General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to abuse RMM?

How to abuse RMM? in General Discussion

    Need some simple tips please. Just lost 300 MMR in 1 week, this is highly disturbing. Anyone know any ez and fast ways to climb up the ladder?


      Get good.

      EDIT: That wasn't meant as an insult I literally meant that is key to winning RMM is to get good (or better)

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        Dota is a team game. You can't win it solo.

        EDIT: As in, you can't have big impact without making some sort of abuse.

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          TB, Phoenix, Ember, Invoker or Lycan are your best bets. Learn to play them and you will be back to that rating quite fast.


            Get good.


              watch my replay maybe you'll learn a thing or two


                pick phoenix

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                  Bird abuser!


                    Skolder, my advice? Make a new account!

                    I have 3 accounts, 1 is sitting at 2.4k rating, with 3.8k party mmr (and continue to lose solo games) and 2 others are fighting for 3.5k rating and continuing to rise solo mmr.

                    Solo mmr is not about how good you are. Maybe if you actually are some pro player from 5k mmr maybe you can roflstomp the guys from 2k+ mmr until your rating because you understands the drafting table much better than someone with a limited set of heroes.

                    But I am not a pro player, I am probably not even a 4k player, but for sure I am not a 2k player because those guys don't even know what "a" blood seeker is (funny how I actually lost games at that rating)

                    At my level of skill the game depends very much on how well you can do with your pool of 20 heroes (if anyone actually checks my hero page, on a funny note the heroes that I have below 30% on this account, I have over 70% on my other account with over 20 games on most of the heroes, and at higher mmr)

                    This is a game about team, and if you want to win on solo games with a defunct team, you have to be a guy that understands all aspects of the game, and to be honest, getting in party with people that auto-attacks, doesn't understand the principles of off-laning, trilane or why and why and why (basic game theory), is just omg.

                    I just lost the 3rd game tonight I believe, the more games I lose on this account the more desperate I become into trying to do crazy stuffs in the game just so I try to find a way to win the game for my team.

                    tl;dr - make a new account.


                      i lol'ed

                      Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                        @ Young Rand

                        Stop shit posting. You're not melody 2.0

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                          U GIVE ADVICE BUT U AINT EVEN 4k MMR LOLOLOLOLOL

                          Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                            @Mc Stappy,

                            There are two different things in this game. One of these things is ingame execution, and the other is ingame knowledge.

                            You can have one without the other.


                              The problem about "cheesing" your way MMR is, if effective, once you play something besides that cheese, you are just going to lose again.


                                get gud is the best abuse

                                Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                  I love wink comments.


                                    Play only your best hero(es)! And l2p support.


                                      play ursa wisp, known abuse


                                        i made 300 mmr only by ursa!


                                          Pick what you are good at and what fits the team (I don't say to counterpick enemy riki with bh, I say to pick lich if your teammate picked void and to support him properly, let him get tons of kills with your spell damage if he can't lasthit properly). And switch to unranked for some games if you lost 2 rankeds in a row.


                                            People should realize that MMR is not set in stone and for example swinging 200-300 MMR is your actuall skill leve with average being somewhere in between. We see lots of players complaining how they went down from 3800 to 3300 and had to spend 2 weeks to get to 3600 etc.

                                            What this swinging means is that this region is your skill level. Valve needs to introduce leagues based every 500 or so MMR so clueless people would stop complaining.

                                            Miku Plays

                                              I once spammed LC and gained 400 mmr .. but its shit tier rank though 2.8 - 3.2k


                                                Leagues where you play one single hero?


                                                  Focus on your game only. That is the only way. Once you start to rage that someone did something wrong, you are going down.

                                                  I really focused on that last month and I went 500 point upward, it is a swingy graph, but if you play well, the general direction is upward.

                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                    Try extraordinary heroes that most people don't know playing against. Some stuff like SD mid, hardlane Furion etc can really win you a game because people don't see that very often.


                                                      by that logic use Chen every game

                                                      Mac_Lilypad [NL]

                                                        By that logic you play am mis, ever saw an am mid ?

