General Discussion

General Discussionhow do u do dat?!

how do u do dat?! in General Discussion

    I cant understand how ppl climb mmr. they move 500-600points. but how?! i cant understand...pls tell me the secret
    there is my last game with sf for example. i went 6-0, 10-1 with my ultrakill... had a good farm but when we picked our heroes i already knew we lost by picks. i got kills and a good farm dat doesnt matter if u have to play against free farm pl and naix with your 500hp heroes + braindead tide --" u can do whatever but u'll loose cus your team is dat strong as the weakest player in it...


      Simply cause they played with their friend before the ranked, and their friend were much less skilled. so they simply go to the bracket they belong to.
      Or they are high enough to be in some kind of no limit in mmr bracket


        Improve, get better. People have proven that no game is un-carryable if you're good enough.


          > Improve, get better.

          Well now you're just talking crazy Zenoth.


            i know it was 3months ago but just find it cus the "new record tab"
            what should i do on this kind of games

            and its hard to improve when u forced to play with those braindead ppl.

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              find your easiest hero to grinding mmr
              your game is better than mine, and its ranked in 5k not normal matchmaking

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                cause if you're better than your bracket you'll climb it. RoFl


                  If you are better than your mates, you move up. Thats a statistical thing and applies on big number of games. Everyone will lose games big time by big fails. I dropped 400 MMR by playing only melee hardcarries and now make my way up against 500 MMR, by picking high impact midlaners.


                  Thats crap. Some games are uncarryable. If your Mirana bottom goes manaboots and feeds the enemy mortred 6 kills in 10 minutes, while you have no decent hardcarry on your team+ you have to buy your own wards and chickupgrade mid, you can't win:


                  Bristleback going full Apeshit, feeding the enemy ursa 7 Kills in like 10 min. Same goes for the supports, who rotate without any gamesense, feeding the mid morph and the ursa.


                  Before I even touched my initationitem the ursa had done rosh and had a blink. In the playdotaforum juice lost on his road from 3.5k to 4k 3 games. This guy has 5.6 MMR, he is touching the proedge. So for a player that is lets say at 4 - 4.2 K, if he only picks suitable heros (me), and plays against 3.7 K guys,the number of games that can't be carried increases.


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                    Yes, how many games did swiftending win? 90%. A better player than him might have been able to carry some of those games. Of course if you are at the rating you deserve, half of your games will be uncarryable by virtue of your own mistakes alone.

                    Sometimes games are unwinnable by virtue of the picks. All you can do is blame your teammates for picking like morons, no one can do anything about that.

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                      Even Bulldog, N0tail or Dendi lose alot of their games in soloque. Dota is a teamgame. Do not overrate the influence you have on 9 other ppl playing. If someone madfeeds a hardcarry or decent semicarry in the early game stages, it is not possible for lets say a Qop to recover.


                      This game Tinker goes offlane, feeds me 3 Kills in 5 Minutes. I have min 4 Midas. This shit happens too often. Many ppl just do not know how to offlane. They just simply walk at the creepline, and expect to be able to farm. Bounty hunters going on the offlane do not check enemy inventorys for dusts, or sentries. Feeding a hardcarry or decent semicarry makes it quite tough for the other team to recover. If now one of the other lanes gets lost, too, its gg.

                      Retard Security Detail

                        There was a brief moment for about a week in ranked that was decent matches. They did some tweaks to matchmaking and solo play solo only was still an option. Sadly a week later they removed it(solo only) to ensure solo que would always be garbage. Best thing to hope for is valve fucking up again and mistakinly making the game fun for solo, if it happens again enjoy before they "fix" it.


                          oh u mean the option to match with only solo... yea. never tried dat cus i hoped sometimes gonna matched with 3-4man stacks and they gonna carry me :) never happened --" feels like when my team lost i did few mistakes. when my team won => played well...
                          never feel someone carried me in the game. always have to pee blood for a victory


                            9v1 saying even proes lose games has nothing to do with this topic. They ARE on/close enough to their rating so mmr can try to balance. Every time someone has lower mmr than his real skill, the team has an advantage. How bog or small it is will lead to lower/higher win %.

                            I got slightly better at the game so my mmr`s median nowdays is 200 rating higher than it was. I know ive learned some small stuff, it has an effect but not significant... so i won like 2% more than lose...
                            Some friends were trollong before mmr, climbed like 500-600, they did it with 60-70% winrate. The guy doing the elo hell experiment is above 90% wr, couse he was that far.

                            If you cant climb, not even slowly, mmr put you where you belong. Dont complain aboit unwinnable games (i mean, ofc they are bad but no effect on your mmr), you only have to win those close games where you had early advantage but farm jungle onstead of pushing t3 or where you had the late game but qq ff instead of turtling... or losing to split push furi couse noone (including you) had a tp... or go megacreeps instead of t4 and lose soon... only these games would have a high impact and there are those games when enemy carry just farmed better than you or you got outplayed mid...

                            Just play to enjoy the game (ofc play to win) and forget about mmr for a while, just be more relaxed, dont flame, dont give up even when you have a noob feeder (ofc intentional feeder is usually inwinnable), couse usually enemy has a feeder noob too, go hunt. Of you should be higher, you will climb.


