General Discussion

General Discussiontried refresher orb on razor last night. really fun.

tried refresher orb on razor last night. really fun. in General Discussion

    something i learnd:

    1. you can have two razor ult at once. it will show two ult buff small icon and tells you the time left for each one.
    2. razor ult is physical. so it can go through bkb
    3. razor ult is physical. and physical dmg more if armor is low.
    4. ult-refresh-ult, then go shadow blade invisible. fun and fun.

    i lost the game due to bad luck i guess. teammate took lots of kills from me. got like 0-5-20 at 20-25 min

    Ples Mercy


      must be 2k mmr.


        I remember I faced refresher Razor 3 or 4 months ago for the first time. I was in a party with 4 other people who went all: "LoL look at this guy!", when he had Ags, Perseverance and Oblivion. And I was thinking: "If it works the way I think it works, we are so screwed..."
        We were screwed to say the least. Since then I try to never underestimate the item pick ups by enemies. Unless, of course, it is the **** Hand of Midas and/or occasional Battlefury))
        Though I am really changing my point of view on Midas, since I've never realised it gives reliable gold. It is still rather bad, IMO, but not as bad as I assumed.

        Quick maffs

          All of that is really old bro, but yeah its good.

          Dire Wolf

            I'll go refresher + aghs if we need more push instead of carry or their team lacks disables. It's really decimates towers. If enemy team lacks disables you can just run around kiting them and laughing as double storms annihilate their team. Aghs is a pretty good core item on razor once you have some move speed (either phase or yasha) and bkb because it gives you good stats and razor needs hp, but refresher is more situational, it has terrible stats for razor for the cost.


              ya. so true that to "never underestimate the item pick ups by enemies"
              had a game with an enemy wraith king having three Perseverance. we lol'd and later he got 3 or 4 battlefury and 1 refresher. wiped our team...

              yes. two of my stack friends in that game actually in 2k mmr . omni and ls. and that omni just started to play omni for 1st time. I always try new build / new hero when stack with them. most likely to lose anyway.

              wat ? thought it is the new meta ...

              ya. scept is much more cost effective than refresher . i will probably not get bkb unless i am the only carry, cuz razor has his 3rd skill to slow enemy support

              This comment was edited

                This is where I first saw it I have yet to try it but it seems amazing


                  I saw it back several months ago when i just shifted to dota2, It was when i was spectating a random page 1 match, and was like, Why is razor the only one on his team with a decent score, when he's using an obv troll build.. i mean like, whats he gonna refresh, his static feild? xD

                  And someone in the spectators chat told me that he was using it to stack ultis and I was like. ._.'

                  But yea, was pretty damn cool :3


                    Refresher-scepter is really good, but when u can survive a teamfight. IMO he needs survivability items (scepter first is ok) & when u know u can survive u buy refresher. DMG from refresher-scepter combo is insane, not only against buildings, but also enemies.


                      Yeah it's been around for quite some time now. Something to note is that the ultimate persists even after you trigger your aegis


                        Have you ever heard of BKB?
                        Yaknow, that thing that makes you immune to everything on their team except for grip and auto attacks?