General Discussion

General Discussionrandom disconnect, unable to reconnect and find game server

random disconnect, unable to reconnect and find game server in General Discussion

    wtf, the last two games i had have had this problem

    and im sure everyone in the game d/ced

    no game even shows up on the stats

    last game there was someone boosting his mmr on the other team, and then someone from our team called him out, and then said "goodbye", and then we all d/ced like 1 second after that


      i know the cause unfortunetly i would prefer not to tell every1 as every1 would abuse it and cheat so just deal with it, it will be patched soon hopefully


        i knew it FUCK lol

        way too much of a coincidence....

        this is so dumb then, no games all day lmao


          Most likely, there was venge in both games.

          When venge dies to ANY source damage EXCEPT player controlled, it crashes game and game isn't counted, you can't reconnect. Simply, by steam, in never was played.

          That means Roshan, creeps, neutrals, fountain, etc

          It is big bug in new patch, steam told will do something to fix it, in next few hours.

          Meanwhile, don't play venge, or atleast don't skill aura.


            Happened more often then usually today. Also I noticed the venge swap is bugged... has a kind of delay while the target is invulnerable or something. Probably there will be some hotfixes soon.

            This comment was edited

              well there was a venge for sure in my last game..

              can't even check cause there's no history feed lmao

              well shit, ill make sure venge is banned.... or not die to non-controlled sources...


                Lol! This can be abused so easily! Losing game? Suicide to neutrals!

                Probably will be fixed tonight.



                  I had a game on my smurf acc, this morning ( and i didn't had a clue about that bug ) where guy told us, give me first blood, or i will crash game. I was like wtf, how the fuck you gonna do that?

                  Guess what happened next?


                    its venge dying to non hero units dude


                      not controlled
                      non hero

                      same shit

                      except the latter is less accurate, you can still get a kill with let's say, a tombstone zombie or a quill bear, and the kill will still be counted as yours and will not bug the game

                      i just played venge, what a lol game .__. didn't have to end up attempting to crash, got dat 2-9 invoker headstart but we turned it around

                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!