                              Essentially, here's the idea. Your teammates (and your opponents) over a decently large number of games (30's probably enough) will form a Normal distribution around the average MMR you played those games at. If you're better than your average teammate, then your average team is better than the average team you'll face, and you'll win more games than you lose. Focus on getting to the point where you are better than most people you play with, and after enough games, you'll have won more often than you lost and raised your MMR. You don't win every game--if you do, you are either legitimately a couple thousand MMR points lower than you should be or get consistently good teammates. You just win more than you lose.

                              Sorry for all the stats lingo; it's the best way I really know to explain it.

                              King of Low Prio

                                people tend to forget how much lanes effect the match. A bad player will sit in a trilane/mid all game and leave all the other lanes to suffer and dont support at all(the same applies to a jungler). Usually what happens is bad players will take a extremely easy lane bane mirana CM and murder the offlane hero BUT they ignore the fact that the other team did a 2-2-1 strat and owned the mid and safe lane and the tri lane players are bitching and moaning about their team 'feeding' while they dont rotate. They end the match with good stats and bitch and moan about the teams bad stats that they sacrificed. My philosophy in pubs is that if you lose a match(specifically a stomp) you should NOT have good stats.


                                  Think of it as a plateau
                                  Eventually you'll be able to get over it, but you have to work at it.
                                  Think of it as win 2 games, lose 1 game

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                                    Moonmeander picked SF every game to get from 4.7k to 5.xk.


                                      before they added ranked my overall win/loose was around +15,17 and had 35% (so bad) winrate with invoker.
                                      nowdayz my overall is +60...(but i didnt fall under +50 last 3weeks or more) + my invoker on 6.79 i got 72.5% winrate and my all time almost 50% with invoker.
                                      as u see i got ~38% winrate with my friend :D so mostly thx to solo q.
                                      but this is why i feel kinda stucked. cant move away from +60 :/
                                      btw. currently 3.8k mmr
                                      (i hope nobody missunderstood me. i dont cry about my mmr cus i know its my true place. never ever played any moba game before dota 2. i learned evrything by myself..i play dota for 15months. so yea. kinda newbish compared to ex dota, hon players...)

                                      Hex Sigma

                                        my 2 cents trench opinion:
                                        try to adapt as much as possible. For example today on my bs game i was focused and killed 4 times in the early game. So i imediately changed my strategy to jungle farming. My team managed to hold the game while i farmed and in the end we won even though i was behind early game.
                                        so try to adapt to your teams playstyle and try to be as flexible as possible


                                          like srsly. this game:

                                          i fuckin carried them sooooo hard. ALONE!!! its like impossible in dota. but they fuckin ended to being idiots. we played from behind but when we had to advanched they started the cocky things.... they dropped my evasion for butter somewhere near to secret shop from chick. i had to find it. but i had fuckin aegis on + storm had cheese....i said them come here lets smoke and win the game. no fuckin clockwerk jumped in and throw the fuckin game....he was already dead with rubick cus of dat..and we tried to save the shit with storm.

                                          Spawned in 80sec. i had my butter ready. wanted to pick up gg rune (double damage) and lil cd on my ult... they fuckin rushed them into face and pudge hooked wr...who the fuck cares. go back and play safety. dat wr isnt dat important...but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
                                          they followed her to death 1 by 1!!!!

                                          srsly. dats why i really wanna get higher.. cus this hell mmr bracket is awful....u have to pee blood for evry fuckin game cus of those 0clueaboutdota players...


                                            I agree with Sampson on that. Tri lanes seem to be the majority of the games I play, (sometimes a jungler is in a game but rare now) and staying in lane for an extended period of time trying to get a single kill on a solo offlaner? And it doesn't happen or if even worse, your tri lane is dying somehow? Time to send 1 or 2 heros to the opposite lane to help out your solo laner, or have one of the other supports switch, and the other guy roam mid and attempt some lockdown.

                                            Pisses me off when I see people squatting in a tri lane for over 8-10 minutes when all you're doing is killing your GPM/XPM. Prior to the weekend I would just have a TP scroll purchase since I would CM/shadow shaman and if the tri lane gank was a failure or success in the first minute or two, I would switch out lanes.

                                            I really miss the standard 2/1/2 lanes, since it is rough getting in solo queue and trying to "organize" a strategy in a short amount of time before the game starts. Another reason all pick is garbage, and CM/CD is the place to be so you can at least have a few minutes to organize some type of plan. All pick is trash.


                                              Win 2 games
                                              Lose 1 game

                                              Dire Wolf

                                                Yes trilanes suck in pubs. I scream this every single goddam captain's draft, draft a 212 team not a trilane but people still pick tri lanes cus oh man we have earthshaker and cm, we HAVE TO tri lane it's sooo gooood! Ehm not it's not cus the team is never cooridinated enough to pull it off and the other team's off lane will just sit back and concede the farm and still have more exp than us and now you have two support who need lvl 6 for ults who don't have it.

                                                Also, hot salza is right, you shouldn't expect to win all you're games. Win like 60% and I'd say that's pretty normal unless you're severely underranked by like 1000 points or more, then maybe you win 80%.

                                                Also, the match you posted you got rolled by a rat doto lycan. Shit happens. He is very hard to stop. I probably wouldn't pick spectre in pubs. He carries too late. Pick your own rat doto hero like lycan or a really big impact mid laner like viper or something.