General Discussion

General Discussionthx lord gaben

thx lord gaben in General Discussion

    it's a free win if there's a huskar picker on the other team since chances are he's awful with that hero, and this is nowhere near the 6.78 imba huskar

    kind of like how people made phx/tb look balanced for the first 2 weeks in 6.80

    haven't seen ursa yet but probably the same, most people get their blink dagger and look for kills and end up underfarmed like the retards they are. rosh or no rosh it doesn't matter, it's the player that counts. i'm pretty sure 90% of sub 5k players play with this mentality.

    ty lord gaben for free MMR

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      Wk > huskar.


        The huskar buff does almost nothing for the hero, the ursa buff you would have to do a completly new item build to make use of it I.E: Vlads--->Phase--->Deso---->blink--->basher etc... i don't play ursa so im not 100% on item choices for him.

        Jorges Sanz

          Huskar is alot stronger now than in 6.78 with removal of UAM. Even after considering the nerf on agi gain. It makes it alot more relevant to transition into satanic/aghs without having to sacrifice a huge chunk dmg from burning spears.


            actually i should be thanking hailrake for his wk build, haven't lost a duo queue game with him yet


              @Mastadoom l The Ursa buff allows him to jungle more efficiently, and even take Roshan earlier (if he's forced to jungle from the start, he can now get Morbid Mask as his first item).


                I want to try Mask of Madness into BKB on Ursa.


                  welp lost 1 game to huskar lol


                    i didn't think it'd be possible to get 4 mouthbreathers in 1 game but alas

                    la the yeezy

                      Breaking news guys I won with huskar he is definitely op


                        oh god i'm eating my own words now lol


                          i wonder if riki does well otherwise i'm going to have to pick wraith king over and over


                            I can say, Ursa is fucking op.

                            mr dee

                              ^ ursa op as in getting kited like a teddy bear running around trying to hug someone.


                                Diffusal ursa should be fun!

                                la the yeezy

                                  are you kidding me huskar is strongk hero dude


                                    he's pretty good in lane but his list of counters is a lot longer than the likes of tb/phoenix/ember from the previous patch.

                                    ta/ck/ursa/riki/sven/bristleback/list goes on and on

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                                      kind of ironic how i was owning in all my games today where i queued with a friend, started this thread, and then got slammed by 5 losses in solo q in a bracket lower than my actual solo rating

                                      looks like even if the opponents are retarded (which they are) i still need some non-retard to help me win the game lol, 1v5 is too hard

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                                        i'm still sticking with my "every sub 5k ursa/husk i've seen so far is awful" mantra so yea, take that! so far wraith king seems like a good overall pick against those heroes since they're loathe to focus him down anyways in a teamfight and they generally won't bother trying to 1v1 you at any point in the game since you can just stun them and run away or kill them if ur stronger

                                        forgot to include slardar but i'm sure he does well against husk/ursa, too bad nobody knows how to play that hero

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                                          ahaha karma at work

                                          but some ppl "sub 5k" are a lot of ppl

                                          and some ppl are great at certain heroes and absolutely garbage at others
                                          i try not to look too much into MMR at the end of the game, and if i wasn't able to witness how another teammate was doing,
                                          then i would reserve judgement


                                            now that i mentioned slardar...i've been questioning the blink/vanguard build.

                                            you're throwing 4000+ gold down the drain for no damage at all, and before you say "lol he has -armor debuff skill," well pretty much every carry is going to have a similar skill in terms of increasing DPS. PA has crit, CK has illusion + crit, Riki has backstab, sven has GS, wraith king has crit, and so forth. The difference is that they build either stats items or pure damage items + bkb (both of which increase dps) because they already have their mobility spell or they can rely on their allies for some cc (which is the case for sven + wk because no competent opponents are going to let you whack them after the 2 second stun).

                                            it's true blink is useful for initiating, however consider 2 things

                                            1) it's a fucking pub, and you don't know if your teammates are competent or not until ~10 minutes in, and if my team is full of mongloids i sure am fuck not going to blink into 3 people, stun them, and have no follow-up
                                            2) you don't play slardar like you would play axe (which is how pubs tend to play slardar because they're retarded), you play him like you would as any other carry. -20 armor is pretty fucking huge even 60 minutes into the game.

                                            basically my point is that if you go/rush blink, you're playing with the "lol me go gankkk" mentality which will put you behind the other team's carry in terms of farm, because more often than not ur ganks are going to fail/ur going to run around looking for kills and not get them, or at worst end up dying

                                            main difference is that slardar is actually pretty strong in lane and can trade hits pretty well with almost every hero minus panda/bristleback/ursa.

                                            it might just be better to skip blink and go for some combination of armlet, halberd, sny, deso, and bkb within the first 30 minutes. i don't really like vanguard since it's better suited for the likes of spec, and you're supposed to play aggressively with slardar anyway.

                                            also anyone who rushes blink without boots on this hero (which is like rushing bfury without boots on am) can go kill themselves, k thanks

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                                            Jorges Sanz

                                              ^ You've just shown that you have no understanding as to how Sladar should be played.


                                                yep xD xD xD u sure showed me

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