General Discussion

General DiscussionThe night of idiots

The night of idiots in General Discussion

    What the fuck happened to tonight, so this many ruiners? Un fucking belivable, it is like, hey, i am in game, i died, lets ruin, fuck 4 other people. I really dont get people who do this. Especialy if you play bloddy ranked, do your fucking best to win, not to leave, or go afk woods for 40 min.

    So what you do in this type of matches? Afk? Try ,even if you know you cant win? Flame the shit out if them?


      Never seen intentional feeder in my branch


        um... i still play it out

        cant afk otherwise u still get an abandon .___.

        but yeah it happens far too often, im at 4-4.4k
        someone doesnt get a hero he wants in cm ranked, throws game or goes a retarded build
        people that name themselves like, "i dont give a shit" that go around trolling/pretending to be mad but arent
        people that hate the picks so much so that they cry about it during the ENTIRE game, flaming every chance they get

        meh, i try to avoid even talking or saying anything, cause if i do only insulting shit is gonna come out