General Discussion

General DiscussionTOP 2 MMR SOLO RATING 6762 = 26 HOURS GAME PLAY

TOP 2 MMR SOLO RATING 6762 = 26 HOURS GAME PLAY in General Discussion

    pretty decent to make 350 bucks on stomping two 3k mmr games on tinker


      i don't know why people assume that they can just get to 6000 mmr as if all they have to do is wave a magic wand

      it's simple - after you get to level 13 just by afking in co-op/tmm games, you start off at 3000 mmr. assuming you are far above or below 3000, the difference between these accounts and the "normal ones" (i.e. the ones where you've already played unranked games) is that your uncertainty is going to shoot up massively after your first few games. a 4600 player like myself can still win 3000 mmr games with 1 hand tied behind his back and go 28-1, but once the calibration matches me against 4500-5300 players, then i will perform my usual (do well in some games, do not so well in others)

      if you somehow think getting 5k is easy just by smurfing and then calibrating your account when you aren't a 5k player, feel free to try it yourself, but as everyone intelligent has pointed out, you're going to fail or drop below 5k within a span of 20 non-calibration, ranked games even if you somehow made it there.

      alternatively you can do the language exploit/get friends to feed for you on the other team, but why anyone would do that is beyond me lol. i think i've run into these types of players like 2-3 times in the past week

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        all it takes to get from 3k to 6k is 2 games on tinker or zeus where u get high kda and hero damage

        im not saying anyone can do it but once ur there and calibration is over its really hard and takes a lot of time to drop down to ur original level (lets say u were a 4.5k mmr player, it would take u 60 losses in a row to drop down to 4.5k from 6k)

        but yea, u do need to be a half decent tinker/zeus player capable of stomping a 3k mmr pub on the heroes


          u dont even need to win all ur calibration games, wave for instance lost his first 4 games agaisnt what I suppose is 3-4k mmr opponents and yet managed to get 6k in the end

          reason was that even when he lost he managed to keep a high kda and hero damage number

          Woof Woof

            smells like incompetence
            its really amaizing how many things valve devs cant forsee when it comes to dota 2


              would be interesting to see a 6k player try playing support only in the calibration games though, i bet he would get like 4.5k in the end cos of his low kda and hero damage

              its so fucked up that u have to play heroes like zeus or tinker


                It is oy relevent in that really high MMR players are force to be the "anchor" for their game. It seems the MM system finds it easier to build. Match around high MM players rather than try to put a 6k player in a group.


                  can u provide an example where a 4.5k player got calibrated at 6k? when people calibrate smurfs, their smurfs end up being +/- 150 from their "normal" average mmr. i have never heard of an instance of someone being calibrated 1500 points higher than their actual rating


                    the 6.7k mmr player:


                    having bought a clean lvl 13 account with 0 games he started at 3k

                    first game: (gets about 4 kda and 34k hero dmg, estimated mmr range 2.5k-3.5k)

                    second game: (gets about 4 kda and 25k hero dmg; estimated mmr range 4.5k-5.5k)

                    third game: (gets shat on by page 1 players; estimated mmr range 5.5k-6.5k)

                    so already in his third game he is close to 6k mmr, i can tell this cause of the players in the match, they all have 5k+ mmr and he is blue

                    he might even be close to 7k at this point, cause if you look at this next 3 games he loses them all with bad kda and yet manages to get calibrated at 6.7k in the end

                    conclusion: only takes 2 stomps to get to 6k mmr on a lvl 13 smurf with 0 games, due to anti smurf, and this is agaisnt 3k mmr players in the first game and sub 5k players in the second

                    some 4.5k players may struggle in the second game when they are matched agaisnt players of equal skill but really, 4 kda and 25k hero dmg on tinker isnt that hard to achieve if u are half decent at the hero

                    Dire Wolf

                      I don't understand why anyone would buy a high rated account. The rating isn't posted anywhere, there's no trophy or item set given to top ranked players.

                      In world of warcraft buying accounts made sense because people would power level and get gladiator title's and gear. But in dota? Makes no sense. You get nothing except harder matches you will probably lose.


