General Discussion

General DiscussionIs this true?

Is this true? in General Discussion

    Just found this on reddit:

    'He bought a tmm abuse account with 0 "real games" played so his mmr was based entirely on the 10 calibration games. People reported this exploit to the devs. The devs did a bit of digging, and with the help of the new dota2toplist, they reset all the fake mmr's to 3000 and added 40 calibration games to be done on the new accounts before they get the mmr.'

    The guy being referred to as 'he' is Wave btw


      This does happen, play co op bots until level 13 and get a high mmr.
      I'm tempted to do this myself so that I can get an easy 3k (2.9k hell at the moment)


        why people make new accounts to bash others?

        everyone knows that wave sucks


          Well I would assume wave made the account rather than buying it, but yes he does everything possible to abuse the game rather that play it legitimately. He disappears when he gets busted, or his "hard work" is undone, only to reappear again when he gets a new abuse going.

          I haven't seen him post since this account which was apparently at 6200 mmr got reset to TBD calibration with 26 games on it. I wouldn't be surprised if he isn't attempting to abusing games with feeding alt accounts on the opponents side for another 26 games, so he can come back and tell everyone how amazing he is.

          King of Low Prio


            does that mean we can get this guy who bought his account get it reset?


              doubtful. He played enough games to start falling down to his accurate ranking.

              King of Low Prio

                he stopped playing ranked on the account so he would not lower the MM much


                  Sauce please.

                  King of Low Prio

                    and he needs 40 losses per 1k MM he drops(-25 per game) and since he is about a 2k MM player he will be ruining approximately 160 games (not including any matches that his teammates manage to snowball so hard that his 2k experience doesnt hold team back enough)



                      So his mmr did get reset?

                      He still shows as 6.2k on dota2toplist...


                        the reason he is still showing up in dota2toplist is because he left steamtracks and his account doesnt get updated anymore.

                        you might have noticed the announcement on dota2toplist asking for more steamtracks permissions, this is the first step to get more detailed information into dota2toplist. expect some changes over the next 2-3 weeks to make things more informative and less prone to these lvl 13 accounts. you can read up on my plans at (the numbers are just for example, exact ones are up for discussion)

                        feel free to comment or give feedback on those ideas

                        Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                          LOL old Wave boy.. our another DB member caught by reddit, LULx.


                            its only the 5th time tho, not a big deal.

                            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                              prob. wasn't making money selling 4-5k accounts so he squealed?

                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                Everyone hates Russians but it's those retarded Russians buying these accounts.


                                  ^dont think you know how much you're right.


                                    At the risk of making it sound racist 90% of these abuses and bug exploits are all run and still currently used by russians and east block players.

                                    Dunno why people feel the constant need to "fake" being a good player.


                                      @bontscho |
                                      Can't you filter by number of ranked games in the last X days? I think it's healthier to ask for something like 50 ranked games instead of 400 wins. Also, instead of "rating has changed in the last 2 weeks" I'd ask for at least 1 ranked game in the last 2 weeks, because if someone plays 2 games, one won and one lost, most likely he will have the same rating.


                                        Well i am confused. The top guy in 7k MMR was in a game that I queued. I am nowhere near to 7K what the hell is he doing?

                                        Does he have like a lower party rating to make solo games go easier?

                               Second one down
                               The game, he was fucking bad and ended up throwing the game buy being shitty but still dunno how you can get 7k?


                                          i agree that would be a better solution, but i would have to use the webapi and require to share match history on top of the profile privacy, so id rather stick to the information which i already get.
                                          i will probably set the win requirement to 150, but it will depend on the data i will get. if too many players with legit mmrs have lower wins, i will adjust accordingly
                                          the mmr change over 2 weeks i think is pretty fair. i know it could be the case that one certain guy only plays 2 games every 2 weeks and they happen to be on the same evening and they both happen to give 25 points and he does win one and lose the other. but i guess i take the odds on that over the additional infrastructure load :)



                                            Well even with flaws you are doing a good job, keep it up.


                                              @OA | Havoc Badger
                                              i can confirm that this guy got his mmr reset. the reason he is still in the list is because currently having no more mmr is considered "setting profile to private" and doesnt distinguish yet between actual private profiles and reset mmrs. consider this fixed with the next big update in 1-2 weeks


                                                thanks @ OA | Havoc Badger

                                                i also think or like to believe that this project shed a little light on those mmr tricks and helped track down a few abusers :)