General Discussion

General DiscussionRaising MMR

Raising MMR in General Discussion
MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

    I find myself stuck in the high 2000's (2.6-2.9k) mmr. Most of the time, my teammates all pick carries, so I end up picking support, buying smokes, couriers, and wards all game and ending up not gaining much mmr for wins because my kda is low. Hero healing seems to have little effect on mmr gain. Obviously I'm not perfect either, but it seems unfair to have such a low mmr when I am positive in ranked. Do I become one of them and just pick a carry anyway? Is this just a fact of life, seeing as the brazilians will always pick bounty hunter and buy battle fury? Any suggestions?


      I had around 4.3 k when i got out of calibration. I mostly played supports then and due to whiners, kids, afkers, ruiners etc, i lost huge chunk of it ( around 3.9 ) . My suggestion is to try to play mostly carry heroes ,or supporters with stacks. It is useless to support 100+games, when you lose most of them because your teammates, are unable to get cs in free farm lane.


        Or you can smurf, but i don't agree with it,. It is your choice after all.


          Don't worry about MMR and just focus on winning matches. You lose more ranked matches than you win, so your MMR will be bad even if you gain 25 per win and lose 25 per loss. No matter what, to go up in MMR you need to win more than you lose.

          A quick look through your ranked games and you often have 2 supports, sometimes 3-ish. And going carry doesn't seem to make your winrate much higher. Again, i didn't add them all up, just glanced through your ranked matches.

          Watch better players and focus on getting better no matter who is on your team.


            play lycan. or l2p qw voker while its still broken

            MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

              Alright thanks for the tips. Fuck tree, I'm playin carries!

              MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

                i hate wex invoker

                King of Low Prio

                  just pick whatever heroes you are best at. Wagamama (6.8k MM player) posted a video about it I wil try and locate it.


                    OK The "I pick last and get supports" is true to a degree...
                    If you pick first AND know you can have more impact than your mmr says then pick a carry or a solid semi in mid (like viper) Trust me picking first will force your teammates to take your postition. Once you get to the latter half of 3k people are much better up until 4.5k when they all tryhard mid =p


                      ^ but what happens, when your teammates pick Riki, pudge, traxex and sniper? You gonna support them?

                      Pick jungle and farm


                        Don't go jungle you just lose the game before it starts if your team can't handle 4v5

                        Vanity  ツ

                          I'm pretty confident that there are plenty of ways to help your team if you are going jungle.

                          King of Low Prio

                            I dont understand why everyone thinks

                            on your team you get 1k MM player and the opponents get 6k MM players. If you think your team is always picking poorly odds are the other team is also picking poorly


                              Just improve your play.

                              You get better -> you win -> higher mmr

                              Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                prefect bs mid. Get 20-25 mintues radiance + treads. EZ game works if the lineup has less stuns. I got up from 3.0k slump to 3.5k just playing him.


                                  wow 20-25 mins radiance threads? thats fking awful.
                                  WOW over 3k games and you're still at 3.5k trench tier.



                                    Wow smurf.

                                    Wow smurf tryharding in pub.


                                      smurf tryharding in SEA pubs*

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        Do you want to play support or do you get stuck with them cus you pick last? Just pick a little sooner then. Find out what you're good at. Good support play can win games though but it's a little harder than just farming as a carry and winning late.

                                        Some good supports though that that bracket can't really handle are good teamfighters. Just get your team to 5 man push towers and drop your team ult and you will win a lot of games as tidehunter, warlock, venomancer and shadow shaman. Enigma, dark seer, earthshaker and magnus are also good but theirs are more combos that you need to pull off, the first 4 you literally hit one button (ok warlock hits 2) in team fights and can win most.

                                        This comment was edited

                                          I think while none of your heroes are super outstanding you seem to do better more often than no in the offlane. The fact remains that a good carry will always find their farm and it doesn't matter what support you're with most good carries will pick up even if a bit later on in the game.

                                          Going offlane assures that you don't need to be fussed with the cares of the lanes and can focus or harrassing, leeching, ganking etc. while your safelane farms. It's a much more effective way of ensuring that at least one lane is totally under your control with little required of your other team members.

                                          E.G. Offlane you don't really need wards/ganks etc, these are all things you should do for your team and not the other way around. Sick of people sitting in the offlane shouting for a gank while they are sitting on a level 6-8 lich/phoenix.....just buy a TP, go to your safelane, kill or push the tower.


                                            Just play better... There is no other secret... No special heroes.

                                            If you do not belong into 2 K (wich is pretty crappy), you are very bad at dota. No need to look at your teammates.

                                            Ofc it is way easier to get higher with high impact heros. But even with low impact heros:

                                            If you are better than your mates and opponents, the odds are in your favour. You can win 70% of your games with antimage, if you are good enough. You will raise in MMR by time.


                                              do you really need to improve your rating fast? just play with the heros you like and make dem plays happen without too much regard of MMR

                                              Hatsune Miku

                                                ppractice heroes using smurfff


                                                  well i used to be in the same situation as you
                                                  then i started playing with a team in lobby, or even unranked.. i think it raised my skill a fair bit
                                                  basically now when i rarely play ranked solo i feel like im way better than the guys i'm paired with, so i end up carrying.

                                                  my advice is if you really think you are better than the players you are paired with, then pick heroes with high impact AND heroes that could perform in a variety of ways, because even if you ask mid, sometimes there will be a retard who last picks pudge and demands mid, so you'll have to move to another lane

                                                  mirana is the best example, she can do everything. she can be the safelane carry, she can be mid, offlane, even support
                                                  slark is pretty much the same.

                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    @9v1 that's not entirely true, certain heroes have more impact in pub play and in solo queue than others. There's not like 1 or 2 magically ones but def ones to avoid and ones to latch on to.


                                                      Play heroes you're good at, but also try to get good at great heroes.

                                                      Play semi-soft carries (pos 2 or 3) that invest in strong lane-mid game phase in the form of ganks of tower pushes.

                                                      Pair with at least 1 friend, tryhard pick, go to lane together. Cheesy but it really does work. I find it's best if 1 of you is carrying, 1 supporting, which means no lina/cm lanes. Too soft to leverage the advantage you are trying to secure, and no roam.

                                                      Never let the shop get 2 wards in it, even if you're not the support.

                                                      Learn how to counterward. This will require you pick a hard support, ideally pos 5, which contradicts my semi-carry advice. So...

                                                      ...Learn to play Witch Doctor. Pos 5 who can buy smoke, dust, wards, cwards, and technically need nothing due to luxurious cast range on cask (700 + bounces) and death ward (600 cast range, 700 attack range), and powerful maledict. Mid or late game if you don't have it already, make a scepter as your FIRST item besides upgraded boots (greens or blues. Greens are cheaper, grant more ms, some armor, and regen which you don't really need. Blues give a higher mana pool you can do without and restore mana to teammates. I prefer greens in most games, sometimes blues with friends in pushing lineup) - it gains 120 DPS with each level, including scepter, and will bounce to 5 enemy units at all levels. At level 4 that's 600 DPS against multiple enemies. This is the reason I advise to pick WD and learn to play him. Though he does require good positioning, he's received such luxurious buffs to death ward recently (used to have 200 cast range) that I consider it almost a nonfactor.