                                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                          And by that logic you play CM mid. I hope you guys are trolling because what you said doesn't make sense. Of course it has to be something logical and viable but just not done so often. Also AM mid rapes most mids 1v1. And yes Chen is fucking good if you know how to play him well.


                                                            What I did was play mostly the heroes I can play best with, and stick to them as much as possible this patch. My MMR has gone from 2900 to 3700, and in 144 games, 73 were Sven (65.75% winrate); 11 were Luna (72.73% winrate); 10 Spectre (70% winrate); 9 Mirana (44.44% winrate); 8 Terrorblade (75% winrate); 8 N'aix (37.5% winrate).

                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                              I think your picks aren't that good. I didn't look at all your matches but some of those bristle losses you already had axe and your team had like 1 stun. Axe and bristle kinda do the same role on a team and you need more disable. Other matches, lifestealer on a team with bloodseeker and nyx, 3 melee carries? Ember on teams that have no disablers etc. Your teams need better makeup imo. Not 100% your fault but you can help by playing strong supports when necessary like lich, jakiro, or carries with disables like sven, slardar.



                                                                Dual mid: Support Invoker + Carry Ember Spirit
                                                                Offlane: Crystal Maiden

                                                                Best solo queue ranked game of my life.

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                                                                  either troll or youre actually that stupid :D


                                                                    @Mark: Problem usually is that I'm the last one to pick. And most often I need to pick some hero that fits several roles for the team and must counter some of the enemy heroes (which in most cases it's impossible). I'm quite curious on how others go in the picking stage, do they just random, pick first or turn full on try-hard and go for the last pick?


                                                                      i didn't say your logic was wrong i just said use chen as he is viable unlike es and still extremely rare for people to not counterpick doom clinkz ench or build midas against him

                                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                                        Well picks in pubs can be very difficult and most games are won or lost based on picks. Cus despite all the flaming the mmr system does match you up pretty well with similarly skilled people. But then your team picks all carries with zero disables and you lose and everyone flames you with omg how can you be my mmr?!?!

                                                                        Anyway, if I want to go hard carry safe lane or a mid I type it and click that hero in the lane without selecting it. Like if I have spectre safe lane that is usually enough deterrant to keep others from picking, then I wait til about 30 seconds left to actually make the pick so I can switch for a different hero if needed or not pick spectre if no one picks a lane support (cus spectre needs that lane support). Like I'll show viper mid but if other team picks silencer I'll still go mid on something else.

                                                                        If you don't mind playing support then pick last. You will almost always end up supporting. Pick something that has good disables or team fight like dazzle, tide, lich.

                                                                        Basically pick asap if you want to carry, pick last if support.

                                                                        Also keep playing, streaks are part of the game. Your first page of ranked is an awful 4-15 sure but your second page is 12-8 with a 7 game win streak. You're not that far from getting back to where you were.

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                                                                        Low Expectations

                                                                          Chen is really strong its only annoying when I pick him I usually see instant pick on Clinkz or bounty on the other team.

                                                                          @6_din_49 what does 12p mean?

                                                                          Personal recommendation is pick durable heros who have some sort of heal they can easly turn around fights (omni, tree, abbadon,phoenix etc) IMO if played right they are by far the most impactful heros in game.

                                                                          smelly cunt

                                                                            i got from 3.9k solo to 4.6k solo. play lycan


                                                                              ^lycan is our prophet my son.


                                                                                dude from your dotabuff u seem to have a higher mmr than u should have had lol

                                                                                casual gamer

                                                                                  Ask zenoth how to rekt people as riki


                                                                                    @ Sam (#mutedforaweekafterplayin)
                                                                                    "Also AM mid rapes most mids 1v1."

                                                                                    I feel like this is not true. I haven't actually seen an AM mid maybe more than once, but I highly doubt he rapes most mids.

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                                                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                      Sorry I meant melee ones.


                                                                                        he rapes ember mid

                                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!