General Discussion

General DiscussionLich builds

Lich builds in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Even with the buffed up ulti I still don't feel like lich going aghs all the time is worth it. Plus I guess my lich farm kinda sucks, it's usually 350-400 gpm even in dominating wins (I always lane support so little last hitting). My build is almost always the same, tranquils for staying power in lane, bracer, then either mek or bracer into drums, then scythe. I really like grabbing the ultimate orb piece of scythe with my drums, gives a ton of stats, I have decent dmg and lots of hp that way. And then the sheep in team fights is a gg button.

    Veil might be a better alternative to drums, not sure. A little less stats but gives that armor and hp regen plus the use on it. Maybe I'll switch up my bracer buy for a null talisman.

    I would like to try aghs and maybe if you rush aghs you can skip bracer since you'll get a lot of stats that way. I'm just not sure, scythe seems a lot better and I don't feel I'll have enough farm for both.


      the aghs buff isn't as OP as people think.

      at very low MMR maybe a *few* more dumb teams will be wiped out but you don't get very far without learning to run away from it. even for wiping out creeps in base i bet you'll find it'll quickly get cut-off be no nearbby targets.

      best trick play will be stacking chain frost on golems/ancients and then pulling half a dozen chain frosts into the lane.

      Dire Wolf

        Yeah exactly, I played 3 lich games yesterday, every one my teammates were going ohh ahh get aghs! Well first game I was only support and thus ward bitch, do you want wards or useless chain frosts? And after that I explained how every team fight it only bounced 5-6 times anyway.

        So drums or veil? That's my main question here. And not sure about throwing shivas in there somewhere.


          Lich Aghs is usually only good in wombo combo lineups where the hereoes are locked down. Like with Tide, Dark Seer, Enigma, Treant and heroes like this.

          If there is none of there its usually not worth it.

          EDIT: Magnez

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          Dire Wolf

            We have established no aghs. So what else? Drums + mek? Mek + veil? Drums + veil? Shivas?


              just normal tranquil->urn/mek->aghanim -.-


                I would even propose skipping Tranquil boots, especially if you are supporting and not in the offlane. Urn/Mek are solid choices. Situational Forcestaff is never bad. Veil is good, but it has to be done somewhat early and you shouldn't be the only (or primary) sources of magic damage in your team. Orchid is also a good option in certain situations, Guinsoo if you feel rich.

                Aghs on lich is meh.


                  Aghs is literally for bombing their ancients.


                    For some reason I like AC after force staff / mek. I feel like hex is for initiators, so a blink might be useful if you want to get hex.

                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      AC? #notalivebutnotquitedead


                        Usually the enemy have no reason to focus you after you use ulti.

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                          Lich MIGHT get an Agh's if he has a Void or Enigma constantly getting 5-man Chronospheres and Black Holes.


                            One thing ppl forget about aghs, is you don't get it only for the ulti upgrade, but for the hp boost it gives. Point booster and ogre club are both cheap and give you a LOT of hp.


                              I played Lich last night and I played him more for his ice armor buff than the Agh's ult. We played more offensively, so we weren't defending very many towers, but it's really good to slow everyone who is attacking the tower's attack. I tried to get the ice armor earlier than I usually do, but I still think he has to be leveled up the same way I use to.

                              3 1 3 1 1 4 1 2 2 2 4 2 3 3

                              Level 2 deny/mana iis the perfect amount of mana needed, 3 and 4 can be sacrificed (ahhahahaha) for extra levels in ice armor.

                              At least that works for me.

                              And agh's is cool, but I'd rather have items such as mek/blink over the upgrade.

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