                        ok, but according to the dotabuff he's only played 7 games. there's a chance he turned his dotabuff profile to private after the 7th game, so we don't know how he fared in the last 3 games.

                        what do you think his actual rating is then? it can't be below 5000 since he stomped the 4.5-5.5k game.

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                          that is true but he would have to do really well to make it up for his lose streak

                          his actual rating could be somewhere around 5k.. enough to do well in the second game against sub 5k players but not enough to make an impact in 6k mmr games

                          although it is also possible he just got lucky in the second game and that his actual rating is far below 5k


                            while the uncertainty decreases with every calibration game, you can still fluctuate by several hundred points. in any case, it's fruitless to debate this until we know the details of all 10 games - idk why people are speculating. by the way, many 5.5k - 6k players get stomped in their own brackets. it isn't unheard of. swiftending got stomped in some of his calibration games.

                            what i suspect really happened is that he got stomped in the 5.5k game, but in the remaining 3 games, he managed to do well enough to get calibrated into that tier

                            i have "gotten unlucky" in 2 of my calibration games; i went up against a solo q language exploit stack twice and ended up feeding in both games. however, i was calibrated at 4600 on the smurf (whereas this account started off at around 4750). the difference is insignifcant. i am still highly skeptical this player is anywhere below 5.5k on his normal account and is very likely above 6k on his normal one.

                            to address your last point:

                            stomping with tinker is no different from stomping with any other hero like ember/slark/storm; in fact playing tinker requires a greater level of micro than most heroes.

                            it's like back when there was this whole fuss about people who abused Russia server LPQ 5 stacks to get high win rates...nobody really cares. all this for some elusive (fake) internet glory is amusing, at best.

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                              is that why you support beesa for winrate


                                He has played about the same number of games with melody/sat/sampson as he has with beesa this month.

                                You really calling people out for choosing to stack?

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                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                  Do people seriously have time to investigate stuff life this? Come on. Just play this fucking game and try to enjoy it. Why would what a guy that you don't even know would matter?


                                    why would i play carry/mid when everyone in the stack is > 5.3k (beesa/04/rime)

                                    i've only played like 8 games with him this month, and half of those were unranked i think, so i'm not farming wins by any means.

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                                      Sam while this is rare it could still ruin games for a lot of people. If buying cheap 6000+ accounts becomes a thing then I am sure the match quality will deteriorate for a lot people. Buying/selling accounts will always be a problem and can not really be solved however it is a problem that it is this easy to generate high rated accounts. Perhaps forcing the player to play at least 150 normal matches to play ranked instead of having this arbitrary level you have to reach would be a better solution than how it currently is.


                                        i agree with sam.
                                        Why would what a guy that you dont even know would matter.



                                          some 3k player probably bought the 6k account and is losing like 90% of his games based on the match history xD (< 1 k/d/a almost across the board, definitely some trashlord ruining games in the 5k bracket lulz)

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                                            easy game he bought like 2 accounts from us


                                              i do like that volvo's dev forum for dota 2 created a thread as a magnet for all the shitty whiners

                                              "omg i have to play against accounts with only 30 games while i have 3000 games on mine" (i don't think they realize this reflects badly on THEM, not the smurfs ROFL)

                                              "help i'm stuck at 3000 mmr, can't move up" (everyone higher just got there through magic and fairy dust, ofc)

                                              wave what's that guy's actual MMR out of curiosity, if you know? i'm amused by all this. xd

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                                                his main account got private profile but he hasn't won 1 single match and that account was 5.8k after calibration

                                                he'll probably win a few matches when its 3500 or something


                                                  has volvo done anything about the language exploiters yet cuz i think ran into them a few times and it was pretty frustrating playing 4v6, being paired with an intentional yet "subtle" feeder/afker while the other team has a 3 stack, all queuing solo

                                                  not sure how they would fix it though to be honest lol, i guess the best i could do is dodge at load screen.

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                                                    you don't have to worry about language exploiters since you need 5k+ to pull it off or face them

                                                    they should just remove languages but they added ukrainian language recently