General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy Cant all pick be like Random Draft?

Why Cant all pick be like Random Draft? in General Discussion

    Since there is a problem with people going past the timer and trying to counter pick, why not allow people to do so by going in a Random Draft like manner. For instance you get 1:10 to start choosing. And 4 people are allowed to pick 2 people on dire 2 people on Radiant at the same time and they have 30 seconds to choose their hero so it goes like this.

    20 second prep time. Suggestions/wants/don't wants. Then 4 people pick from the All pick pool for 30 seconds if they don't pick it auto randoms . Then the next 4 pick and then the last 2. This would still have it where they want to counter pick but it would at least have some order to it, its still all pick, and you can still random and swap with teammates. If you are last to pick you better speak up and tell someone to pick for You.


      because valve is against usefull and logical things

      i quit

        good idea for a new game mode but i doubt it would replace AP, but would prob be played a fair bit


          It just doesnt make sense to have it so free like that where people still try to underhand the other player. Even when its all pick, people treat it like Random draft, Single draft, Cm, or CD. They try to in some way counter or not be countered. It just seems like making it in a organized manner while remaining a Free All hero pool would seem smarter. People Also say, "They dont want try hards being even more try hard in a (All Pick) match" But I think they fail to realize that this a strategy game. Its not a fighting game where you pick your favorite hero and rape face with him. There needs to be a game plan. I think it also teaches beginner players to think incorrectly too because they pick what they want to play and then have no clue why they lost.


            But captains mode is even worse, somebody else picks for you what he wants.


              Well you pick what you want, but its in a manner so no one can repick or counter unless you are the last person to pick,