General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat % of your games are actually enjoyable?

What % of your games are actually enjoyable? in General Discussion

    I don't enjoy stomps nor do I enjoy retarded teammates. I don't mind losing as long as I feel the game was competitive and was even.

    That makes about like 10% of my games. Somehow our team either leads by a lot or theirs does. Or both teams just go full retard and it looks even. Even though its a meagre 10% I guess I can't help but wish for them.

    What % of your games do you actually enjoy?


      100% of the games with my abusing stack <3

      Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

        Not many. I play more for the people I get to talk to rather than actually playing.


          0% with van, because he doesnt accept games


            ih/cw are the only enjoyable games for me, pubs are just a time pass even tho SOMETIMES (veri rare) there is a cool game i might acutally enjoy


              Games where the wait time is less than 2 min. this way i get players around the 5k bracket which makes it rather enjoyable to match up against pro players but its really difficult to win.


                99%+ if you play what you like

                King of Low Prio

                  I hate shitty smurfs to cheat the system into my games and then feed like hell

                  Woof Woof

                    around 5% sadly i have to agree with matrice when u pick what u like whenever u want even losses and stomps dont feel rly bad

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                      Probably like 5% as well. I either get 47.5% that is I'm stomped, or 47.5% where I stomp the other team, then theres that sliver of 5% where I come away win or lose "Damn, what a great balanced game wow!"


                        not many. lost 9/10 of my calibration matches after going on a 18/25 win streak due to DC etc. Now playing ranked in super scrub (i prolly belong tbh). Some games my team just throw so hard :( last game as ursa we were raping early on took out the top lane a few times grabbed couple of rosh and pushed down all of their teir 1 and 2 towers. So ofc my team starts going down the middle and despite my begging they all run off into different areas trying to chase the 2 guys left on their team alive. Ofc they fail and all get ganked in horrible positions. didnt managed to get from teir two to even touching the base towers due to complete and utter stupidity :(

                        Game before we get into team fight and 2-3 start running around or off then come back when were dead and die etc :(

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                          60% with friends
                          10% in solo queue


                            I'll say probably 25%. I hate getting stomped, but do enjoy stomping. I've been playing mostly abilitiy draft, but that shit can be frustrating as hell.

                            I even enjoy the really, really close loss.


                              PUBS 10% im smurfing in MMR fucking volvo
                              TEAM MODE 90%


                                Suppose I'm lucky in that regard, even when it's all going horribly wrong I manage to have a laugh tbh, it is only a game after all. A recent game I decided to jump in to playing Bane with no real experience with him. Wine may have been involved.

                                Worst performance of my life. A massive 92 XP a minute. It was literally unbelievable. I would have thought I was throwing if i was on my team. It was shocking. But I couldn't help but laugh my ass off after I ulty'd a creep...

                                It all depends on how seriously you take the game I suppose, I'd say I have 'fun' 90% of the time.




                                    i enjoy 100% of my games! and when i have a lose streak i post threads about no enjoyable game experience cause of noob in team :)


                                      Recently, all my solo queues have been enjoyable! Like the past 15 solo queues I've done either I've won, or the games we lost were close as shitttt


                                        Id say about 60% seem enjoyable. For some reason they always go fine and we seem to win the beginning of the game until someone gets temperamental or tilts and starts throwing the game cause they angry over something trivial. This is of course solo queue I'm talking about.

                                        Sup m8

                                          When I want to enjoy a game I pick storm, timbersaw, or tinker. 90% of games I have a lot of fun with them.


                                            i dont enjoy dota at all 90% of the time i find myself stressed and raging even if we are winning lol but i cant stop playing it



                                              about 20%.

                                              Probably why I have been spectating the pro scene and playing planetside 2 lately.

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                                                pubs? 5%
                                                tournament games? 90%
                                                inhouse? 80%

                                                King of Low Prio

                                                  u people have issues


                                                    The percentage of games that there is no peruvians in it

                                                    Each peruvian increases the chance of loss by 20%

                                                    Sugar Show

                                                      When the hero which I gonna play the match is the correct pick.


                                                        I enjoy the most those games, where you have no real chance to win by the picks alone, but you still manage to win it in the end :)


                                                        But otherwise - if you actually have chance to win and if the game is close enough (even if you lose in the end), its still a good game. Personally i hate being stomped, but thats about it. Still, around 50% of the games are stomps either way or another, so i enjoy around half of the matches.

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                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                          Well there's different levels of enjoyment. If you're saying what percent of games do I wish I hadn't even bothered to play and had watched tv instead it's probably like 10%. So I guess I "enjoy" 90% of games.

                                                          I don't mind losing if it's quick or a close match. I hate losing when you're clearly ahead but lose cus your team does stupid stuff like not push. I hate losing when it's a drawn out stomp like the other team has a zeus or someone dominating you but won't push or takes one rax and then camps fountain letting creeps auto the other towers for 15 minutes.


                                                            100% if i play support and my carry owns
                                                            i usually just play while watching film or eating my meal when that happened

                                                            waku waku

                                                              I think it's about 40%


                                                                i'd say about 5% seems about right

                                                                Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                  About 10%. About 50% are bad draft or ap games. Another 10% are with at least 1 trolls, feeders or people who gives up early, who ruin game for either team. Another 10% with bad supports or no warding on one team. Another 10% are just way too low skilled games. Then lastly 10% are games where people fail to counter other team's items or just poor item choices.

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                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                    Then why do you guys keep playing if you only enjoy 1 out of 10 matches? Sounds like masochism.




                                                                        if it's like <30 % I would suggest you stop playing this game.
                                                                        you are wasting hours of your times on something you do not even enjoy.


                                                                          Probably 20%, I do hate stomps are when one person in the team carries everything, I don't mind well executed stomps, good rotations, good warding, perfect ganks etc...

                                                                          Best games are comebacks vs 2 rax down or megacreeps. Hit 4k MMR on a game where it was vs megacreeps. Best moment ever.

                                                                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!