General Discussion

General DiscussionPet Peeves of Dota?

Pet Peeves of Dota? in General Discussion

    Besides bad teammates/feeders/etc.

    Probably my top peeve that doesn't happen every game, is say you're doing well in a sidelane with good lane control and have some harassment on the enemy team. Your mid comes and ganks and gets 1 or 2 kills. Cool right? After the kill, he comes and farms the creeps and bounces. Lane control goes to crap, and when the enemy tp's in after they respawn and they might be in better shape with the lane control than what they had before they died.

    Junglers. Going to lose late game and need to 5 man towers? 2 people sitting in jungle. Have vision of 4/5 heroes on the opposite side of the map? Jungling instead of pushing a uncontested tower/forcing a tp. Nothings worse than losing or breaking even in a team fight only to see your lycan farming jungle on the other side of the map. Don't really see how in pretty much every situation you get more farm/exp from lane than jungle.

    Warding when something was just counterwarded or warding before counterwarding in the same location.


      I have 2

      When people don't know what the other heros on the team do/how they play and end up doing terrible because of it.

      And, when people don't use the space you create effectively. This one is huge for me, because i play mid a bit, and if i am doing OK, i draw a huge target on my back and get 3+ people to TP to the lane i am ganking to stop me, and in stead of taking a tower, my team AFK farms.

      King of Low Prio

        shit support players who dont roam


          people who save spells for kills rather than for savin an ally i.e. death coil, brainsap instead of nightmare, etc

          people who bitch about who took the kill and then refuse to play
          -i mean, unless it's like a lion who is doing nothing but fingering and dagon"ing" dead targets... or necrophoses (PLURAL BITCHES), ulti on someone with like 10 hp... doesn't even spam spells after with the huge regen...

          people who (am going to sound like a hypocrite here cause this is our rant post) can't stop flaming their teammates
          if you got nothin good to say then don't say anything at all

          the breakdown of a common scenario, and how absurd it is:

          flamer: this fking piece of shit is SOOOOO bad, look at him, etc
          person being flamed: ...
          flamer: *insert insulting/racist/homophobic remark*

          im surprised that some people can tolerate that, but if it happens to me well fUCKk that shit.


            people who auto attack in lane. people who pick hard carrys and don't farm. people who wont push/rosh when every one on our team is alive and the other team has 2+ dead people. when some who is jungleing tanks the small camp instead of pulling. when I am trying to stack for a carry and he runs in and kills the creeps, but spawn blocks the camp, then bitches me out for trying to farm with bane/lich/CM, after I tell him not to spawn block.


              Team blames mid
              Mid blames supports lack of wards
              supports pick useless heroes (shadow demon, Windrunner) without coordination or a good team setup

              i left her

                When you're in that loser game that you know you'll lose and a flamer calls you a noob when you died to a 5man gank

                casual gamer

                  People who single pull 24/7 when you're a melee creep carry against an aggressive dual lane. They then flame you when you sap xp instead of csing 1v2.

                  Also people who call mid and then say they're drunk, high, etc

                  i left her

                    Drunk gaming op, this guy bought a DC set and yelled on the mic something like "Yo why the fuck did i buy this shit"

                    Dr Sharkie^

                      Being told you're the reason for the loss when you're the only one who won your lane and didn't feed.


                        ^ normally happens when stacked with a 4, or 2 x 2 or a 3. Happens painfully often.

                        I hate supports that just leach exp, dont stack n pull or harass.


                          I hate bishop pickers.


                            Fuck drunken bishops. Dazzolator? WTF does that even mean?


                              People still do auto attacks in 2014?

                              Dire Wolf

                                The number one most annoying shit in dota is terrible last picks. It could be a random when you need a specific support or another hard carry, it could be some guy picking pudge when you have 3 melee and a mid already. It could be someone picking nature's prophet when you have a jungler and an off lane already. It could be some guy insisting on a mid legion commander. It could be a guy picking clock when your two carries are melee and he'll just block them all game. Either way dumb picks, most annoying crap ever.

                                Second most annoying thing is people saying gg way too early and then not giving a shit about their play. You need to look at team lineups, you can make comebacks if you keep farming. Look at who is getting the kills. For example this match we started behing, I don't remember exact score, probably 6-2 or something? But they had zero towers despite having broodmother and lich was getting all the kills and lich is not scary late. Our late game was like 3x theirs yet half our team wanted to give up.


                                  I thought OP said not to talk about bad teammates? Biggest pet peeve to me is getting 5 misses in a row up hill and enemy mid gets dd or haste every time he checks.


                                    All pick is my biggest pet peeve. Randoming characters that they haven't done before, then doesn't trade character with someone.

                                    Picking characters in mass like all carry, no wards no courier.

                                    Picking all support.

                                    Getting more than one hand of midas on the team, then not only that, but getting it past 15_20 min mark fucking stupid.

                                    Waiting until the last minute for your all pick team to pick their character, then picking something that is hard countered already when the other team has ES when the last guy picks PL or terror blade, or team picks clinkz/riki when team has slardar or BH already...... fucking stupid.


                                      Here's some I thought of

                                      - When the carry does not come clean up the enemy team and continues farming.
                                      - When someone grabs Hand of Midas when we are losing to a pushing strat or in those scenarios.
                                      - When heroes don't use their spells for defensive reasons such as Void's chronosphere to stop someone from casting, etc or Invoker stopping the fight and just watching everyone die then casts his spells
                                      - When your team has to turtle but decides to defend the second tower, gets rekt and GG!!!
                                      - When the initiators demand the carry to initiate.
                                      - Bad positioning in the late game therefore throwing the game. I've done it myself =D
                                      - When people talk about their KDA but forget that their are supports who die for them and initiators etc who do their job so that person can rack up kills



                                        Chu4lyfe has it in a nutshell


                                          rng god


                                            I hate how Axe only seems to spin when he's in the enemy team. Same with Ld's bear, it only entangles YOU.

                                            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                              1) Supports who prioritize euls/phase boots over wards.

                                              2) Mid who never rotate out or when they do come gank 12+ minutes later they TP to tower and casually walk in lane instead of coming from trees and pushes lane for you.

                                              3) stupid support who never buy wards and decide to buy wards after game is practically over like 50-10 etc... They go in solo to ward and repeatly die 1v5.

                                              4) People who decide to hang around mid when there's a 5 man enemy push coming mid.

                                              5) People who like instead of going around in woods and walk top/bot to base towers, they walk into the 5 man push mid.

                                              6) Shadow shaman who rat dota and let team 4v5. Also shadow shaman who uses ultimate to kill instead of pushing towers repeatedly.

                                              7) CM pickers who wait for allies to initiate, then never get their frostbite spell in.

                                              Dire Wolf

                                                I also hate people who don't use sound or understand what I am saying and still never acknowledge it. For example, I will macro mid missing but then I will say in detail mid is missing, I think he went bottom to get the rune, I'll tell you when he's back. It'll be a haste or something and bottom will get ganked and die. I'll be like wtf I called rune and they'll be like I didn't know he had a haste rune! Like I am supposed to type all that shit out while trying to last hit.

                                                Also people who just don't pay attention. Like when you are radiant and your t1s are down and dire kills rosh. They are obviously going to come through your jungle to do bottom or middle lane yet people will venture out into the middle of the jungle and die. I will even say they just did rosh, don't go over there until we can see them and yet they still do it.

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