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General DiscussionNeed Keeper of the light support/help input!

Need Keeper of the light support/help input! in General Discussion

    Hi dotabuff community,

    I like to play KOTL occasionally. I finally gave him a try last night after months of not playing him.

    Here is the match I had last night:

    I feel there is something lacking when I am skilling and item building this character now.

    First off, I was captain SOLO match.

    P.S. I had the annoying techno music bane in the background during picks screaming "I want bane or I'll... (Insert explicit here). Either way... muted him after so I didn't have to listen to workout music (techno is workout music sorry folks keep that heart rate up come on one more situp!!! JEEEZ....)

    Either way.... My skill build went as such since laning with Sven

    1. Chakra
    2. Mana leak
    3. Chakra
    4. Wave of light.
    5. Chakra.
    6. Wave of light.
    7. Chakra.
    8. Wave of light.
    9. Luminescence
    10. Wave of light
    11. Luminescence

    Well anyhow, I need to know about the first 6 lvls of my skill build. I feel it is viable if the guy spams spells when I am constantly using Chakra on him. Didn't happen though. May be my fault! IDK!

    Item Build:

    1. Tranquil boots
    2. Mekanism
    3. Force staff
    4. Hood of defiance
    5. Wards wards wards and more wards.

    So what am I doing wrong here? I had positive KDA, assists were high for what kills we did grab. I feel the early game is lacking though. Should I skip mana leak and boost wave of light and chakra first? Are my item builds wrong? I feel he is a strong early game support but didn't really go as planned, and seems to be the case a lot when I pick him.




      given the fact that ur gpm is higher than sven is already totally wrong, meaning of support is to give free space to your carry so he can farm enough to get his core items.

      So if u you pick support u should find a way to make your carry have his space to get farm, dunno if ur carry is noob or what but thats the reason why support exist. Make space to his carry.


        ^ exactly, the worst thing with ezalor is that you max wave, then farm with it.

        Skip wave in lane, max mana leak and chakra magic. Get wave, when they start to push t2 towers.

        And even that isn't reason you lost. The reason is carry venge and and you'r team overall. That cs you had, could be way better to give to sven or viper.


          @ Flop

          Well..... his last hitting was bad in the beginning. I gave him plenty of room between the solo lone druid offlaning dire, but he would consistantly wiff. Hence why I feel like getting wave of light is a wrong first lvl choice during the early laning stage. If I used Wave of light it would push the towers way too much. That was not the case early game (First 10 minutes). Am I correct on this assumption to not blast creep waves early game? So far does my skill build seem viable flop?


            @ I like to suppport

            CS? Sorry I'm not sure what that is.

            Keep in mind, the 6 kills were VERY late in the game, and not early on that I had. I was lucky enough to get full KOTL blast charges on their team occasionally staying back.


              CS - creep score ( in wc3, sorry, still not getting used on those new names ) ;)


                I have a pretty good winrate and been winning 6 times in a row with him.
                My winrate was 30%
                but unfortunately my KDA is below 2 because of past games and i have a lot of cs with him :(
                so you better ask someone else

                But i'm guessing that the sven doesn't know how to play that hero
                from all his games, he only won as sven once

                It's not your fault in my opinion
                your skill build is good even better than me

                This thread:
                I've seen a lot of support that had a good KDA but in the end they lost the game
                this game for example:

                Aside from that i think you made a good decision for getting good KDA from that game because of bad carry
                I usually try to find a way to win the game which usually result in my bad KDA
                This match for example: (old match and normal bracket)
                4 of us sacrificed ourselves so AM can get free farm. I was playing as 5 in that time
                Couldn't forget that match because it was so hard.


                  @ Support

                  Oh Last hits then. No problem. I call "Initiators" "tanks" on here. I think tank is a relatable role.... but I was flamed on another thread here over "tank" so no big deal! Yeah his CS was very low. I REEEEEALLY wanted to last hit early game after I kept seeing him miss but I didn't until we got out of the early laning phase. Mid/late game it was not intentional blasting creeps when the enemy was within those creeps, or I was guarding a tower from being smooshed.

                  @ Yfay

                  Your opinion is always welcome TY.

                  Wow... didn't notice that before on Sven with 1 win on him... he looks to be a better support according to his profile versus carry. I should of gave him a support while I took sven since I can last hit. I try and look up peoples dotabuff stats on here but I can't Cut/paste their names from the game to the web browser so I have to shift+tab back and forth to type out the name correct. I ran out of time when I got to him. (Anyone know how to CUT/PASTE from/to in game? doesn't seem to work with CTRL+V/CTRL+C)

                  Again this was that weird game where 4 out of 5 people wanted to play support. Never happens! Weird huh?

                  Thanks for the thread lookup, and damn.... idk how you won that game with those big deaths for AM! Wow... that is huge. Tried to break sven out to farm but he kept getting ganked. Mini map awareness was sub par for the team.


                    So.... I guess I had no fault here?

                    Oh Shit Waddup

                      ive found the best way to play kotl is just adapting and helping your lane. if you are laning with a carry who can use a spell straight and and get initial damage on them while being safe get e first. if not get your q and stack the camp closest to the lane, or stack and pull. just talk to your carry and if he feels safe pushed in the lane a bit let him get the farm.

                      the way i like to do it is whenever there is enough mana for a q in lane as well as one being available for the stack timing, use it, but not directly on the creepwave. use it to make it so they have to dodge it without hitting creeps and pushing the lane, however as long as you dont get the cs, and stack and pull the pull camps it doesnt matter because either way itll be keeping the carry safe.

                      for me kotl isnt a great support simply cause he doesnt offer the roaming potential, but he offers alot of early game fighting, especially if you can get an early mek. best i think i got is ~8 mins, and if you trilane you can get alot of kills. best ones ive done is kotl sven and rubick/cm.

                      you also need to make sure the person youre recalling knows youre recalling them, blinding light is just broken if you use it right

                      King of Low Prio

                        do not play CM in pubs...................ever, you end up with people playing heroes they suck with and bitching and moaning all game

                        This comment was edited

                          Thx jammin. Was pulling/stacking with kotl blast bottom lane, did end up killing a few creeps here and there.

                          Well I would try and hide in the woods and blast the the lone druid so I was not hitting his creep wave. It ended up backing the lone out of lane quite a bit.

                          No KOTL isn't a great support, I just feel with a right matchup in a dual lane (Anyone that is mana hungry at lvl 1 and has a high nuke/stun)

                          Oh well!


                            @ Sampson

                            I've had better success with cm/cd then all pick in my poo bracket so someone is forced to pick a support (Me usually) My win rate since removing all pick and being captain is 15/20 in the past week. All pick.... meh maybe when I get past my poo bracket.

                            Oh Shit Waddup

                              eh i disagree to an extent, ive only played cm and Kotl in pubsm, maybe i got lucky with teams but if you can open up space and do your job well enough as early as you can it works

                              King of Low Prio

                                if you are being forced into playing support in cm then you can pick support on your own in AP. Like many people as well as myself there are heroes that your tend to play like complete shit. I play below a 3k level when I pick CM and play above a 5k level when I play bounty hunter