General Discussion

General DiscussionQ: what if you play support and accidentally got a lot more kills tha...

Q: what if you play support and accidentally got a lot more kills than carries. in General Discussion

    A1: buy wards sentry dust mek and try to be a good support

    A2: fuck the carries. I am the carry. buy big items like scept hex dagon shiva

    A3. fuck the carries. I am the fucking hard carry. buy desolator daelus divine.

    discuss... I often go A2 with lich.


      Then enemy team gets bkbs and you lose the game.


        Dumbest thread?


          ERMMM... I go with option # 1 and #2 typically if I am getting a ton of kills. Easy to do with dazzle as your heal nukes people down and when you're trying to save a carry just ends up happening:

          Last two matches have deterred me from playing dazzle the past few days and have tried lycan mainly which i'm like 3 out of 5 games with him doing a rat dota style.

          I can only think of a handful of times I went A3 fuck the carries I'm the fucking hard carry:

          Omni knight games end up that way sometimes. Your nuke is pure so no phys/mag resistance works so pure 400 dmg ends up killing heros often early/mid game. So I was like fuck it why not.


            @ Dizzy

            No dumbest thread is "And matchmaking keeps sucking worse..." lol


              well. i make the thread just an alternative way to rant about those stupid supports.

              saw quite a lot these recently. desolator dazzle , daedalus kotl, mjollnir lina, MoM omini ...

              I just hate to see support buying anything >2500 gold.
              even warlock, can buy scept only if after mana boots mek and always-on-wards


                @ Whoji

                I haven't tried a deso dazzle but if I did I would do Soulring/medallion of courage/mek or pipe/drums/sceptre/phase or mana boots/deso. (sell soul ring mid/late)


                I hit an enemy with my dazzle and debuff enemy armor for 15 seconds. I pop my my ult which debuffs armor to -20 + a medallion of courage pop which is another -6 armor = -33 Armor.

                This also frees up a slot on a carry so instead of carrying a deso, he could get some other item for IAS or DMG that would be better than deso.

                Keep in mind if I'm snow balling as a support, I do my job and get wards/courier/dust/smoke blahblahblah but what I hate to see is carries standing around not last hitting creeps or enemy heros. You snooze you lose IMO. It's not a beach party mid waiting for something to happen smell ya later I'm going carry dazzle... lol.

                Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                  deso daz def. not possible in current meta. But it was def. possible in dota 1 back in the day.


                    A2 and complete with A1 ofc


                      You mean Divine Rapier isn't core on role 5s?

                      Quick maffs

                        If you have money for a divine and a desolator i think you already won the game but whatever


                          @ Dipshit

                          That keeper lol!

                          That game wouldn't of been 41 minutes if he would of just geared right! Silly keeper.

                          @ FyrionPlax

                          Yeah I've never tried it so I'm going with Benao A2/A1 never A3 that is a good way to lose the game when you don't go aura/support gear even if ur carry is not carrying.


                            I had a game with my RL friend chen got lots of kills (like 8-0-5 in 10 min) early game and he bought the fcking divine thought it is gg already


                            and he lost it in a team fight. we blame him hard. and he was too fed and bought ANOTHER FUCKING DIVINE. and LOST IT AGAIN TO ANOTHER ENEMY CARRY !


                            after that game we stopped playing dota for several days...

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                              Well, as a Lich, Disruptor or Venomancer sometimes you just can't help having more kills than the carry.


                                Veno carry is actually legit, if (and only if) there's another support willing to buy wards / dust stuff.
                                veno is agi hero. good aoe and right click dmg.


                                  I've always wanted to carry dazzul because of that sound when he auto attacks Nnngh


                                    Man I just can't get veno carry to work. I keep wanting it to, and it just keeps not working T.T I gave up on it quite a while ago :\



                                      carry veno happens when you play veno as a support. then with some chance you got fat. then you can play carry veno.
                                      never start veno as carry.

                                      Quick maffs

                                        ROLF your friend is n1, fuck those cry babies man its just a game you lost whatever.

                                        At least your friend had fun

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                                        "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

                                          Lich should never have a dagon, maybe shiva. Honestly you should Build Veil first as it helps your ult more than scepter and helps your teams attacks. Then Scepter. I have ended more games with a win with Tranq, Mek, Point Booster, Veil. Youre a support. Build like it.

                                          Low Expectations

                                            I was playing a game once vs Armlet, MoM CM once :D


                                              As always, it depends. In pubs you don't have predefined and discussed roles. I'm trying to fill the spot our team is lacking. Mostly, it is more supporting. E. g. I accidentally KS, so I'm getting faster mana boots, Mek. Not sure why are you also listing wards and dust there. They don't cost much and are essential no matter how much farm you have. I could also transform into a semi-carry when I'm doing really well. I don't try to be a hard carry though, never seen it work.