General Discussion

General DiscussionItem choices for centaur

Item choices for centaur in General Discussion

    Centaur has recently become popular because of the competitive scene, but after a blink what items are the most useful
    (Assuming this is an offlane centaur) I normally go Tranquils into a blink and cloak... Then what?


      Pipe and heart. Win game.


        Ehh pipe is situational and you can only get heart if ur stomping



          Pipe is actually uncommon in competitive, but core in pubs.

          The true core item is blink. tranquils are generally the item of choice because of the regen and armor and rotation movespeed. pipe/vanguard/meka/blademail/heart/shivas/halberd are all options.

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            ac, pipe, blademail, heart, shivas, hex, mek

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              Vanguard seems awful assuming you get it after blink... If your owning you get it around 14mins whereas 2k more and you get a shivas


                i like goin return + stats + mass str/armor/hp

                works wonders (;


                  hood of defiance
                  urn of shadows - if you gank a lot, mana and hp regen
                  heaven's halberd - evasion and disarm


                    depends on your line up i think
                    but you can get blink of course :/

                    nebunu la jokuri 77777

                      Boots and 5 HoT best cent eu

                      Dire Wolf

                        You need some regen to do those double edge's and a lot of people shy away from vanguard on cent, that's why they all go pipe. Blink is definitely core, then I'd say either pipe or vanguard, though I suppose trainquils if you're willing to remain passive long enough to regen could substitute. But power treads and phase on him are pretty sweet for more str and move boost to stun when you can't blink/ult.

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