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General DiscussionWorst Dota 2 Game I've ever played... Pudge steals my demon edge and ...

Worst Dota 2 Game I've ever played... Pudge steals my demon edge and feeds in General Discussion
Gavin - Dota God (Explicit)

    My team was winning we even got racks before the other team did... Pudge feeds and he demanded middle solo over me. He steals my demon edge and would not give it back. First time i've ever gotten an item stolen before in this game. Mind you I have not even played 150 games yet. I post this on the forums on Dota 2 My topic gets deleted and the only response I got was "Cool Story bro" On top of this I get banned from talking because I flamed this guy for stealing my item. ??? Makes no sense. First off why was he able to pick my item up in the first place and drop it off the courier??? Feel like this game breeds trolls! I have screenshot of the game too of pudge having my item in inventory the entire time.



      Gavin - Dota God (Explicit)

        Mind you this guy also stated how he has other accounts and demanded I 1v1 him. I dont think this guys intentions was ever to actually play the game it was to get on his so called 2nd account and troll.

        Gavin - Dota God (Explicit)

          CSB? I'm suppose to know what that means?


            Cool story, bro!

            Gavin - Dota God (Explicit)

              Go watch your pony storys



                Gavin - Dota God (Explicit)

                  I'm glad I posted on the forums about this next time I'll just go talk to a wall.

                  Gavin - Dota God (Explicit)

                    Thanks Xan I'm sure no one knew what I meant because I said storys instead of stories. I'm glad someone smart like you replied to my post.

                    Gavin - Dota God (Explicit)

                      Thanks for proving my point further that this community is the BEST!




                          I stole a yasha receipe from a Vengeful Spirit once and hid it in the trees.
                          I told him that I wasnt gonna let him know where I hid it until he purchased wards. Fun times.

                          Oh err your post. Yeah. That sucks. But solo dota is what it is.

                          Gavin - Dota God (Explicit)

                            Yeah man I'm totally a fag that's why I am kissing a Latina in my picture!

                            Sup m8

                              I'm sorry this happened to you. Not fun. Just move on and hope it doesn't happen again, my only advice. Or buy couriors and make trains. That's fun.

                              Gavin - Dota God (Explicit)

                                Lol because people don't play how you want them to you steal their items? I hope you don't do that at work too. Sorry I stole your car and hid it. I don't like the way you work.


                                  Dude you are just further asking to get trolled. Stahp.

                                  Gavin - Dota God (Explicit)

                                    Thanks Spitzl1

                                    Gavin - Dota God (Explicit)

                                      No I want my problem to be solved. Why in other Moba's you can't steal items like that? I forget though that 90% of the community are grown men that have a mindset of a 9 year old.

                                      Sup m8

                                        Sadly many people who play games are immature "adults" who have nothing better to do then make peoples lives miserable. The community is shit, the game is beautiful. STACK

                                        Proud Boi

                                          Nice legs bro, do u work out? :D Anyways, OT that shit is standard, happens to everyone several times a week. Even I do it occasionally. No point making a thread out of it. Anyway, if u started flaming before he started trolling then u totally deserved it..........


                                            They arent grown men, it varies from 5 to 95.
                                            You shouldnt be able, yet you can if its not in stash.
                                            It happened over million times, in million different games, which is why no one gives a rats ass about it.
                                            Someone stealing your gf, an interesting read.
                                            Someone stealing your item? Not so much.

                                            Gavin - Dota God (Explicit)

                                              Mirana actually flamed pudge first then sand king I think he was mad I did not get a courier or something. I'm suppose to know with less than 150 games that I just have to get courier all the time with VS? w/e No one said anything until creeps came out about courier.

                                              Gavin - Dota God (Explicit)

                                                Not girlfriend its my wife and she is prego 7 months good luck with that buddy lol

                                                Gavin - Dota God (Explicit)

                                                  My wife only likes Mormon men that are white 6 ft + and are fit and lift weights.

                                                  Sup m8

                                                    She's pretty, wp

                                                    Gavin - Dota God (Explicit)

                                                      yeah this thread is done cya I just wish dota 2 would change the stealing items thing

                                                      Sup m8

                                                        Btw I'm 16. Just felt like blurting that out


                                                          Ok, Bonkowski lets lay down some internet rules here.

                                                          1. Never post from your facebook.
                                                          2. Dota2, while consumer driven is not the product of Dotabuff. What do you want us to do?
                                                          3. Shit happens, I can post a myriad of games I played last night where I lost. Also in your words about mindsets, real men grow balls and get over small issues like losing an item in a game.
                                                          4. Constantly trash talking while saying "this community is the best" is coining your own phrase where you are trash talking a community for being trash talkers. It opens you up for "trolling".

                                                          My advice is to just move the fuck on and man up.

                                                          LD afk farms and just downright sucks
                                                          Forces a support lina to go offlane and got no help from Rhasta
                                                          Getting wrecked cause supports positioning and playstyle was bad
                                                          Could have won, and almost did but TA just kept dying cause she was over confident
                                                          Invoker built bad, used two skills, slardar farmed badly though he was well supported

                                                          ...see everyone has bad games and players being shitty but opening a forum post to whine at every single game is not something you should resort to. Also you shouldn't have bought an R series card, they under-perform and run a lot hotter than most others.

                                                          This comment was edited

                                                            Where are ponies? Am I missing them yet again?!


                                                              Tell me, did pudge pick first or did you? Pudge is much better at mid than Vengeful spirit, you're playing carry venge which is known for being a sign that you're going to lose, especially against a lineup of pl! slark and sniper! all of whom are better carries than VS. Maybe he was trolling you for completely doing what you wanted to do instead of what the team needed.

                                                              Regarding your item being stolen: it happens, if you leave it in your stash it won't happen, so just leave items in your stash then you have nothing to complain about. Secondly what do you expect any of us to do about it? Dota buff isn't affiliated with valve in any way

                                                              PC Principal

                                                                "My advice is to just move the fuck on and man up."

                                                                If you have been done wrong in the game, the only thing you can actually do that might benefit the community and your feelings is to report the player with a description. Other players are able to remove items from courier for various reasons but it can be abused. Just like any "works on allied unit" ability in the game as well.

                                                                You making topics to two separate forums on the issue makes me think that pudge player got exactly what he wanted. He made you batshit mad. You lost the battle to a troll in a worst possible way.

                                                                I had a 3-stack game with my buddies couple weeks back where our CM first fed hardlane where my friend was farming as tiny. After feeding we didn't bash him in any way (all that bitch needed to do was to give mana anyways) and yet he started to take last hits from the tiny and generally not supporting him or the team at all. At that point tiny started tossing him to die in the enemy tower to get avalance kills even if CM died. Then CM came to safelane to take last hits and spam WP. Now what we did here was NOT to rage him or NOT to start threatening with reports. Instead we tried our best and with good tiny rotations took midgame. This bitch dropped TWO of my BKB sets in the woods from courier but we just steamed on, used her as a initiating stone by tiny and wrecked their high ground eventually winning.

                                                                The lesson here was that you just need to focus on your own shit and not to engage in the flaming if your main goal is to win the game. If a troll loses his shit and starts throwing hard even with polite "please don't ruin this for us" not helping help then just mute him and continue your game. I must agree that without tiny skillset it would have been much less fun or punishing towards her but she got dealt with ingame and sure knew deep inside that our stack basically won the game that she was trying to throw so hard. We won the troll in every aspect. Obviously if you are losing (and specially because of the troll only) it is much harder to execute but still you should not get in any verbal debate or WP spamming with them. You can't come out on top in any way.


                                                                  The term "Don't feed the trolls" comes to mind.



                                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!