General Discussion

General DiscussionOh... someone get me out of 3K please.

Oh... someone get me out of 3K please. in General Discussion

    My last 3 invoker games, (Don't ask why, just want to play a lot of invoker lately. Urge I guess.) It's like I don't even know anymore. Being trolled down into this bracket makes my head hurt.

    Engima canceling blackhole's, Ally Carries throwing the game, all around feeding from our carries and calling us noobs.

    Jesus, just kill me.


      table vegetable fuck

      Vape-babulya, Ebalo pitbulya



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          invo ez wins ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

          wut is this build doe

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            It's a build to maximize the usefulness of Tornado, and EMP. As well as Alacrity for some high damage hero with low base attack time.

            It works great, but I still end up losing.


              Invoker: 138 games, KDA 2.26 and 38% winrate. And you dare to blame others?

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                2 spell invokers are the worst.


                  you should get more levels in quas, and learn to think for yourself instead of following a guide.

                  "As well as Alacrity for some high damage hero with low base attack time." Who has low BAT on your team? No one. they all have 1.7 BAT, the two right clickers are either you or bounty and bounty benefits more from E than W, so that's not really an excuse for your skill build. also BAT is idifferent to attack time. attack time can be changed by attack speed, BAT only with abilities.

                  linkens was dumb against so many single target abilities and also does not block the huge amount of magical non-target / ground target abilities, where BKB would've been better (echo slam echo damage + aftershock stun, disruptor kinetic field + aghless ulti, sf ult, and tb can't target you with his slow or burn you with radiance)

                  assuming you got linkens to block rupture, they had 3 force staffs, reflection, fissure, thunder strike, glimpse, necro archer mana burn and bloodrage to cancel your linkens, which means you just wasted 5k on an item that doesn't do what you wanted it to.

                  "It's a build to maximize the usefulness of Tornado, and EMP."
                  You need more than 1 level in quas if you want to reliably set up EMP with tornado. of your entire team, you had the best set up for black hole + epicenter with tornado. burrow strike and impale are short range so they're unlikely to catch 3+ people unlike tornado can. if you had more in Q that gives your team time to get into position when they don't have blink daggers early on (one reason why QW is good early on), or for enigma to cast midnight pulse before black hole.

                  generally don't get invoke rank 2 at level 7, cooldown goes from 22 to 17 which is still long and it's 20 extra mana. you won't get an extra spell off in an early fight, and you might not even need to use more than 3 spells anyways (tornado + EMP queued, invoke cold snap after), so spend a point in q/w/e to make them more effective instead.

                  in the early game quality > quantity. max wex emp + tornado is better than tornado + meatball + blast when all 3 have crap levels.

                  level 3 invoke's cooldown change is noticable though, so save your skill points so you can get rank 3 immediately after rank 2. the xp gain to go from level 10 to 11 is only 600, but the xp to go from level 11 to level 12 is 2200, so you may want to get invoke rank 2 and 3 at 12 and 13 rather than 11 and 12 because you might be stuck on rank 2 invoke for a while, which doesn't offer a whole lot more than rank 1.

                  looking for some QE builds from a month ago (when QE was really strong) you still always get phase boots on him. sometimes treads are better since exort already offers you damage, especially when you go midas. force or euls offers you mobility that you lack without wex or phase. again you get rank 2 invoke at 7 and max E by 13, so my guess is that you're just copying what items and skills a guide is telling you to.

                  you want to go 4-1-4-1 or even 4-0-4-1 so you can get double forge spirits by level 9 or 10, that's the most important thing, not maxing exort asap. alot of games you don't even get double forge spirits until level 13 or something which is just bad.

                  I assume you're following the QW trend just because people are telling you it's the best shit right now without knowing why, but sometimes QE is more useful, adapt to the game's situation.


                    the reason QW owns is because its ez for the team to understand what the invoker is thinking

                    King of Low Prio


                      Arek Akashi

                        pick tb

                        Dr Sharkie^

                          I'm stuck in the 3k hole too. Painful.

                          casual gamer

                            Quas gives you waaay too much utility to pass up mang. Ice wall/Ghostwalk/Cold snap are HUEG, especially considering ghostwalk slow goes thru bkb (wtf was icegabe smoking)

                            I'm pretty shit at invoker too, game is hard :S


                              If you can't get out of the 3k bracket then it's where you belong. Because if you were significantly better than everyone else there, you would make it out of that potato bracket easily. It's harder to 1v5 in higher brackets.


                                Is your bracket low enough that people still think that Riki is an uncounterable god?

                                If so, play him until people start buying wards.


                                  your build is retarded

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                                    if you struggle where u are, how are u suposed to do any game impact in higher tiers?

                                    Ples Mercy

                                      Wex Exort invoker and says 'It's a build to maximize the usefulness of Tornado, and EMP'

                                      you sir are a fucking retard.

                                      Pls drop to 2k where u belong.

                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!