing then how will this end? If you cant stand those anime pics spam then why not ignore it and help the OP if he needs help ?easy.. im gonna stop right here.


                                                                                                      This post you made is not that bad.. but this is just beyond the line as you keep arguing that your argument is correct and people like Melody should be banned.

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