General Discussion

General Discussionarteezy's game on last stream

arteezy's game on last stream in General Discussion

    Rofl nice matchmaking volvo


      1. not enough people around his mmr
      2. its based on total mmr, not individual (in valves eyes that was a really fair game if you add and compare the mmrs of each team)
      3. How many 5k+ players are there total?
      4. This happens too often gj volvo

      King of Low Prio

        if it happened alot people would be linking it a million times over not just the one odd one off a stream


          This game was like 5 hours ago so there were definetly many ppl online. Also sampson how can u say that if mmr just started showing properly less than 24 hours ago, theres no way to know how its been before

          Quick maffs

            "its based on total mmr, not individual (in valves eyes that was a really fair game if you add and compare the mmrs of each team)"

            This is what its not fine, it should be +-500 or 1000 mmr of difference in each team but not fucking 2500 +-

            King of Low Prio

              not everyone can enjoy the 3k bracket with the huge playerbase of shitty players


                ur post makes no sense in this discussion , -rep


                  "How many 5k+ players are there total?"
                  What about 4.5k? I bet you $1000 there were 4.5k MMR players in queue.

                  King of Low Prio

                    if they where 4.5k MM would you guys not be complaining? No you people want something that doesnt exist (6k players playing against only 6k players)


                      I like how you went from 4.5k to 6k players, skipping everything in between. 6k players should be playing with 4.9k players and up. Saying the community wants 6k players to only play other 6k players, when there is clearly 1499 mmr before you reach the 4.5k you suggested, is being intentionally obtuse at best.

                      King of Low Prio

                        because clearly there is a massive skill gap between 4.9k and 4.5k............


                          i think 4.5k mmr + is where all good players are so thats why i said that number

                          King of Low Prio

                            you are wrong I still que with all the 4.5k trash


                              no dorkly the total was really even
                              but it shouldnt be team mmr totals

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                                stupid matchmaking
                                it should just put the higher 4k's and 5k's on the enemy team and lower 4k's on rtz's team... putting 3k trash is just retarded


                                  If you put on average 4.5k players on rtz's team, he jacks the average so high you need at least 4 5k players on the other team to balance it out. The reason his teammates have to be bad is because there aren't enough high rated players in the queue to be his opponents.


                                  Quick maffs

                                    I am just waiting to see a 6k guy with a 2k guy in the same team, I KNOW its going to happen


                                      anyone remember this?

                                      singsing matched with new players? ahaha good old matchmaking before ranked

                                      King of Low Prio

                                        one of these days Dorkly will understand what a outlier is, hopefully his math teacher teaches it this semester.


                                          I am just waiting for people here like dorkly to learn basic math and logic, I KNOW its not likely to happen.

                                          Quick maffs

                                            I mean it must be hell to have to play with people rated with 2k mmr less than you, to play this kind of unfair games it better dont find anything.

                                            It doesnt feel right, and i am SURE valve will change someting with high mmr players, like if they want to wait more to have better games, etc.

                                            and if its not posible to change anything dota will just lose players.

                                            Lets be honest some people would wait 30 min if they could have a fair game, and some people would decline if they knew before the game even started that the game would be so unbalanced

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                                              its not about math u stupid fuck
                                              its about 1 player higher than the enemies top mmr (RTZ) then 4 individuals being higher than the other 4 (other team)

                                              #basiclogic #StupidFuck

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                                                21998 vs 21977 Difference of 21...problem?

                                                Also I liked the argument of lower 4k is fine, but 3.9 is not. What with all the fluctuation that happens in rating /eyeroll

                                                I'm sure people would still complain if he was even matched with people at 5k, so argument is moot /shrug (that'd make his average opponent 5.3k rated btw, still a huge gap).

                                                "Lets be honest some people would wait 30 min if they could have a fair game, and some people would decline if they knew before the game even started that the game would be so unbalanced"
                                                Actually most people would prefer to not play a game than wait 30 minutes for a fair game.

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                                                King of Low Prio

                                                  6k players will NEVER have a balanced match they are better than 99.99999999999999% of pub players why the fuck would you make them wait 1+ hours for being good at the game? all they would do is fuck up a smurf account and play lower if they have to.

                                                  Quick maffs

                                                    ^^So at what difference its fine ? 2k its fine ? 3 k would be fine also ?

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                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                      if u cant balance out the spread then yes



                                                        It feels bad to play with people just 1k below, but it is perfectly reasonable from a match making standpoint and games are still winnable, so I don't see the problem here.

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                                                          "^^So at what difference its fine ? 2k its fine ? 3 k would be fine also ?"
                                                          You're not looking at the real problem. The problem isn't that the range is 2k+, the problem is that at the high end, there aren't a lot of players. Imagine that though.

                                                          Take the dota2toplist statistics for example. As of this post, there are a little over 7k registered users, of that 7k there are only maybe 40 people at 6k+. Slightly more than half a percent, and keep in mind, that's only the people reporting in, the real percentage would be much smaller. Why? Because people that think they're good are the only ones that report in on these types of sites(feel free to find exceptions to the rule). But go ahead and tell us about how huge of a playerbase is at the high end and queuing at all times of the day to prevent these "outrageous" matches from happening.


                                                            good ol valve they could at least bother to place players in some rating order when it comes to games with so huge rating difference


                                                              Dont forget those 40 (lets say most of them didnt sing up, 120) players are on dferent servers, playing in different times and even if same server and evening, one of them queue for 10 mins, finds game, next starta queueing . Or there are 3 (5, 7,..) of them, if you put 2 agains one it means their teammates should be even lower..

                                                              Also, if you give them the option to wait more in queue, high end playerbase will be even smaller, making other peoples queue longer too...

                                                              And also, 3k scrub is fucking happy he played with a pro, its like getting a football star to your birthday to play a "game" with you, but for free. XD its inbalanced but who gives a fuck.. pro can stomp, also fine, lookes more pro on stream.xD

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                                                                You are all talking about one game, I bet money he lost this kind of games too. He got a stomp it happens that's how the game is there is some snowball effect.

                                                                Sup m8

                                                                  Lol whenever I see Benao on these forums he is cursing someone and telling them how much of an idiot they are. I hope I'm not the only one who senses a fag

                                                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!