General Discussion

General Discussionwhy TB is considered broken?

why TB is considered broken? in General Discussion

    Well, at the first word I have to admit that I'm only a noob with 3.5k MMR so I'm really likely to not understand the true potential of the hero. But I really want to know why TB is called broken by everyone and how to play it properly ?

    Please give me some TB-pickers


      He deals retarded amounts of damage early on, he requires at least 2 strong gankers to kill when he is alone, he has a ridiculous 60% movement speed slow with a small mana cost and cooldown, with items he can carry harder than most hard carries.


        he also has good movement speed and for some reason his q cannot be purged off. He can also push down 2 towers with lvl 2 meta if no one comes to stop him. His pushing power is insane.


          I think his slow should scale (atm it's just way too op at lvl 1) and everything would be much better.


            And increase it's manacost and make it purgeable (the slow, the copy can remain because everyone hates AM).


              i think tb needs another buff (;


                The very last patch got him buffed. pretty big one though. Now he may have turned into something good after so many buffs. Even though many pro players say he is op, others say he's very squishy and easy to shut down. In reality we can't really be sure how much impact he would have on competitive play since he's not there. My guess is that pros would reveal/highlight and pressure his weaknesses.

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                  I personally feel the main reason he is overpowered is because he is strong in every minute of the game. At lvl 1 that slow allows for a strong fight -> easy to pick up first blood with it or avoid an early gank on you.

                  At lvl 2 onwards you start scaling metamorphis and the illusions, and this gives you an insanely strong amount of push potential and a very high amount of damage that will at this stage of the game, with minimal farm, allow you to man fight any hero.

                  Then come late game and your carrying a manta, butterfly, heart and other items to increase DPS and tankiness and you can have 5 illusions of yourself you can out damage most carries (or make it so say a really really fat medusa can only shoot you and not your whole team.....).


                    0/10 and still contributed 3.1k tower damage. Blame it on the Travels purchase.


                      i blame him for instalock tb like a boss, not even 5 second the draft started and he insta lock tb like a boss lawl


                        His first skill is fucking broken, he is a level 2 power house in dealing damage, his ult is annoying as shit, plus he has tankyish illusions. Melts towers, is typically a rat hero. Even his model annoy me with that walk animation. Walking around like he owns the place. Fucking bitch.


                          ^last 2 sentences killed me so hard i bought back and died again


                            yo tb is a based god

                            besides, he's the only one with an arcana set right?


                              lina, lc, spirit breaker all have/had arcanas


                                ^ that sb arcana

                                I need it


                                  well, i'm now having a 5-win streak on my last 5 ranked games using TB
                                  as u guys said, way too OP at every stage of the game

                                  Arek Akashi

                                    Lycan way to OP


                                      normally heroes can get about 80 lasthits the first 10 min. terroblade can get 160! :P


                                        @Sir really sir ?
                                        i wonder how it can be possible?

                                        casual gamer

                                          Probably a slight exaggeration but the illusions can stack camps and maybe kill the small camp while you farm lane, greatly accelerating your gpm and cs/min

                                          Miku Fan

                                            I have never seen anyone get 160 last hits in 10 minutes...


                                              lol 160


                                              are prophet and undying feeding you free units?

                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                Because people don't know hot NOT to feed a hero. Seriously, everytime my offlane just feeds that hero and then complain about TB doing a lot of damage.

                                                King of Low Prio

                                                  once u see a TB pick you either do a aggro tri/dual lane OR just lose (a good offlaner can deal with it but those dont exist in pubs)


                                                    He has amazing movespeed and low bat something overlooked along with a massive range with meta and his core yasha this is like a better luna with an amazing ulti


                                                      Dark Seer/Phoenix makes TB cry, pick smart and you'll be fine.

                                                      Quick maffs

                                                        I have seen TB with 20 LH in 10 minutes because of an agro dual lane and still farm and carry the game.

                                                        Like even with awful farm early you just need your team to hold a bit for you to farm in woods and splitpush

                                                        Miku Fan

                                                          I have a friend that get about 20 last hits in 10 minutes, he is new to Dota though. :)

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                                                            He deal too much damage and has insane amount of armor.


                                                              @people talking about high cs in 10 mins
                                                              I doubt 160 is possible in a normal situation, but I have seen a Luna get 90+ in 10 minutes with early levels in glaves and a support stacking 2 jungle camps for her

                                                              full tryhard

                                                                can push down all outer towers in 10-12 minutes (guaranteed both safelane towers down in first meta)

                                                                ridiculous armor

                                                                q is amazing at level 1

                                                                high ms

                                                                can rat



                                                                  Yes its very doable. You can jungle whil on lane with illu. imagine that 7 min radiance (with illusions)

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                                                                    7min radiance. phucking lol, russians


                                                                      i still haven't seen any TB who brought down 2 towers on the safe lane in first/second meta.
                                                                      can u someone lend me a hand?
                                                                      match ID for example please?


                                                               For total lane push in first 10 mins or less

                                                               Most games with terror don't last longer than 20-30 he can just push to damn fast.

                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!